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Taehyung's POV
I smile as I break the hug and look at him... "It's okay jungkook" I say as I wipe his tears... He gave his bunny smiles

"Uh jungkookie" I say as he gets surprised for a second but then replies "yes".... "Did you bring that food?" I ask

"What food... And when?" He asks... "The food you kept on the kitchen today for Breakfast?" I ask as he replies "did you like it?"... "Y-yes, did you buy the food or make that?" I ask

"I-i... Yes I-i made the food" he says as he starts scratching his neck... "Wow you cook so well... You even made my favourites" I say as he smiles and leans closer to me and says "go and take a bath baby boy" a pink hue forms on my cheeks after hearing the word babyboy

Suddenly I remember something as I shout "SHIT"... "What happened? jungkook asks worried as I reply "I forgot to tell my mom that I wasn't gonna be home and because I woke up late I didn't even get to my home today morning!!!"

"Ahh tae-ah you don't have to worry... I already said that you were in my house yesterday" he says as I widen my eyes and reply "w-what when?"

"Ahh just forget that and go get a bath I'll give your clothing" he says as I nod and get to bath grabbing a towel...

Jungkooks POV
I was cooking our food as I hear taehyung calling me from the bathroom... I get there as I ask "I already gave you the clothes beside the bed... Why did you call me?"

"I forgot to pick up the clothes and towel... Can you please hand me the clothes and towel" he asks... I was gonna give him the clothes but I smirk and grab my white oversized shirt with a towel and give it to him

I then get to the kitchen turning off the stove as I hear "JUNGKOOK!?" I knew why taehyung shouted like that.. I smirk as I get there and ask "what??"... "Why did you only give me the top... Can you give me the pants?" He asks

"Then let me in" I say as I hear him gasp "n-no... Just hand me the pants from here" he says as he opens the door and a hand coming out of the door...

I take the opportunity as I push the door and fall on him... I see a blushing taehyung under me with a towel wrapped around his back... "G-get off me" taehyung says

"Aww baby boy is blushing" I say while smirking... "I'm not just get outta here and give me the pants" he says... "Kiss me then only I will give the pants" I say

"Fine I'll get them myself" taehyung says... when he was about to get up I pull him as I pin his wrists to the wall... "L-let go" he says as I smirk and ask "what about the kiss baby?~"

"I won't k-kiss... L-let go" he says... his cheeks were getting red as he bites his bottom lips.... "I can do that for you babyboy" I say... I start leaning towards him as he widens his eyes

It was only 2 cm away from his lips... I finally close the gap with my lips connecting to his as he gasps and then starts to slowly kiss back... After 5 minutes I break the kiss to see taehyung with flushed red cheeks

I slowly unpin him as I get up and head to the bed to grab his pants... I head to the bathroom and hand him the pants... "Here's your pants babyboy" I say as I get up and walk out of the bathroom

Taehyungs POV
I felt that feeling a-again... This feeling makes me feel like I'm somehow attached to Jungkook, like I've known him for years, it feels like I've seen him somewhere... Ahhh!? Taehyung what is happening to you... I think

I wear the pants as I get out of the bathroom and get to the kitchen... "Mmm~ what's the smell" I ask as jungkook smiles "sit down I'll serve the food" he says with a bunny smile

I sit down as he serves the food... "Wow.... These are my favourites... How did you know I like these" I say as I take a bite... "Oh I didn't know you like chicken" jungkook says as he sits down and starts eating

I quickly remember something as I take out my phone and call my mom

"Hey mom" I say
"Yes hun" my mom says
"I'm staying at jungkooks today" I say as I hear my mom squeak a little bit
"Okay son!!! Have fun~" my mom says as she cuts the call

"What's wrong with her?" I say as jungkook looks at me with confusion.. "what happened?" He asks as I reply "o-oh nothing"... "Okay if you say so" he says as he starts eating
Jungkook takes taehyungs phone as he calls Mrs Kim.
"Hi Mrs Kim I'm jungkook"
"Oh my, my cute son in law, call me mom son and what's wrong what happened?"
"Well taehyung is staying with me today, is that okay with you mom?"
"Aww, that's cute, does he remember you?" Jungkook sighs as Mrs Kim asked that.
"No, I'm sorry mom" Jungkook says.
"It's okay son, take care of him and yourself, I'll get going, goodnight"
"Yes mom, goodnight"
𝙁𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙚𝙣𝙙*

"Jungkookie I'm boreddd~" I say as he looks at me and asks "do you want to watch a movie?" He asks as my face lits up "yess!!" I reply in excitement... "Okay then" he says as we get to living room

"What about a horror movie" jungkook asks as I reply "No no no! I hate horror movies... Let's watch a funny movie"... He chuckled as he puts a funny movie...

Jungkooks POV
Taehyung was laughing as he was resting his head on the sofa... After sometime I feel something on my shoulder... When I look at it... It was taehyung... I smile as I take the remote and turn off the movie

Still the taehyung I know but the only difference is he forgot me and my existence of the past life... I think as my eyes were teary... I quickly wipe my tears as when I hold him he snuggles onto the sofa whining... I smile at him as I slowly pick him up as I get to the bedroom

I place him on the bed as I when I was about to go I feel him wrapping his hand around my arms tightly... I chuckle "you're still the same... You still can't sleep without anything beside you" I say as I boop his nose and get beside him to sleep

[A/N: hope you liked it... See you in next episode╰(^3^)╯]

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