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(A/N: happy new year, I'm sorry I'm late guys)

Jins POV
I slowly break the hug with him as I slowly wipe his tears and say "w-why did you let her do that... D-did you like that?" I ask as namjoon looks up at me and suddenly hugs me "you're the o-one I only l-love... I don't want to lose you again. She.. She just liked me and before i could say no she did that.... P-please belive m-me... P-please" he says

I hug him tightly as I reply "y-yes I love you" namjoon looks at me as he slowly pulls my chin up and starts leaning in

'ah- this feeling again... It feels like I have known him... I've seen him somewhere but I can't remember where and when... His touch dosen't make me feel weird but it feels like I've known this touch for years... It feels like I'm somehow actually attached to him but I don't know' I think

It was only 3cm away from our lips connecting... He slowly leans in as I slowly close my eyes as I start kissing back... After the 5 minutes of kiss he slowly breaks the kiss to see me panting as he smiles at me and says "go take a bath I'll put the clothes on the bed"

I nod as I slowly get up and start going towards the bathroom...

Namjoon's POV
I was making the food as I see jin in the pants revealing his milky thighs and his milky collarbones that had hickeys... Shit... Jin... Why do you have to be so beautiful... I quickly look away as he walks to me and points his fingers to what I was making

"Are you making chicken soup and kimchi??" He asks looking at me like innocently... Shit jin don't look at me like that... I will kiss you again... I think as I nod

"Wow!? These are my favourites!?" He shouts as I smile at him.. I know jinnie... "Go take a seat I'll serve you" I say as he nods and goes take a seat... I serve the food on the table as we start eating... After eating I put the dishes on the sink

"Namjoonie" he says "yes" I nod as he asks "did you make the breakfast today morning?" I nod as he gasps and says "how do you know my favourites!?"

I know everything about you jin... Just you only forgot about m-me... "Oh didn't know the food was your favourite" I say as I smile at him

"Namjoonie... Can we please watch a movie??" He asks as I nod "okay then I'm mostly done with the dishes" I say as I finally put the last dish in

"Follow me" I say as he starts following me... We get to the living room as he sits on the sofa..."so what movie are you gonna watch" I ask

"You choose" he says "okay then let's watch a horror movie" I say as I smirk... Jin gasps as he looks at me with widened eyes but dosen't say anything and looks away

I put on the horror movie as I sit beside him... Jin suddenly jumps onto my lap as he hugs me tightly... I pat his head as he suddenly looks up at me and gasps

"I-i'm sorry... I'll g-get down" he says as he was about to get down when I hold his wrist and pull him to my lap... He widens his eyes as he bites his bottom lip

"I can do that for you" I say as I smirk... He widens his eyes as I slowly lean in to him... It was 2cm away from our lips to connect as I slowly close the gap between us

I was kissing him slowly as he was trying to pull back... I frown as I bite his bottom lips as he slowly moans... After a five minute heated kiss I see a panting jin with his lips lightly swollen

Jin was blushing hard as he widens his eyes and says "l-lets just watch the movie"... I smile at him as I nod

After the movie ends... I turn off the TV as when I was about to call him... I see a sleeping jin on my lap... I slowly pick him up as head to the bedroom and put him on the bed

"Goodnight jinnie" I say as I kiss his forehead and get beside him...

(A/N: sorry guys the Namjin and Yoonmin were short chapters)

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