Chapter 2

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Two weeks had passed since they got married but still, Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing didn't talk properly. They eat together their dinner in silent. For the past two weeks Zhou Zishu felt lonely even the house is very big for them. There is no maids stay in the house. Every week the helpers would clean the house.

Every morning Zhou Zishu left the house at 7:30am by his own car to the School where he teach. Its Called Windows of Heaven College.

After he parked his car and take out his bag and went inside the campus, the students saw him greet and he smiled and greeted them back .

"Zishu!!" He looked back to see Hanying hed colleagues. He waited him until they walked together inside the campus.

"How was your wedding?" Hanying tease. He rolled his eyes.

"Fine ." He just said casually. But his sadness could be seen in his beautiful face. Hanying saw the sadness in his eyes.

"Fine? You should be happy about it , Why are you sad??" Hanying is his bestfriend since then so its safe to tell him about what happened in the house and about the arrange marriage of him and Kexing, except about that his husband is a Mafia. After hearing about what exactly happened Hanying feel sorry to his bestfriend . He patted his shoulder.

"Its okay you will get used to it soon, becoming married is not easy, it needs more adjustment. Why don't you talk about it? you guys are legally married anyway. ."

"Are you siding him or me? He don't like married with me okay? Don't assume that were going to get along. He is hard to approached." He sarcastically said. Hanying laugh at him. He patted his bestfriend shoulder .

"Of course not. Im on your side. But hes a bit mean though,you know. Maybe he is shy?" Zishu just shrugged his shoulder. He don't believe it. They arrive at their office and as usual started working on paperwork's of his students. Nothing much happened that day. He just lectured here and there. At 7pm he took his own things in the office and ready to go home..

When he arrive at their house, he knew Wen Kexing not here as his car wasn't there. He went inside and cook food for him as he don't know if Wen Kexing would be coming home tonight. Because sometimes Wen Kexing often not coming home, maybe some works at the underground. He don't care. He don't want to know what kind of business or hes husband doing and hes not interested of knowing it either. He still upset at him about what he said that day.

While slicing the ingredients, he heard the sounds of the car. Maybe hes here already. Don't mind him Zishu just focus on your own life he thought to himself .

Wen Kexing emerged from the front door sooke in blood. His eyes widened and run to the man who almost fell if hes not on time to catch him.

He becomes worried.

"What happened to you? Why are you sook in blood?" Hes asking while helping him sit down the sofa.

Wen Kexing was stunned to see Zhou Zishu's worried voice.

"Your worried about me?" He asked the worried Zhou Zishu and suddenly cough and whimpers in pain.

"Don't talk. Your my husband of course I will be worried." Zhou Zishu said and run back to his own room to get the first aid kit.

While Wen Kexing didn't believe what he just heard. He accept me as his husband now? Hes not angry anymore? He thought, but hearing the the worried voice of Zishu ,he felt warm.

Zhou Zishu running emerged from the living room him holding the first aid kit and sat beside Wen Kexing while removing his jacket. The thought of it make Zishu blushed but he don't mind the priority is to clean his wounds. He calmed himself while removing the rest. Wen Kexing just staring at him

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