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Jimins POV
I was walking by the corridor... My books falls on the ground  as I see the most heartbreaking scene I've ever saw...

From the window from outside I see a girl wrapping her arms around yoongis neck as she leans onto his chest

My tears were continuesly flowing down as yoongi sees me... His eyes widening more as he pushes the girl as I start running... I didn't dare to look back as I was running out of the entrance of the university...

How can I forget he just uses people, plays with their feelings like it's nothing to him and after that he throws them away like garbage

My tears were flowing down my cheeks... I didn't know where I was going... When I stop I see a dark valley as I kneel there and weep.... I feel someone suddenly calling me...

When I look at him... The last thing I saw was his smirking face as everything goes blur and I get unconscious

Yoongis POV
I was running to jimin as I see him running to a dark valley... I reach there as I see a guy that was picking up the unconscious jimin as when he looks at me he pulls out a gun and points to jimin

"Well well well... If you want your little boyfriend back then just come tomorrow after I'd use him or else you'd never see his face in your whole life again!?" He shouts as I looks at him with anger

My eyes turn fully black as gasps... "W-what are you" he asks as I smirk I breath out acid as his gun melts as terror was visible in his face...

I pick up jimin from there as I reply "your death" I breath out acid as he starts screaming and melting... His bones dosen't even bare the power of my acid as he fully turns into red liquid

I quickly run to my house with the unconscious jimin on my hand... I quickly unlock the door as I put him on the bed

Jins POV
I was walking by the corridor... My books fell down from my grip as my tears were continuesly flowing down my eyes to the scene infront of me

In the garden a girl was wrapping her arms around namjoon's neck as she slowly leans forward and kisses his cheek... Namjoon widens his eyes as he looks at me... He pushes the girl as he starts running to me

I start running as my tears were continuesly flowing down my cheeks... How the heck can I fucking forget he's a player... He plays with people's feelings and after he uses that person's body... He's gonna throw the person away like a broken or unused toy

I think as my tears flow more... I didn't know were I was running... When I look at the place... I see a restroom as I quickly get in... I kneel down as I start weeping... At the movement I felt something touch my hands as when I look at that person I see a guy

The last thing I saw was that guy smirking as then everyone goes blur and my body slowly gets unconscious

Namjoons POV
I quickly run there as I see jin running as he gets in the restroom... I reach there as I see a guy picking up jin... As jin was unconscious... "JIN!?" I shout as the guy looks at me and smirks

He pulls out a knife putting jin down and the knife on was on his neck now... "If you don't want your boyfriend dead then just get out and pick him up tomorrow after I have a taste of him" the guy says as my blood rushes through my veins

"You wanna play like this... Hm??" I say as the guy smirks and says "so what? You can't do anything!?" He says as he shouts... I look at the knife as I snap my finger as the knife on his hand falls down as he hisses at the pain that he felt with the thunderbolt as on the other movement he gasps "w-what are you?" He asks in terror

"Your death!?" I shout as I snap my finger... He shouts as he falls on with a thud... I quickly pick up jin as I run to my house... I reach my house as I unlock the door and get in as I put him on the bed

Jungkooks POV
I was blankly staring at taehyung... Dry tears were stained on his cheeks... My tears starts flowing down my cheeks as I look at taehyung...

'It's my fault for not staying with you... I know your heart broked when that fucking girl kissed me... I didn't kiss her... She was the one who kissed me... I didn't mean to' I think as I hold his hands

Taehyungs POV
I slowly get my consciousness as I feeling some weeping... When I look at that person h-he i-is jungkook... When I lean closer I hear him mumble something... When I lean closer he was saying "t-taehyung I-i didn't mean t-to p-please d-don't die... I-i can't l-live without y-you p-please"

W-what... Why is he saying t-that... A-am i really r-related to him s-somehow?... I guess he's having a nightmare about me... I shake him lightly as he opens his eyes and looks up at me... He suddenly hugs menas he says "I didn't kiss her taehyung I didn't k-kiss her"-

Yoongis POV
I was staring at jimin as my eyes were glossy ... My tears slowly started to flow down as I hold his hand and close my eyes...

Jimins POV
I slowly gain my consciousness as I feel someone holding my hand... I look at that person as it w-was y-yoongi.... I lean closer as I feel him mumble something...

"J-jimin p-please d-don't leave... I-i love you very much... I-i love you... Don't die on me"

W-what... Is he r-really related to me?... I guess he's just having a nightmare... I think as I shake him... He quickly opens his eyes as he hugs me... "I wasn't the one that hugged that girl... I didn't do anything to her... She was the one who hugged me and leaned on my chest" he says-

Namjoon's POV
I was looking at jin as his beautiful face had tears stained on cheeks as his eyes were puffy because of crying... My eyes were getting red as I hold his hand... My tears were flowing down my cheeks as I close my eyes

Jins POV
I slowly gain my consciousness as I feel something/someone holding my hand... I slowly get up and look at him... I-it was n-namjoon... I lean as I hear him saying something...

"I-I... You c-cant die j-jin... P-please d-don't die... I-i love y-you p-please d-don't" he mumbles as he weeps more

Why is he saying that?... Am I really related to him?.. no no no I guess he's just having a nightmare about me... I think as I shake him a little...

He opens his eyes as he hugs me "I-i wasn't the o-one w-who hugged her... S-she suddenly came u-up to me and kissed my cheek" he says as he weeps more-

(A/N: hope you all enjoyed)

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