( Part Two: Chapter Thirteen <3 )

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      Leo was thrilled at this. As soon as he heard Casey was here, he called everyone and they had to either take sick days off work or just get their asses over to the lair so Leo could then force everyone into an expensive Escape Room he paid top dollar for. What kind of job did Leo get to afford that? Well numerous jobs that he said 'didn't fit'. A bodyguard for some rich CEO once, then a bodyguard for someone in NYC in an area close by for The Daily Bugle. A bunch of different jobs making a ton.

Leo wrapped an arm around Casey's shoulder and Donatello's shoulder, pulling everyone in close and laughing.

"Group meeting before we enter!" He said, grinning wide. "I know you all think this'll be boring and all, but I specifically chose this one because of who made it. It might spice things up a bit!"

Raph stopped in his tracks, turning his head to glare at Leonardo. "Who?" He asked slowly. His voice sliding off like an icy slither, or like an Icewing with their CANON accents.

(Tui said Icewings S's are longer like a slither and things like that. Rainwings have a heavy Australian accent according to her too.)

"Baxter Stockman....?" Leonardo said quietly, taking a step back to hide behind Casey.

Jones froze there, lost in thought.
"Who?" Donnie asked, blinking in confusion.
"That forgetable guy." Casey answered, and Donatello glared at him.
"Well yeah no shit."
"The fly mutant. The Guy Fly. The.. The Mutant Fly! Mutant Guy? Hm... Fly Guy! Nah a childs book." Casey sighed, and Mike broke his glare to smile.
"Or a cannibal!" Orange giggled, and Casey laughed.
"Venom 2011!" They shouted in unison, making everyone else groan in annoyance.

(Marvel and DC are awesome!🥰
I'm waiting for DC's Blue Beetle movie to come out. Jaime needs more love. 💙
More cinematic Vigilante or Danny? 🥺🙏)

       They all walked in the Escape Room, regardless of the creator. It was a beautiful living room setup. White cloth, stone statues, everything just.. Absolutely expensive and fancy. Casey immediately started opening drawers, going through the stuff. Donnie ventured nearby, trying to open a door. It was locked, but worth trying. Casey looked up at a painting, then leaned in close to it, trying to examine the scratch marks on the corner- He fell back with a yelp, Donatello catching him. The room shook, and suddenly was split in half from one corner to the other. Leaving two triangles. Casey looked over, at Mikey who had pressed a button. They exchanged eye contact, and Mike slowly slid his hand away, whistling as he acted innocent. Raphael was clearly pissed, April just stared at Casey, as if wishing him luck. The split room turned, both pieces. Leaving them in two completely separate rooms. Casey and Donatello took a step back and immediately bumped into a wall, with the door closing behind them. Donnie tried pushing Casey back a bit to give them room, but they were squished together. Casey pushed clothes out of the way and looked behind him at a white door. Everything was dark in here except for the open lines in the door, meant for design. Possibly a closet in a bedroom.

Casey and Donatello shifted around, hands slapping each other childishly as they turned, but there still wasn't enough room to be separate. Donnie fell on Casey, glaring at him and trying to push his head back forcefully. Casey yelped and tried pushing Donetello off him as well, but nothing worked.

Casey sighed, and just lay there against the wall with Donatello inches from his face, giving him a death glare as if it was his fault.

They stayed there in silence for a while, until Casey eventually started feeling the wall and ceiling for any sort of secret, alongside examining the clothes and hangers. Casey pushed Donnie back a bit and examined the floor, no luck. Casey stood back up again and face the wall, groaning as he slammed his head on it once. Resting there.

Donatello looked over and frowned, looking away. Disappointed. But why? What was he hoping to happen? Huh??

Jones leaned back on the wall and put on his hood. He wore ripped jeans as usual, a white, sleeveless tank top, black hiking boots, and a thin black jacket. He closed his eyes, resting there as his head just flopped down.

"So what that's it?" Donnie asked, and Casey nodded in response. "Seriously?!"

Casey groaned quietly and looked up at Donatello in annoyance.

"What the fuck do you want to do?" Jones asked, and Donnie was silent for a moment, looking away.

Suddenly Donnie pushed himself close to Casey and kissed him passionately. Casey's eyes widened and he stood there in silence as Donnie held his cheeks firmly, pulling his head closer. What the fuc-

     Mike smirked, not knowing why, but he did.
"My Mikey senses are tingling." Michael said, glancing over at Raphael. They were in a kitchen setting.

"And my overprotective senses are tingling." Raphael said bitterly, glancing at the corner of the room they came from.

"My.. Travel Channel senses are tingling." Leo said randomly after a long silence, just trying to join in since he felt left out.

This has like 900 words or so.

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