Chapter 3:- Fire Dragon and Monkeys and Cows and Swords

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Chapter 3:- Fire Dragon and Monkeys and Cows and Swords.

Hoshi and Horologium were still sitting on the ice floor watching the Vulcan dancing around them while Lucy just was confused on what the Vulcan wanted from them as she followed it with her eyes

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Hoshi and Horologium were still sitting on the ice floor watching the Vulcan dancing around them while Lucy just was confused on what the Vulcan wanted from them as she followed it with her eyes.

"I wonder if this is the monkey's lair? But what happened to Natsu?" Horologium whispered out for Hoshi because Lucy kept forgetting that she was inside the spirit so Hoshi couldn't hear her but Hoshi just looked down at her hands trying so hard to try and feel that pull again but there was no luck.

"Girls" The Vulcan said in a low tone as he now stopped in front of them while slowly moving closer to them, It smelled Hoshi which made her move back and bump into the Clock spirit then it looked into Horologium so it could get a better look at Lucy who was trying to make herself smaller into the corner of the spirit.

But all of a sudden there was a loud chiming sound making The Vulcan look around trying to figure out where it came from while Hoshi looked behind her to see the Clock spirit slowly fading away and leaving a terrified Lucy huddled in Natsu blanket but she quickly moved behind Hoshi, her eye never leaving the Vulcan.

"W-wait a second Horologium !!! Don't disappear on me!" Lucy screamed out to the fading spirit from behind her sister making her jump at the sudden scream but she placed her hand on her leg to show that she was alright.

"Time is up, Take care of yourselves Mistress and Miss Hoshi" Horologium Voice said as he finally vanished back to the spirit world but as he faded Hoshi smile at him she was use to Lucy spirit viewing her as partner as well sins she grow up with them.

"I want an extension!! Please!?" Lucy screamed again as she pulled Hoshi closer to herself to use Hoshi as a human shield who just smiled at the Vulcan who looked confused on what was happening. Hoshi let out a small gasp as she felt the pull again making her look over at the enter area where a shadow figure coming closer.

"Woah!! I've finally caught up with you" Natsu yelled as he stood in the entryway looking at the two girls huddling together and the Vulcan looking at him with growing anger because he was interrupting his time with the human girls.

"Where is Macao?!" Natsu yelled as he stared down the Vulcan as he ran towards the small group but before any of the girls could warn him about the floor he ended up sliding himself straight into the wall cross from the entryway which caused Lucy to look unimpressed to him while Hoshi looked at him in concern.

"Are you alright?" Hoshi shouted over to him but all she got off him was a little thumbs up with a upside down smile from Natsu which made her calm down a little knowing he was hurt that much.

"I wonder if he is just unable to make a normal entrance" Lucy mumbled to her sister ear which caused her to giggle at her but answered with a shaking of her head just by the few days they interacted she got through there is no way that Natsu could be normal.

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