( Part One: Chapter Eight <3 )

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(Scrapping the truth serum idea. I can't find a good way to involve it anymore, sorry doves.)

Casey pushed Donnie against the wall, making sure not to hurt him but to make sure he wouldn't just run away immediately. The kiss was innocent, a simple touch of the lips. But it lasted for what felt like minutes. And, Donatello, the guy who usually thought 24/7, couldn't. He stood there, face a bright shade of pink, just being there. Unable to blink, move, or think. Casey eventually pulled back a little, his fingers from his left hand still holding Donnie's chin up, and his other arm still ok the wall beside the turtles head. Casey seemed to examine Donatello's face for a few seconds, before backing away quickly. He tripped on an untied shoelace, but caught his balance. Donatello was still speechless.

This idiot, the one right in front of him, had kissed him. This idiot. The same idiot who he was supposed to hate, despise, and fight with.

(If you wanna fight just kiss and fight for air then<3)
(When they're old enough that is, for extra stuff.)

"Sorry.. I was expecting.. Someone.. Else.." Casey said, avoiding eye contact as he scratched the back of his neck. He was sweating, yet his face was a slight shade of pink. Either he was embarrassed or nervous. Kinda wish Donatello understood people.
Especially Casey.

"Oh uh.. Yeah.... No problem." Donnie said slowly, his face going neutral, trying his best to be unreadable. His heart sank deep, he felt like the titanic. (Trying so hard not to use dark humor..)

That soft bounding of a heartbeat before.. It was Casey's. But now, his heartbeat was fast and loud. Donatello felt as if his head would explode from how overwhelming it sounded. But he couldn't help but let his hearing quicken his own beat.

"Sewer apples." Donnie hissed under his breath.

Back in the lair, Donatello was in the living room. Nobody knew what exactly happened before, it was all a crazy ass mess. But what Donatello did know, was that Casey kissed him. For what felt like seconds.. He wanted to get another kiss from Casey, or to kiss Casey back. He almost did before.. But the kiss wasn't for him. So if he had.. Who'd know what would happen now.

Donnie leaned his head back on the headrest of the couch, both arms also resting there beside his head. His legs were crossed, and he was sitting in the center of the couch. He closed his eyes slowly, exhaling. He was tired, but only tired enough to rest rather than sleep. Plus his mind kept racing back to the kiss Casey had blessed him. Donatello couldn't help but smile at this, parting his lips slightly.

He was alone in the living room.
Up until he wasn't.

Casey ran in and hopped over the couch, plopping himself beside Donnie. Yelling something to Raph, who yelled something back as he walked out. They both laughed and Donnie looked up, soon realizing Casey's gaze on him.

"What..? Do I have a eggplant on my face?" Donatello asked, and Casey leaned in close. Inches away. His hand resting on Donnie's chest.

God he couldn't read him at all. But this made Donnie suddenly feel warm, his face heating up as his heart skipped a beat. He tried to remain calm, but Casey leaned in even closer. Making his heart beat quicker, and quicker. Casey leaned in even closer.. And tilted his head slightly, sliding the hand on Donnie's chest up to his cheek.

"Case..?" Donnie cleared his throat, trying to avoid more awkwardness. Though the hand on his cheek caught his breath, making his words sound very, very forced. Casey seemed shocked and pulled back quickly. "You okay..?" Donnie asked, putting a gentle hand on top of Casey's hand.

"Yeah- Yeah. I just.. Wanted to.. Examine your tooth gap.. That's why I was staring at your mouth. Don't make it weird, weirdo. You're gay." Casey said quickly, looking away. His face a slight shade of red, which turned brighter when Donatello placed his hand on his. Homosexuals..

Donnie chuckled, smiling softly. Casey looked back over at him, smiling gently. They exchanged eye contact for a bit, before Casey suddenly let go of Donnie's hands. Donatello hadn't even realized how tightly Casey had been holding onto his hands, heck, he didn't even realize Casey had grabbed his other hand. So much for being observant.

Casey stretched over to the table, grabbing the remote and turning on the tv as he leaned back on the couch, wrapping an arm around Donnie's shoulder. Donatello accepted this, a small bit of pink going across his cheeks as he lifted his knees to his chest and leaned on Casey. Donnie's head quickly fell onto Casey's shoulder, and a smug smile crossed almost the entirety of Casey's face.

Mike, in the background, turned off the lights. Smirking, as he grabbed $20 from Raph.

After a few hours, Donatello fell asleep against him. Casey felt butterflies in his stomach, his face a light shade of red. He looked over at Donatello occasionally, trying to focus on the show. He turned on a documentary, if anything you'd expect Casey to fall asleep during that. He thought Donnie would like it. Casey sighed and turned off the tv, waiting a bit for his eyes to adjust to the darkness before wrapping his arms around Donnie and gently picking him up. Slowly, Jones walked into the hallway. Counting the doors to remember which one was Donnie's, and slowly opened the door, walking inside. Casey gently set Donatello on the bed, closing the door behind him as he began tucking Donatello into the sheets and fluffing up his pillow a bit.

Casey was about to leave, when a sudden tug from Donatello's hand pushed him over the turtle. His eyes widened, and he looked at Donnie in confusion. He was still clearly asleep, but cold. Maybe that was why? Donnie pulled Casey closer again, and Casey had no choice (L̶I̶E̶) but to go along with it and lay down beside Donatello, throwing the sheets over his shoulder. He shivered when Donatello wrapped his arms around Casey and buried his head in Casey's chest. Donatello was cold, but Jones was about to use the excuse he was there as a personal heater.

He was enjoying this too much to leave, so he wrapped an arm around Donatello as well, smiling as he looked down at Donnie's face. He kissed Donnie's forehead gently, and pulled him closer as he rested his chin on the top of the turtles head. Closing his eyes, and drifting to sleep. Both holding onto each other tightly, yet comfortably.

Casey did mean to kiss Donatello earlier, since Casey wanted to know if he actually liked Donnie or not. But he quickly chickened out after the leap.

It was killing him slowly, all he wanted to do was hold in Donatello his arms.


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