( Part Two: Chapter Sixteen <3 )

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    Casey was at a desk, head buried in a book as his back rose and fell slowly, gracefully. He yawned, slowly stirring awake. He closed the book and leaned back in the chair, confused as to how the hell he got in Donatello's old lab, and why the hell he was sitting in his chair with a blanket over him. Raph soon walked in, smiling as he saw Jones awake.

"Puck you." Casey said softly, yawning again, as Raph handed him a cup of hot coco. "I take back my words." Jones said immediately, eyes widening as he took the cup carefully with two hands and immediately taking a sip. Raphael laughed, and pulled up a stool to sit beside Casey.

"Enjoy your nap, señer?" Raph grinned, Casey shrugged.
"We need to work on your pronunciation.. It's señor."
"That's what I said, señer."
Casey glared at Raph, but then they both laughed.

(I forgot I started this chapter. Sorry for not writing, been stuck on issues for while. I won't be posting as often as I used to, I know that for sure. I usually remember I have Wattpad when I get Wattpad notifications, and most my active readers went offline indefinitely so it is what it is I guess. Plus I struggle with motivation.)

"What am I doing here?" Casey asked, yawning as he took a sip of the hot choco.
"Donnie found you sleeping on a bench in the local park, figured it wasn't safe and you'd be cold. It's winter again, you know." Raph leaned his head on Casey's shoulder, and Jones wrapped the blanket over his shoulder, kissing his forehead gently.

It's been a year since the last chapter.
Things are different.
A lot.


Casey and Angels mother decided to take a turn on her life choices, and finally decided to move to New York to visit Angel. Casey eventually couldn't keep up affording both of them, so their mother offered to keep Angel for a while. Jones still has legal custody over Angel, but she's living with her mother now in some disgustingly spoiled apartment. Casey took more shifts for work and was able to make more, eventually getting raises like store manager. So he was able to fix up his apartment, make it look decent. He's been looking for jobs that pays more now that he has more experience, but no luck yet. Things were seeming better for him. He felt better.

He refused to visit his mother, not that she offered. But whenever Casey went anywhere near her, is when April couldn't pick Angel up for him when he was hanging out with her.

As for the turtles, Dave read Donatello's old apology texts towards Casey and broke up with him a while after when Donnie came clean about his emotions. Raph asked Casey on a date last week, and Casey accepted the request. They're giving dating a shot, but neither were too sure it's what they wanted after all. Not with their best friend at least, so they kept a steady pace. Cuddling, and a few forehead/cheek kisses. After Casey started dating Raph, that other guy that liked Casey ended up meeting Dave, and now they're happily together. Michelangelo has no love drama, except winning a shit ton of bets, making bank. Leo is still the single rip-off Star Trek simp. But he got accepted to college, and is currently out of state for the year. He calls everyone daily before, in between, and after classes. Overall.. Everything's great.

Casey wrapped his arm around Raph comfortably, smiling softly.

Meanwhile, with Donatello, he feels like a feral mess. Every time he saw Casey and Raph together he knew he messed up. He hated it. He felt happy for Raph, but so heartbroken that Casey chose Raph over him. But he knew it was his fault. He just stuck inside his new friends dorm room all the time, coding on his laptop as his friends blasted music. He didn't want to see anyone at the lair much. Donatello didn't like the fact nothing felt right. It felt distorted. He wish everything was right.

(Kind of a introduction to this new platform for the story since I grew out of the last one for the millionth time 😭🫶)

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