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(This is jungkooks and yoongis flashback when they first saw taehyung and jimin)

Jungkooks POV

I woke up with that dream again thinking about him... I wish I could meet him again Even if it's once... I sigh and get ready and get downstairs

I see my dad sitting and my mom making breakfast... "Good morning mom... Good morning dad" I say as I sit down "good morning son" my dad replies "good morning son" my mom replies

"Still trying to find him" my dad asks... "But I can't right" I reply... "Don't give up honey you'll surely find him" my mom says... I smile at her and she smiles back

"Ok breakfast is ready" my mom says and after we eat our food she bids us goodbyes and gets to wash the dishes... I get to university

I was walking in and saw someone getting out from the University's office... I just ignore it because I was getting late for my class... I was just going by and someone bumps into me

"Wa-" I was just gonna scream at him but as I see his face I run away from there and try to get to the washroom as soon as possible

Taehyung says "I, kim taehyung take Jeon Jungkook as my husband" I say "I, Jeon Jungkook take kim taehyung as my wif-" jimin comes and says... "Humans!! Humans!! They are attacking us... YOONGI IS FIGHTING THEM ALONE" taehyung and I get up and go there as soon as possible.

I see Namjoon already there fighting as I and taehyung lend them a hand.

I was fighting them as taehyung and jimin was also, fuck, they're using special weapons which would kill us soon. I didn't realise I was gonna get stabbed by the sword before I could stop that human.

Taehyung himself got stabbed "TAEHYUNG" I scream out my lungs as his blood was coming out of his mouth... He says "j-jungkook t-take care o-of yourself... I-i Kim taehyung p-promise y-you if fate wants us t-together W-we will m-meet soon"... "No taehyung you can- taehyung taehyung please don't joke... TAEHYUNG!!!!"

I scream as I was fighting those humans until I lost my last breath and a human stabs me right in my stomach making me fall in my knees, this was the last...

Flashback end*

I get to the washroom lock the door and tears start rolling down my eyes... "W-was it really h-him" I mumble "finally I found him... My taehyung" I say as I wash my face and get out of the washroom

In class I see him again sitting with someone... I lower my face and see yoongi on the another bench

I get to him and he asks me "bro where were you I was finding you" I reply "I found h-him" his eyes widen and he says "w-what w-when"

I reply "just now... He's sitting there" I point and he says "that's nice bro go and talk to him"... "He dosen't remember me" I say as he was about to say something but the teacher comes

Taehyungs POV

When that person got away I saw some of them gasping and some of them whispering "did jungkook just left him... The biggest bully in the university just left a new student" a girl says... Wai-wait he's a bully... As I was thinking that someone taps my shoulder

I turn around and see a boy he was very beautiful tho... He says "hey nice to meet you I'm park jimin... Are you also a new student"

I reply "yes I am... I'm kim taehyung" jimin says "can I please call you taetae and by the way what is your class"

"Can I call you Chimchim? please? and my class is chemistry"... "Same class taetae let's walk to class together" jimin says... "Okey" I say and we both walk to class together

When I was sitting jimin asks me and says "I wonder why do you always give off a faint smell"... "I don't know I always smelled like this from the childhood... And you also give off a faint smell" I say (A/N: heh, fast convo)

He replies "I wonder why I smell like this... I've also smelled like this from the childhood you know"... I reply " we both have the same case XD" ... He says "Yeah XD" we both talked a little

The bell rang as the teacher came in... We both stopped talking and started taking out our books... I saw a boy looking at me someway he looked familiar to me but I never met him... Whatever it's just my imagination


Yoongis POV

I was walking by... I froze at the movement when I saw Jimin... The park jimin that I was finding for so long


I was sitting by and thinking about jimin while jimin was in taehyungs and jungkooks wedding... I was about to go when I saw that humans were running to attack us because they found out the dragons kingdom

They start attacking as I was attacking them back... I saw Jimin coming and tears falling down his cheeks and running from there, after a few moments I see Namjoon and jin joining as we all we're fighting

Jimin was guarding me as I was also fighting those humans... Then I saw the most heartbreaking scene.... Taehyung got stabbed as jungkook screamed his lungs out as I saw that I broke into tears and didn't realise that I wasn't fighting back anymore

I suddenly realised that I wasn't fighting back as jimin screamed "YOONGI" before I could attack back that human already stabbed me... Blood coming out of my stomach and soon my mouth... And with a thud I fall on my knees "Yoongi yoongi YOONGI... Please don't joke please please yoongi p-please" jimin screams as I say "d-don't worry j-jimin I-I and y-you wi-will meet soon... P-please remember m-me" I say as I see jimin getting stabbed hard by a human soldier and falling down... My tear falls down...

Flashback end*

My one tear skips my face but nobody notices as it doesn't goes down my cheeks... I go from there as I was finding jungkook

Jungkook was sitting on the bench with some girls as I go to him and say "jungkook jungkook... I found him I found him!!"

(A/N: I hope you liked it, see you all in the next part, so yk my damn schools r starting, ಥ_ಥ o(ㄒoㄒ) nd my project works nd hhws, well let's not talk about it, becuz I was enjoying this month too frikin much, eh I'm gonna do it later on, gah leave it,I'm just a newbie in story writing, forgive me if it's boring ಥ_ಥ bye bye guys)

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