( Part Two: Chapter Fifteen <3 )

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(I fr forgot what Wattpad was known for and got jumpscared when I finally decided to read fanfics again. The two characters got naked and did the ... on a ferris wheel... bro is dumb.......... ferris wheels don't take long....)

Casey slowly sat up from his bed, glancing at his hockey stick hanging over his doorframe. (Like the image I used for the top! It's from my bedroom! :D) He missed the coldness of the rink, the excitement in the game, the completeness it filled him with. When he didn't have the turtles, or Angel, he had Hockey. And now he's just.. Stuck. Emotionally, financially, and time wise as well. His schedule is too stuffed to play. He groaned and turned on his lamp, looking out the window at the dark sky. It was 2am. He glanced at his clock, and then leaned on his wall. He frowned, and slid down to the floor, sitting on his legs as he looked down.
This had to just be a nightmare.
A really, really long nightmare.

He sighed softly, looking up at the stars outside his window, slowly closing his eyes as he tilted his head down again.

"I fucked shit up." He whispered, opening his eyes again as he stared at the wall in front of him, eyes half open. "I fucked it all up."

He slowly looked back up and out of the window again, inhaling deeply as he held his breath. I'm sorry. He thought, as the night sky eventually brightened into a bright orange.
(Haven't swapped perspectives in a while!💀)

    Donatello slowly sat up from his bed and yawned, unwrapping the blankets from around him and Dave as he slowly stood to his feet. He covered Dave again and grabbed his backpack, running out of the sewers as quickly as he could, yet as quietly as he could as well. He made his way to April's apartment and knocked on the door, she eventually opened it with a yawn, still in her pajamas.

"I should have agreed to seven." She rubbed her eyes, and yawned again as she gestured for him to enter. He smiled and walked inside, setting his backpack and turtle ass /j on the couch, slowly unpacking it to lay a few notebooks on the table.

April glanced over at him, and headed into the kitchen as she started to make breakfast.

"He's mad at me." Donatello said, leaning back on the couch with an arm on the headrest as he crossed off line, after line, after line on his notebooks.
"I kissed him."
"He didn't like it."
"He said I was playing Dave."
"Do you think I'm playing Dave.?"

Donnie glanced at the doorway of the kitchen, frowning a bit.

"Well I put some thought into it.. And I think I am. I don't actually like Dave in that sense. I think I just used him as a way to forget Casey."

"Did it work?" April asked, coming out of the kitchen with scrambled eggs and bacon, sliding a plate in front of Donatello as she sat down beside him and ate from her own plate.

"Sometimes." He answered, and gasped as she slid the plate in front of him. He immediately smiled and leaned forward, grabbing the plate and fork as he started eating.

"I don't personally think you should continue then." April said, taking a bite of her bacon.
"But what am I supposed to tell Dave?"
"I don't know, but you have to tell him something, I agreed to getting Casey help, as in therapy, not to help get Casey to fuck you."
"HUH??" Donatello nearly choked on his scrambled eggs, clearing his throat as he finally swallowed the eggs the right way.

(I'm sorry 😏🤷‍♂️)
(Also my bad, short chapter.)
(Someone on my story wanted uhh extra extra romance if y'know what I mean, and I can start reading those types of stories to understand how to write it if y'all actually want that sorta thing. I usually skip past those parts with time skips so I don't gotta write em.)

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