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Jimins POV
I slowly break the hug with yoongi... I start wiping his tears as I smile at him asking "I-it's okay yoongi... B-but why did you let her l-lean on your chest?" I ask as my eyes were getting red... Yoongi looks at me as he says "I-i didn't mean to... H-hurt your feelings like that... S-she was actually m-my cousin... W-who w-was just rehearsing f-for her a-act"

"W-what... She's your cousin!?" I ask as I widen my eyes... He just nods... "I can't believe she was your cousin!" I say as I pout... Yoongi looks at me as he chuckled a bit and asks "were you jealous?" As he smirks

"Y-yes so what?" I say as I blush a little... "My mochi is jealous for me... huh?" He says as I start biting my bottom lips... "I can do that for you" he says as he licks his bottom lips and leans closer... It was only a few centimeters away from connecting both of our lips

'this feeling again... I feel like he's been with me for years... His lips, his touch everything feels like I've known all of this for years... Even though I've never saw him in these years including... Then how... Just how am I feeling so attached to him' I think

I slowly shut my eyes as he finally closes the gap between with our lips connecting together as I slowly kiss back... After 5 minutes yoongi breaks the kiss as I was panting... He stares at me for a second and says "Go take a bath... I'll give the clothes on the bed" as he gets off the bed and gets to the kitchen

I get up as I head to the bathroom and pick up the towel and clothes from the bed... After a hot bath I wear the clothes he gave me and get out of the bathroom with a towel on my head... I keep the towel on the bucket as I head to the kitchen

Yoongis POV
I was cooking as when I turn around I see jimin with a surprise look... "What happened?" I ask "Y-you know how to c-cook?" He asks "hm... Surprised babyboy" I ask as I see a red hue forming on his cheeks as I switch off the stove

"Y-yes so what" he says as he looks away with his cheeks redden ing more... I get to him as I say "have a seat"... He nods as he sits down... When I serve him the food he gasps and says "Wow my favourite again!?... How do you know my favourites?"

I've known you more then 100+ years... How wouldn't I know your favourites.... I know everything about you from head to toe... I think as I reply "ohh I didn't know you like mutton and eggs"... "W-wait" he says as I look at him... "We're you the one who made breakfast this morning" he asks as I hum

"BRO WHAT!?... How do you cook so well!?" He asks as I give a grumpy smile at him... I take a bite on my food as I look at jimin... He looks so beautiful... He never changed in these 100 years he's still the same... But the only sad thing is you forgot me... You forgot me

I think as my tear roll down my cheeks... I quickly wipe my tears before jimin could see them as look down and start eating... After we ate... I collect the plates as I put them on the sink and turn to jimin

"So do you wanna watch a movie?" I ask as jimin smiles and nods... "K then let's go" I say as jimin follows me like a lost puppy

After we reach there I turn on the TV and ask "let's watch a horror movie"... "No!" Jimin says as I come closer and ask "are you scared huh?" Jimin widens his eyes a little as he says "n-no who s-says I'm scared... Le-lets watch the horror movie o-only"

I smirk as I turn on the horror movie... 'I know you're scared of scary things and also horror movies babyboy but you're still trying to act' I think as I turn on the movie and sit beside him

"Ahh!?" Jimin shouts as he hugs me tightly... "Are you scared babyboy?" I ask as jimin blushes and nods... I hug him as he looks up at me and hugs back

After the movie ended... I was about to get up but I saw Jimin hugging me as light snores were coming out of his mouth... I smile at him as I pay his head and slowly pick him up

I put him on the bed "goodnight jiminie" I say as I slowly kiss his forehead before getting beside him

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