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Hundreds of years ago there was a golden time where dragons lived on the earth, there are many types of dragons and their kingdoms, but their kingdom was hidden by the most powerful dragons so that no one can break the wall nor can see the kingdom but dragons are known about the kingdoms because of many purposes.

But the kingdoms are divided as the Evil ones and the Good one's.
Evil ones and good one's never saw each other, they have heard of each other but never met, it is said that those two dragons hate each other from their core and don't want to even breathe the same air.

The most powerful kingdoms were...... If we go on the evil sides then, The jeons kingdom, the most fearful kingdom in the whole dragons lair of the earth, every dragons fear the Jeons kingdom. It is said that if you even get closer to the Jeons kingdom then you'll feel like your bones are freezing but you're sweating and if you dare try to break the shield then a rain of acid will fall on you and you'll start melting that your bones also wouldn't bear it.

The most powerful kingdoms of... If we go to the good side then, The Park's kingdom, the most beautiful kingdom you'll ever see, every dragons love that kingdom and wants to visit that kingdom. If you go near the kingdom then you'll feel a freshness in the air, it'll calm your whole body, but no one dares to try break the shield because if you try to then you'll face your death.
It was a bright Sunday where, a young boy was practicing sword fighting. He had dark brown orbs, shining brown hair matching with his eyes as he had a petite figure, thin waist, with his tall figure. his beautiful strawberry lips and sharp jawline, his beautiful eyelashes making him look more beautiful with the moles on his bottom lip with other two moles on the nose and his lower eyelid.

He swings his sword skillfully on the air with a serious expression and focus Imprinted on his face. "Ahh! Taehyung it's been 1 hour, how long are you gonna practice huh?" Another boy asks. He had a cute face, with a cute height, he was very cute and small, his fluffy red lips with plumpy cheeks now pouting at him and lastly a perfect jawline. The blonde boy was complaining cutely as taehyung chuckles.

"You know I'm a warrior, I will have to practice how to fight hyung" Taehyung whines "and I'm the prince, you should listen to me taehyung" Jimin says as he looks at taehyung with a smirk.

Park jimin who was soon to be the rightful owner of the kingdom and throne, a silver dragon. Kim taehyung who's always been the saviour of this kingdom. The warrior of the kingdom and a golden Dragon. Both were best friends, their bond was unbreakable, they loved each other like brothers, Mr park was actually taehyungs father's friend who was also a golden Dragon like his mother, his father was also a warrior like taehyung, when taehyung was 16 his father died by the attack of their rivals who were no other then the Jeons.

It was a very heartbreaking movement, when they got the news, taehyungs mother had a big mental breakdown, she wasn't able to recover from Mr kims death and pushed herself towards depression. When taehyung was 17, One day she finally took her life by jumping stabbing herself with the sword which was non others then taehyungs father.

It was another breakdown for taehyung, Mr park was very sad about his old friend's and his wife's death, Mr park told him to stay with them as he agreed, when he became 18 he insisted that he will take his fathers place and now he is also a warrior like his father.

"Yah yah, now tell what do you want huh?" Taehyung. "I just wanted my best friend, is that a problemm?" Jimin whines as taehyung chuckles and says "no, I also want to see my best friend nowww" Taehyung whines as jimin stands in front of him and says "here, your best friend is right here" They both laugh as they continue walking.

They both were walking when they saw a sweets shop, "chimmm I want some sweets, pleaseeee" Taehyung says as he shows his puppy eyes "ok OK, don't show the puppy eyes" Jimin says as they both get inside the sweet shop

"What would you li- oh my, it's an honour to see you here your highness" The server says as he bows. They saw many types sweets as taehyung points a rabbit shaped sugary sweet and says "I want this one" He smiles as jimin points at a cat shaped sugary sweet and says "I want this one". Jimin pays as he takes the sweets and gives the rabbit one to taehyung.

They both get out of the shop as jimin says "Ok I'll get going, come before evening ok?" Taehyung nods as he walks a little. He comes out of the barrier he made as he looks around a little. He hasn't been out of the barrier for 2 or 3 months now.

He inhales the fresh air as he lays on the beautiful green grass.

Taehyungs POV
I look at the beautiful sky that was above the ground. I smile as I slowly close my eyes feeling the green soft grass and the light breeze. After awhile I suddenly hear something.

I get up as I hear "h  e   l   p" In a faint tone I get there as I see a person laying there with the expression of severe pain. I get to him as he says "h-help me p-please" I don't reply him as I examine his bruise and pick him up making him sit on the ground and start healing him.

He slowly starts healing as after a while when I look at him. I think he passed out while getting healed. I get up as I walk away from there. But it was very unusual that he passed out, naturally us dragons, if we heal our kind of dragon then the dragon will slowly get up and will thank that person and then walk away but he passed out.

It...... Only..... Happens...... When it's a....... EVIL ONE!?!? wait did I just heal a evil dragon!? I run there again as I see the spot where he was laying. Ugh!? He got away!! I think as I tighten my fist.

??? POV
"Your highness, he is here" The pest says as I scoff and get up. I was getting more and more pissed off as I was getting closer to the door. I get to the door as I open the door to see a dumb shit sitting in front of me

"Long time no see Jeon"

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