( Part Two: Chapter Twelve <3 )

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(I'm sorry please forgive me. I had no clue how else to start this chapter... 😳)

       Casey groaned, squinting his eyes as he shifted to his side in the bed. His head hurt, and everything from last night felt blinding. He eventually went back to the bar and found that.. That..... What was his name.. Nobu Miura. Yeah. Him. Then.. What happened.. After that? Ugh.. Casey felt like he was going to puke. Maybe he shouldn't have gone out last night. Maybe he shouldn't have.

Casey heard the sheets move and he quickly opened his eyes wide, glancing over to see someone laying down beside him.

"Fuck.." Jones mouthed, lifting the sheets to reveal he was only in his boxers. "Fuck!"

Quickly, yet carefully, Casey snuck out from underneath the sheets and grabbed his clothes and shoes, sneaking out into the hallway. As he walked, he began to put on his pants and socks, carrying everything else underneath his armpit or in his mouth. He almost tripped a few times, but made it to the main room and placed his stuff on the table as he put on his shirt and tied his shoes. He glanced around desperately, and found his hoodie by the door. Running over, he quickly put it on and checked to make sure he had everything.

He felt bad that it would've been a.. One night stand.. Kinda thing, but he didn't mean to do it. He was drunk and yet followed some random stranger to his house.

Talk about drunk stupidity.

He quickly left the house and locked the door behind him, looking up at the sky. It must have been early in the morning, 12am, 1am at the most. He groaned, with a massive headache bothering him. He crossed the street and looked around, everything was a little blurry but he rubbed his eyes and it was a little bit better. At least, enough that is.

He started walking, unsure where in New York he was. It was sure.. Fancy.

As Casey finally made it to his apartment, he looked for his keys yet.. Couldn't find them.

"Fuck!" Casey hissed quietly, groaning in annoyance as he walked back down the flight of stairs. He stepped back out front of the building and huffed, looking around.

"Fuuuuck!" He yelled under his breath, tilting his head up and closing his eyes as he clenched his teeth together.

"Fuck." He said once more before he began walking again.

Let's see here. Can't call April, she's asleep, so is Angel. April has work tomor-today. Today. It's morning. AM is morning. Donnie's been ignoring me, Mike is probably hanging out with Leather or Mondo around this time, Raph is probably pissed.. But other than Leo getting grouchy if I wake him up, he might enjoy me visiting today. He wanted us all to meet up again anyways!

Casey decided. He was going back to the sewers.

     Jones walked through the tunnels, pausing every time he saw something he or Mike drew before. Sometimes Raph even joined in, but he didn't like spray paint. Casey sighed, and continued walking. When he knew he was close, he stopped and just stared at a puddle in front of him.

"What the fuck?" He hissed, sitting down beside the puddle, facing the stream of sewage.
"This is so stupid." Casey said, staring at the wall with his legs in that 'criss cross apple sauce' position.
"This is so stupid!" He snarled quietly, burying his face in his hands as he glared at the water below him.

He groaned and took out his phone, resting his cheek on his hand, his elbow resting on his knee. Casey scrolled through his photos, his faint smile warm and gentle. So much memories with the turtles, his sister, and his friends. He clicked a video, chuckling a bit as it played. The voices were quiet, yet it seemed to echo throughout the tunnels.

Casey heard laughing but ignored it, and continued watching the next video. One of his sister and and Donnie playing tag sometime after..

"Jones?" Donatello asked, staring at Casey from behind a corner. Casey put his phone away and looked over at him.

"Hey Dontron..?" Casey said awkwardly, looking away again as his smile faded.
"What are you doing here?"
"I uhm.." Jones scratched the back of his neck and looked back down at the sewage.

"Babe? Is everything alright?" Someone asked, walking up behind Donatello and wrapping their arms around his waist as they rested their head on his shoulder. "Who's this?"
"Oh! Dave, this is my.. Old friend, Casey Jones. He's Raphs best friend." Donnie said, clearly a tinge of sadness in his voice as he tried to cover it up as 'hatred'.

"Casey Jones?! That's literally so lit!" Dave let go of Donnie and ran over to Casey, his hands on his hips. Donatello seemed shocked by this reaction, and a little uncomfortable as he avoided eye contact and bit his tongue. "I used to always cheer for you back in Highschool, you were the best player in that entire damn team!"

Casey chuckled, looking up at Dave with a gentle smile.

"Were. Those days are.. Past me." He stood up, as Dave held out his hand. Casey shook it carefully, and then let go.
"Why? You can make good money from it." Dave said, nudging Jones shoulder with his elbow playfully.
"I have someone to take care of, I can't constantly leave and go out of state for something like Hockey." Casey laughed.
"Ohh~? A kid? Who's the mother?" Dave smirked.
"Woah there buddy! I'm not a father! She's my sister!" Casey laughed a bit more, and Dave practically fell over laughing.

"So where is she now? Why aren't you with her?" Donnie chimed in, walking over beside Dave.
"She's with April. It was their week. I uhm.. It was a long night, one in which I lost my keys and can't go looking for them just yet."

Casey's heart froze completely when he saw Raph walking out from the hallway, feeling regret forming in his mind. Their eyes quickly met, and Casey exhaled anxiously.

"Uhm.. Right this way." Raph gestured awkwardly, and Casey nodded, walking in between Dave and Donatello.

Raph had his hand resting on the back of his neck as he opened his bedroom door for Casey, and Jones entered.

They both sat down on the bed, and Casey stared at the floor.

"Look I-" They both started at the same time, paused, looked at each other, then smiled and laughed.
"Sorry, you go first." Casey snorted.
Raph nodded.

"I'm sorry for yelling, earlier. I guess I got.. Jealous. A bit."
"A bit?"
"A bit."

Casey chuckled and pulled Raph in for a warm hug. Raphael smiled at this, hugging Casey back.

"You have a bruise on your neck." Raph announced, and Casey took a deep breath.

"Yeah well about that-"

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