Chapter 8:- Lucy, Hoshi vs Duke Everlue

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Chapter 8:- Lucy, Hoshi vs Duke Everlue

"What do you mean 'enemy of all literature'? You're talking to a very, very, very, very highly educated aristocrat here!" Duke said from behind Lucy in the wall while holding her arms behind her making her try to wiggle out of his hold

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"What do you mean 'enemy of all literature'? You're talking to a very, very, very, very highly educated aristocrat here!" Duke said from behind Lucy in the wall while holding her arms behind her making her try to wiggle out of his hold.

"Anybody who'd like those freak maids can't be highly educated!" Lucy sassted at him as she tried to figure out how to get out of this hold.

"No one is allowed to mock my beautiful blonde maids!!!" Duke screamed at Lucy as he pulled on her arm away from each other causing her to grunt out in pain.

"That hurts in a lot of ways" Lucy mumbles as she tries to pull away from his hand but it wasn't working at all it was just making it more painful for her.

"Where is the treasure map?! It's where he hid his fortune, right?" Duke said with a smirk but Lucy got distracted by her keys dropping to the floor.

"Talk, if you don't I'll smash the bones in your arms!!" Duke screamed at Lucy, making her grunt at the pain running through her arms.But even with the pain Lucy turned around and stuck her tongue out at him but this just caused the little man to get angry and pull her arms apart more.

"This is no time to get uppity, little girl!! That book is mine!! I had Kemu Zaleon write it!! If that book has a secret then the secret's mine too" Duke screamed at Lucy as he pulled her arms more making her scream out but she could hear rapid footsteps getting closer which she knows she was safe but she didn't know who it was till a little blue ball came colluding with Duke's arm causing Him to let go of Lucy.

"Happy!" Lucy yelled with a smile but Happy didn't give her anything but a smile as he flew past her.

"Now that was cool" Lucy whispered but it was short lived because happy wings ran out of energy and he ended up falling into the water.

"You little...what kind of cat are you!!" Duke mumbled as he came out of the wall holding his arm and glaring at the little fur ball what was in the water.

"Glaib babby!.." Happy mumbled in the water as Liucy turned to the Duke but she heard the footsteps from earlier stop to the right of her.

"He said I'm Happy" Hoshi yelled at the Duke as she glared at the little man who looked at her with a glare as well.

"Now get out of there quick" Lucy said as she looked over at Happy who was still chilling in the sewer water.

"Wabbler Bleels Brebby goob (water feels really good)" Happy gurgles again making both girls sweat drop at him.

"Requip Dragon Blade" Hoshi whispers as a large silver blade appeared in her hand with dark writing down the middle and twin dragons twisting around the handle making Happy look in wonder at the magic blade and Lucy smirked at her knowing they were going to have a great fight.

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