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(A/N: hello again, hope you all like this chapter, so I'm having some assessments which I don't give a shit abt- so yh I'm here. I mean what's to worry about when your both friends are either sitting in front, beside or back your desk. Yeh it's me author nim a lazy ass who touches books and completes syllabus before a day of exam 😂😂)

Yoongis POV

I heard a voice telling me "uh... Hey wake up" he says as I open my eyes to see my beautiful mochi staring at me with those beautiful eyes of his.

"Do you know what happened last night" I mumble as he widens his eyes and replies "don't say that-"... "Not that.... Why did you fucking drink so much"

"Why what happened?" He asks as I reply "Ahh!- A guy was trying to take you home with himself last night, or else you would've opened his eyes on his bed." I say as he widens his eyes and asks "so you took me home?"

"Yes, of course. who else can you see in this room" i reply as he says "and why were you next to me sleeping while sitting"

"You didn't let go off my hand last night so I sat next to you" I say... A crimson red blush appears on his cheeks as he quickly gets up and quickly says "okay I'll get going!"

He dashes out of my room blushing hard neck to toe... I chuckle at this sight of him as go to get ready for my university.

Jins POV
I wake up only to see a different room... I rub my eyes as when I turn at right... my eyes widen... It was the g-guy from yesterday

He was looking very beautiful... I shake him a little bit as he wakes up and says "o-oh jin you're awake"

I widen my eyes because I never told him my name... "Wait h-how do you know my name?"

He stops for a second and says "o-oh- you told me that while you were drunk but why did you drink so much... A man was trying to drug you and take you to his place... If I didn't see you there you were gonna wake up in a nasty guys room"

"W-what" I stood there in shock as I ask "why were you next to me sitting while sleeping?"

"Oh when I was about to go when you said 'dont go' or something so I sat next to you" he says as I say "t-thankyou for taking me to your home and saving me from him"

"It's okay it's okay... You don't need to say sorry" he says as he smiles ad I smile back and reply "okay then I'll get going"

I say as I get out of his room and go to my house

Namjoon's POV

I open my eyes as someone shakes and calls me... I see jin staring at me... I want to kiss those beautiful soft lips

I stop myself and say "o-oh jin you're awake" I mentally hit myself because of stuttering... When I see him I see his eyes widen

"Wait h-how do you know my name?" He asks... Shit I spilled the beans... What to say what to say damnit!

"o-oh- you told me that while you were drunk but why did you drink so much... A man was trying to drug you and take you to his place... If I didn't see you there you were gonna wake up in a nasty guys room" I say as I sigh >.<

"W-what" he says in shock as he asks "why were you next to me sitting while sleeping?"

"Oh when I was about to go when you said 'dont go' or something so I sat next to you" I say as he replies "t-thankyou for taking me to your home and saving me from him"

"It's okay it's okay... You don't need to say sorry" I say as I give a warm smile as he smiles back and replies "okay then I'll get going"

He says as he gets out of my room and goes

He didn't even change till now... Still the same warm hearted jin... Just if you'd remember me I think and I sigh as I get to the washroom to get ready.


Taehyung's POV

I see jimin entering in our class as jin was behind him... They both took their seats as I say "wanna come over my home today after classes?"

"Yeah sure" jimin says smiling but why is his body so red??.... "Hmm sure I don't actually have plans today" jin says


Authors POV

Jungkook, Yoongi and namjoon was sitting on the bench while they were having a drink

"So did you find jin in the university as you told us about him" jungkook asks

"Yeah he's in our uni only... but he dosen't remember me" namjoon says as he sighs

"Same... Our one's also don't remember us" yoongi says as he lowers his head

"So what happened with your one's in the party?" Jungkook asks

"My pure mochi was very drunk that a guy was trying to kiss him.... Who does he think he is to even touch what's mine" yoongi says as a dark chuckle was heard

"bRuH my one was so drunk that he kissed me and passed out on me... How much did he drink bro!?.. This taehyung really had and still has low alcohol tolerance" Jungkook says as he sighs

"My beauty was gonna get drugged and then f*cked by a random nasty guy... He drank too much and who does the guy think he is to touch what's mine?!" namjoon says

"We need to make them remember us no matter what... If we are fated to meet them in this life then we will make them remember us" jungkook says

"Yes dragons will surely remember us no matter what" Jk, Yoongi and namjoon says together as then a dark chuckle can be heard

Taehyung's POV

Finally the class is gonna end... The bell was gonna ring after 5 minutes... Before our teacher was going to go she says "by the way students you'll be having project works tomorrow so as we don't have time today I'll choose your partner tomorrow"

After the teacher goes and the bell rings as we all get up and get out of the class


"Finally we are free from that hell" jin says as he takes off his shoes

"Who are they taehyung?" My mom asks "oh they are my friends... This is jimin and this is jin"

"Hi ma'am I'm kim seokjin" jin says as he bows "hi ma'am I'm park jimin" jimin says as he bows

"Nice to meet you jin and jimin" my mom says "nice to meet you too ma'am" they both says

"Oh wait I'm just making the dinner I'll call you two after it's served on the table you two go and rest in taehyungs room" my mom says as she smiles

We go upstairs as I say "you know I found myself on bed beside the bully named JUNGKOOK?!" I say as I make a shocked face

"Yeah you know his name but we don't even know the gentle mens names who saved us, God did wrong to us?!" Jin and jimin says

"So do you know how he looks like?" I ask

"Well... His eyes were like cat as his skin was milky white and fair... He was actually looking like a human cat" jimin says

Jin takes out his phone as he asks... "Is it him?" Jimin nods as jin gasps

"His name is min yoongi he's jungkook's bestfriend and also a playboy... I heard he once had a fight with a guy and that guy ended up in the hospital" jin says as jimin widens his eyes.
(A/N: badbois jk, yg, nj. Heh heh heh)

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