Chapter 6:- Invade!! the Everlue

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Chapter 6:- Invade!! the Everlue

Chapter 6:- Invade!! the Everlue

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(has brown ankle boots on)

Happy helped the group one by one onto the roof of the mansion starting with Natsu then Hoshi and lastly Lucy who had a look of worry on her face not really liking flying around with the cat sins last time it didn't really plan out right.

Hoshi was sitting leaning against a window whileNatsu was squatting next to her looking through the window to see what was in the room, Hoshi smile up at Lucy once she landed on the roof and Happy came to land next to Hoshi who gave him a little pat on the head for a thank you.

"I don't get why we have to sneak in like this!" Natsu mumbled against the glass before he turned to face Lucy and leaned his head on Hoshi's shoulder who just smiled down at him before turning back to Lucy.

"Why else? This may be a paid mission but we're pretty much acting like thieves" Lucy said as she watched Natsu mumble about it more while Hoshi started to play with his hands to keep herself growned.

"The 'C' from plan C was for charge! We're supposed to storm the gate and blast anybody who tries to get in our way" said Happy as he walked around Hoshi's legs to come to stand in front of Lucy with a smile.

"Nooo!" Lucy yelled at the little blue cat, making him step back into Hoshi's legs.

"Then burn the book" mumbled Natsu as he turned to nuzzle into Hoshi's neck making her giggle at him before pulling away so he was now laying on her shoulder again as Lucy grumbled at them.

"Like Lu said we can't do it that way" Hoshi said in a soft tone as she squeezed his hand and looked up at Lucy who just let out a huff of frustration because she was not being listened to.

"I don't know what kind of baint-fighting or monster-hunting jobs you're taken on in the past '' Lucy said to Natsu who nodded at her on Hoshi's shoulder letting out a small huff.

"But this time, Our target is the authority in this town! He may be an annoying tasteless, dirty old man with no eye for beauty, but he isn't a villain" Lucy said as she came to sit in front of the trio making Natsu look at her in confusion while Hoshi nodded but she picked up on Natsu confusion.

"What Lu is trying to say is one slip up and we'll bring an army down on our heads again" Hoshi said as she rested her head on Natsu who nodded at her while Lucy nodded as well with a smile.

"What's with you?! I heard the words 'he did something unforgivable' come out of your own mouth" Natsu said as he pointed at Lucy who was smirking which made Hoshi and Happy shiver at the action.

"Yes! I'll never forgive him! Not for that word he used!! So I won't stop with just burning the book! I'll do something to make him regret it!! I'll hide his shoes or something" Lucy said then started giggling to herself which made the trio all look at each other in worry and a little fear while watching Lucy mumble and giggle at herself about getting revenge on the Duke.

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