Allergic Reaction

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The next morning, Todoroki woke up without feeling the least bit tired. The entire time he took to walk out of his dorm and head downstairs, all he could think of was what happened last night. He felt positive and energetic for once. By the time he got downstairs, the only person that was down there was Tokoyami.

[Tokoyami]: "You seem to be moving towards the light, Todoroki." He sensed something brighter about him when he saw him walk by.

[Todoroki]: "What makes you assume that?" He got the ingredients to make himself some soba.

[Tokoyami]: "Your demeanor. From being in the dark so long, I know what the light looks like when it blinds me." He said calmly.

[Todoroki]: "I just had a good dream last night." He lied easily, since what happened last night did feel like a dream.

[Tokoyami]: "Hmmm..." He sighed and continued reading his book in silence.

A few minutes later, Todoroki finished making his soba and sat down on the couch across from Tokoyami. As more people came into the common room, they both sat in silence. When Bakugo walked by, he gave Todoroki a nasty glare for what he did yesterday and Todoroki ignored it, continuing to eat his soba.

[Kirishima]: "Oi Bakugo! How'd you sleep?" He walked up to him and put an arm around him while he made breakfast.

[Bakugo]: "Take your arm off me, and you might live." He threatened without looking at him.

Kirishima laughed awkwardly and took away his arm but still stayed next to him.

[Todoroki]: "Something's seriously up with them..." He watched them interact for a couple minutes, but Tokoyami still ignored everyone.

Eventually, more of their classmates walked into the room and Todoroki finished his soba. All he did now was wait for Midoriya and continue reading the book that Bakugo left on the table yesterday.

[Todoroki]: "This book is actually good..." He became a little invested in it.

A couple minutes later, Midoriya walked into the common room with a blanket wrapped around him. He looked tired but not nearly as tired as he was yesterday.

[Todoroki]: "Morning Midoriya." He looked up at him.

[Midoriya]: *yawn* "Morning Todoroki-kun." He smiled and walked into the kitchen to make himself a quick breakfast.

All of a sudden, everyone heard an adorable little sneeze, and looked over at the girls who were talking by the couches. But the girls were looking around too to see who it was, so it wasn't them. Everyone heard the sneeze again and it was followed by angry noises.

[Bakugo]: "WHO THE HELL BROUGHT A CAT IN HERE?!" He shouted and felt his nose getting stuffy and his throat closing up. Quickly, he stomped off back to his dorm room because he was embarrassed of his sneeze and he was also deathly allergic to whatever was in the kitchen.

Everyone giggled, commenting on how cute the sneeze was while Kirishima ran off to go help him.

*Rq in the other hall*

Bakugo was sitting angrily on the floor, taking deep breaths, but it didn't help since there was cat fur next to him that he didn't notice.

[Kirishima]: "You alright bro? You ran off so fast." He sat down in front of him.

[Bakugo]: "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE SHITTY-HAIR! *sneeze*" He really didn't want anyone around him right now.

[Kirishima]: "You really don't sound ok. Come on, let's go outside." he stood up and held out his hand.

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