Chapter 4:- The Celestial Spirit of Canis Minor

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Chapter 4:- the celestial spirit of Canis Minor

Chapter 4:- the celestial spirit of Canis Minor

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(this is Hoshi outfit for the chapter)

Hoshi was laying on the couch while reading a book as she been been place on bed rest for the past few days from Mira sins what happened to her hip but she didn't care sins she had time to finish her books she was reading and spend time with her spirits when Lucy went to the guild for a little while she got a long lecture off Lupus for using that spell and double check up from Equuleus which end with panda bear plasters on her hip.

Today Lucy was home and was taking a shower leaving Hoshi her own deficers, which she was thankful for because sometimes Lucy can be a bit loud. Hoshi had just got to the end of her chapter when she started to feel a familiar pull which made her smile knowing who was coming close and after a few minutes she heard the window open and they followed by little mumbling between the two intruders before hearing the tiny taps of feet.

Hoshi quickly layed back down with her book so she didn't get told off by Natsu again for moving around but Hoshi slowly felt the pull get stronger as Natsu get closer to the sofa but she feels a weight on her left shoulder she let a smile grow a little on her lips when she spots the blue tail wrap around her neck softly.

"Hello Hoshi" Happy whispered into her head as he hugged her head and she turned her head and gives Happy a little kiss on his cheek that get a little giggle of him in return, she turn back to look at Natsu that look at her then his eyes travels to her side then back to her face which she sent a smile to him.

"Are you doing alright?" Natsu asked her as he moved to sit on the right of her so he wasn't in the way of Happy who was still happily nuzzling into her neck and Natsu soon followed by wrapping his arm gently round her waist to bring her into him but be careful of her side.

"I'm all good, it's healing good from Mira and if you don't believe me see?" Hoshi said with a small smile before she moved Natsu's arm to pull up her jumper to see the large scar that was healing well from the help she got from Mira and Equuleus. Natsu let his hand slowly come down on the side of the scar and slowly ran his finger across it causing Hoshi to shiver lightly because of the tingle sensation that lingered behind from his touch.

But the little world that the duo made quickly went away when Lucy came flying towards Natsu and knocking him off the sofa but to Lucy, she was getting the dragon slayer away from her sister not liking how close he was getting to her.

"What are you two even here?" Lucy yelled now standing next to the sofa but she was being held back by Hoshi from hitting the boys any more but Hoshi was also working on keeping her sister towel up so she didn't flash them but Hoshi turn to get a glimpse of Natsu rubbing his cheek with a little pout on his face.

"We want to check up on Star and then Mira told us that both had decided on a place and..." Natsu mumbled out from his place on the floor while looking up at the blonde, not liking that he got hurt while checking up on his friend.

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