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Taehyungs POV

I was in class with jimin as the teacher came... She says "okay class so our principal is gonna announce something today so listen carefully"

The principal says "good morning class so I'm here to announce that... I decided to arrange a party for the upcoming Christmas Eve and hope you Merry Christmas in advance"

The principal hands the invitation cards to our teacher and she starts distributing it to us

We start hearing whispers after we get the cards "oo~~ it's gonna be more fun if jungkook is gonna attend the party" one girl says

"Yeah... It's gonna be more fun~~" the second one says "even more~~ if he wants to spend the night with us~~" the third girl says

After we hear that jimin says "ew! who is Jungkook and why do they want to sleep with him? Ew!"... "I once heard he's a bully" I say as he reply "oh I guess... Whatever"

Someone taps our shoulders and says "he's not just a whatever bully he's the biggest bully in our university and the richest person ever... But as much as people drool over him... He can even make people shiver down the spine with one glare only... He's sitting there" he pointed as we saw him

Wait? I saw him somewhere... He looks so familiar to me.... Ugh?! Whatever I must've seen him somewhere... Let's just forget him

"Oh... We didn't know because we are the new students... But by the way who are you?" I ask, "Oh I'm jin... I just joined a week ago... I just Heard from the other students that he's a bully and about you two?" jin asks

"oh I'm jimin you can call me Chimchim and he's taehyung you can call him taetae" Jimin says as jin chuckles, "So wanna be friends? And by the way you can call me jinnie if you want to" jin says as he smiles

"Ok sure jinnie so do you want to join us we are going to the mall to purchase some clothes for the party" I ask

"Yeah sure if you want me to go with you two" jin says as he smiles "okay then let's go to mall together then after class" jimin says as he smiles

After purchased our clothes we were talking while walking home

"Today was fun... I love it" jimin says as I reply "yeah today was so much fun"... "So chimchim and taetae do you mind if I ask for your number?" Jin says

"Oh it's okay just tell us your number we'll message you okay" I say as jin nods "and jiminie hyung can you share your number" I ask

"Yeah sure why not" he says as we walk home talking and laughing... I had a very nice and long day

When I got home it was already 10 PM... After spending some time with my phone I looked at the time... It was 1:00 AM already?!

I quickly got to bath and changed into my fluffy clothings I rolled into my soft and smooth mattress


"So Kim taehyung will you marry me" jungkook asked as he holds my hands

"Yes I will" I reply while tearing up

Jungkook wraps his hands around my waist and he starts moving his face forward to connect our lips together

Flashback End*

I woke up... My tears flowing down... But I don't know why... And why was that jungkook in my dream confessing me and giving me a kiss... Whatever I don't care

As the party was today it was a leave so I got to sleep... I took my phone as I checked the time as it was 1:30 PM

I got up to take a bath and get ready... I had my lunch as I did some works that we had after 2 hours I finally did it (A/N: damn I can't even stay focused on my studies for 15 minutes and he's so focused right here... Damn) ... Finally I can rest today and not have the tension for homeworks

I got up from my table as I layed down on my bed and turned on some music... It was so relaxing... After sometime I didn't realise I fell asleep again...

When I suddenly got up it was already 7 PM?! I'm gonna be late?! I rushed to get ready

I only had an hour to get ready so i rushed to ready... I called an Uber to drive me to the party... As I got out I saw Jimin waiting for me there...

I get there as I say "I'm sorry I'm late" he Chuckles at me as he replies "you're just 15 minutes late... It's okay and you're looking beautiful by the way" I smile

"You too" I reply "now let's go in we're going to have a long night today" he says as we get in

Jimins POV

After I get home I took a hot bath and wore my comfy clothes and curled into my soft matress


"So park jimin will you marry me" yoongi says as he leans closer to me...

I tear up and say "y-yes I will"

as he hears that he leans closer and kisses me while holding my waist

Flashback End*

My tears were flowing down when I opened my eyes... Why did I cry and who is this guy that confessed me and kissed me

After sometime of using my phone a little I checked the time as it was 3:45 PM... I got to my desk and started doing my works that I didn't do yesterday

After 2 hours I finally finished it and layed down my bed while I was scrolling through social media

It was 6:45 PM now so I got ready and  took my car keys and got to the party... I was waiting for taehyung... After 15 minutes I saw taehyung running towards me

"I'm sorry I'm late" he says... I chuckle at him as I reply " you're just 15 minutes late... It's okay and you're looking beautiful by the way" I say as he smiles

"You too" he says "now let's go in we're going to have a long night today" I say as we get in

Jins POV

I get home and get to wash up... I wear my soft pajamas and get into my soft blankets


"So kim seokjin will you marry me?" he says... I tear up and say "yes" he hugs and stare deeply in my eyes and kisses me

Flashback end*

I wake up with sudden shock... My tears flowing down and who confessed me in my dream and why didn't I see his face

I see the time it's 12:00 PM already!! I need to freshen up... I get up as I get ready and eat my lunch

I plug in some head phones as I start doing my 2 days pending assignments including today's assignments as I have to submit them tomorrow

After 2 to 3 hours i finally finish it and it was 5:00 PM... I set an alarm as I get to bed to take my beauty sleep

At 7:00 I wake up and get ready to go in the party... As my house is not far from uni so I just get ready before 1 hour

In the party I was waiting for Jimin and taehyung.
(A/N: Hope you all liked it, and you will get a double update too, becuz I lobh you all bhery much)

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