( Part One: Chapter Nine <3 )

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Casey soon woke up, groaning as he turned onto his back. Looking down slowly, seeing Donatello still asleep. Resting on him. He smiled, and just stared at the turtle. This was nice.
He turned back onto his side, putting a hand on Donatello's cheek, raising his head up a little as he gently held Donnie's chin. Admiring him and his beauty. (This sounds so creepy ='] )
He leaned in slowly, closing his eyes as he gently pressed his lips on Donatello's.
Like always, Casey didn't think.

Donatello's eyes shot wide open and his face turned a bright red, Casey slowly opened his eyes as he backed away a bit, then realized. He quickly shot out of the sheets and was standing across the room, panicked.

"Wh.." Donnie started, but his voice quickly silenced as he stared at Casey. Trying to process everything. He had so many questions, but felt too confused and nervous to ask any of them.

"Uh.. You! You did it! Uhm.. Gay! You.. Had no right to uhm.. Do that!" Jones said, pointing at Donatello. He immediately regretted saying that as it left his tongue, but he was too much of a pussy to take his words back. He lied, and terribly too.

Donatello's face quickly fell into a harsh frown.
"What the fuck do you mean?" He hissed, and Casey froze. Donatello sighed in annoyance and shook his head. "Never mind."

Donnie rose from the sheets and fixed his mask, walking over to the door and reaching for the door handle. "I'm not sure what's up with you, but you need to decide what you want. Take it before you lose it. Don't lead anyone on."

And without waiting, Donatello swung open the door and walked out, slamming it behind him. Leaving Casey alone in the dark room, feeling like shit.


Raph sat down beside Casey, both on the edge of the roof, their legs dangling off the edge.

(🎶"my legs are dangling off the edge"🎶 /j
I spun a wheel on Discord and it told me to do a triangle.. Enjoy~!😘)

Raph slid his hand over Casey's, holding it reassuringly.

"What's wrong?" He asked, looking over at Casey with a serious, concerned expression.
Jones sighed, looking down.
"I fucked up, again."
"What happened?" Raph held Casey's hand tighter, rubbing the back of it with his thumb. Trying his best to reassure the human, teenaged boy.
"..Don't kill me, but- I kissed your brother."

Raph's eyes widened and he fell silent. A deeper frown formed on his face, but he quickly shook it off before Casey saw.

"Which one?"
"Oh right. I forgot you had three.. Uhm.. Donnie." Casey scratched the back of his neck, remembering the two kisses he gave the turtle. "Twice."
"..Twice? As in you kissed him twice? Did he kiss you back....?"
Casey looked over at Raph and shook his head.
"Neither times." Jones said plainly, leaning back to rest his back on the rooftop floor.

"How'd you fuck up there then.? Would your dad be mad? Or.. Maybe you don't actually like him like that? Thinking of someone else.?" Raph asked, quickly adding things as he spoke, talking faster and faster as he leaned im closer a bit, his head blocking the light of the moon from shining on Casey's face too much.

"I'm gay. Not into April." Casey said, closing his eyes and relaxing there. Raphs frown lowered again.
"So you do like Donnie? In.. That way?"
"Yeah.. I suppose so."
"Then how did you fuck up?"

Casey opened his eyes and sighed, looking over at Raph.
"The second time I kissed him.. I acted like a dick cause I didn't really.. Know how to act.."
"But doesn't he know you like him?"
"No.. Uh.. I kinda first kissed him randomly and said it was meant for someone else."
"And was it?"
"Well. Partly? Sometimes I felt.. Nervous and anxious around him.. And I did also want to see him more often, maybe even hold hands, but there was someone else I had in mind at the time. But.. Even then, I wasn't even supposed to kiss anyone. I was just going to check to see if I actually liked them, and then Donnie showed up and- I don't know I panicked!"—Casey sat up again and buried his face in his hands. Raph didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around Casey, hugging him tightly.—"Now he's upset, thinking I was leading him on. Technically I did, I think, but I didn't mean to.. Each time I just.. I don't think, I just panic and do. I fucked up. I fuck up when I don't think and I never think."
"Wanna go punch things?" Raph suggested, knowing that always helped Casey clear his mind.
"Can't. I promised I'd pick up Angel tonight from school. Her second club ends at like.. 3:45pm. Around 4."
"Ah, alright. Make sure your little sis gets home before your dad does then." Raph let go of Casey and smiled softly, which made Jones do the same.

(Short chapter cause I don't have any more ideas for this one. Sorry! Small 50/50 chance I'll be taking a small 1-5 day break from writing after this chapter.)

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