Chapter 20:- To Live Strong

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Chapter 20:- To Live Strong

Chapter 20:- To Live Strong

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(with a white backpack)

Hoshi was still messing with Gray's hand while he was leaning against the front of the car watching Erza, Kagayama stayed in the corner of the car while looking between the wizards and Lucy stayed close to the middle of the car watching out for anyone coming by.

"Natsu!!" Lucy screamed, making Hoshi squeeze Gray's hand as she jumped at the sudden noise but both looked over to see Natsu stood a little scratched up but still in one piece.

"Oh! You guys are late! It's already over!" Natsu smiled at the car as they came closer with Happy waving at them as they came closer.

"I should have expected that" Erza said with a smile as she brought the car to a stop and Hoshi was quick on her feet and grabbing her med-bag. Hoshi rushed out of the car and collided with Natsu who hugged her close and laughed at how she was acting.

"Impossible, Erigor couldn't lose like that" Kagayama screamed out when he saw his guild mate on the floor as the Fairy tail wizards greeted their friend.

Hoshi quickly started to check over Natsu to make sure he hasn't got any serious injuries or they were just minor ones which Natsu just laughed at as she tickled him as she checked his body making him grab her wrist to stop her.

"I'm alright Star, nothing I couldn't handle" He said to her but she just looked at him with worry in her eyes before just hugging him again which he accepted and held her close.

"If you had that much trouble with the likes of him, Fairy tail's reputation would go down the drain" Gray said as he walked over to the hugging duo as Erza and Lucy walked over a little after.

"Trouble? No trouble. A challenge maybe. Right, Happy?" Natsu said over Hoshi's head which was nuzzled into his neck that he hugged her close when Gray came closer because he could smell him in her scent.

"Let's call it a borderline case" Happy siad which got Hoshi's attention as she quickly pulled away from Natsu and dived on the little cat and pulled him into a hug as she landed on the floor with him giggling at her and hugging her back.

"Happy are you alright! No injuries?" Hoshi rushed out to him as she sat up with Happy in her arms as he smiled at her and shook his head at her.

The others smile down at the girl who was more lively again as she and Happy talk about what happened and Happy was trying to get hrt to see that he and Natsu aren't hurt and started to talking among themselves.

"Look at you!! Half nude except for a scarf!! Like some kind of exhibitionist!" Gray grunts out to Natsu with a glare as he nodded towards him.

"You have no right to say anything" Natsu grunted back at him as he crossed his arms over his chest but quickly looked down when he felt something against his leg as he looked down he saw Hoshi leaning on his leg talking with Happy but they both smile up at him when the saw him look at them.

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