( Part One: Chapter Ten <3 )

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Casey sat down on his bed and leaned back, resting his head on his pillow gently. Sighing deeply, burying his head as far as he could in his bed. He fucked up. He always fucked up shit. This was pointless.
He turned, facing the rotting, gray wall. Eyes running over each tear and hole, and rip in the old wallpaper. He didn't have a reason to spend money fixing it.

Casey sighed, running his fingers along the outside of a hole above his bed, reaching inside it as he felt around the walls insulation, eventually pulling out a small plastic bag. He sat up in his bed, and stared at it. It had money he saved up for years, and a few photos of his friends, and his little sister. When she heard the front door downstairs close, he quickly put the bag back and pinned a poster over the hole as he did with every other hole in the rooms walls. It made it somewhat presentable, ignoring the dullness and messiness everywhere else.

Casey quickly got up and rubbed his eyes, leaning into his mirror. He had slight bags under his eyes, as usual. But at the end of his eyes, he had a small diamonds of dried, red skin. They weren't real nor fake diamonds. That was just the shape the skin was in. He sighed, and grabbed some makeup to cover them up a bit.

Nobody would have noticed, nobody even recognized why some people had these diamonds to begin with, if anyone at all knew about them. But he took every precaution.

He hid the makeup in a drawer under some boxers, and backed up towards the door, leaning against the wall beside it as he tilted his head slightly, hearing the loud footsteps walking up the stairs. He sighed, and looked outside the window. The shadow of a figure on the rooftop across from his apartment. This wasn't the time, Raph. It really wasn't.

Casey leaned forward, grabbing his hockey stick and placing it in front of his window, looking up at the figure with the flowing mask in the wind. It was the signal he always gave Raph when he had something to deal with. But the figure didn't budge. Just watched. Casey sighed, and walked over to a drawer, pulling out a pack of cigarettes he took from a classmate at school. He walked over to his door again, opening it enough for him to see who was out of it, but not for Raph.

Before the man outside his door could knock with the same aggression as he usually used, he paused when the door opened. Casey handed his father the pack of cigarettes, and Mr.Jones grinned.

"You aren't a complete screw up after all." His father scoffed, taking them and walking back downstairs with a cocky, smug grin. Casey opened the door a little more after he left, and looked down the hallway to his sisters room, seeing her head poke out.

Casey glanced back at his window, hearing a faint tapping. He sighed, shaking his head at the figure standing there. Not now, he mouthed to the mutant. Casey looked back into the hallway, smiling reassuringly at his sister as he chuckled.

"Everything alright, demon?" He asked, Angel looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.
"How old do you have to be to get a tattoo?" She asked, and Jones laughed in response.
"At least eighteen."
"What about smoking?"
"Twenty one."
"Great, then dad's old enough for both."
"He's old enough for anything. In fact, probably too old for most things." Casey whispered, grinning as he stepped out into the hallway.

Angel ran up to him and hugged him, a rare occasion of warmth from her. She hugged her as well, resting his chin on her head as he rubbed her back gently. This was nice, and he really needed one after his latest screwup.

After a few minutes, she let go and so did he.

"You should go to bed, you little devil." Casey said, squatting down and booping her nose gently. She giggled and hugged him again, his smile widened. "I mean it."

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