Chapter 12

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Im back! Sorry for the long update on this story.

Today's chapter is a flashback of Zhou Zishu's past, you can reread in Chapter 5

"WHOAHH!! As expected from our varsity player." Zhou Zishu gives a high five towards Hanying, Dawu and Beiyuan and other friends.

"So? Let's go and grab some food?" Dawu said, the other nodded.

As they went out the gym..

"Oh shoot!!" Everyone's looking at Beiyuan who's eyes are widened,

"What is it babe?" His boyfriend ask

"I forgot my bag at the bench!! You can go first, i will follow behind you!" He shouted as he run back towards the park. Dawu ran after him , chasing his boyfriend and made Hanying and Zhou Zishu shakes their head.

"I think the both of us will go ahead and order first?" Hanying said, and he nodded, as they went far from the park. Hanying sensing something was off. He feel his surroundings and it's not went unnoticed to Zhou Zishu.

"What happened Hanying?"

"Zishu why do i feel like for the past weeks someone is following us.?"

Hanying said. They were in High school at that time and they were walking back to their house from playing basketball at the park together with Dawu and Beiyuan and other friends.

"It's just your hallucination Ying-ying" hanying frowned.

"I'm serious here Zishu" they were chatting about their games, startled when someone grabbed Zhou Zishu's arm and forced over him. Shocks, Zhou Zishu were stunned. Hanying was panicking when the man took out the knife and pointed at Zhou Zishu's neck who's now trembling in fear, shaking his head and holding up his hands, slowly walked towards them.

"Please! Don't hurt my friend..Who are you?" Hanying plead at him

The man smiling maniacally and lick at Zhou Zishu's neck, Zhou Zishu closes his eyes in disgust still trembling in fear. Praying his head, he felt a warm liquid down from his small cut neck as he opened his eyes he saw Hanying abruptly halted his steps.

"Please let me go..." he plead (Zhou Zishu was groaning and tossing in bed)

The man laughed

"I like you Zhou Zishu, I'm planning how to get you, now your in front of me i won't ever let you go. Your mine. MINE!" He shouted while laughing, Zhou Zishu was crying hard.

"I don't know you, please let me go. If you want money. I can give it to you, but please don't hurt me..."

The man man "heh! How can I hurt my wife? "

"I'm not your wife! Please let me go! Let me go. I'm begging you." Zhou Zishu keeps on struggling but the man's grip is tight. The man started to choke him, gasping for air as he cough hardly, his face are now red for gasping air. Hanying was crying and started to get closer but the man's grip keep on holding Zhou Zishu's neck hard.

"I said stop moving! Or else i will kill you." (Still tossing in bed as he cried, )

They can't fight back as the man is twice more built than them and they were teenagers that time. Zhou Zishu was terrified and thought he might die that time.

"Please, let me go!" He begged in utter difficulty, tears kept flowing and gasping for air.

"Darling don't cry, I won't hurt you. Come with me, let's live together happily. You and me." . Zishu shakes his head saying 'No' he tries to break free by stomping his feet hard and kicks his crotch, he stumbled forward and luckily Hanying readily caught him and they fell down, Zhou Zishu shouted in pain as he felt his feet twisted. The man also shouted in pain as he held his private part.

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