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Jimins POV

I was walking to the cafeteria to purchase three soft drinks out form the wending machine

I was going to our class where taehyung was packing his stuffs... I'm going to give him one drink and then I'll go to the library to give jin hyung one drink

I was walking when I felt like someone was following me... I started to walk faster as I felt like that person was too

After sometime when I stopped walking I turn around as I don't see and hear anything so I sigh

"Looking for me?" Someone whispers in my ear as I suddenly turn around and my eyes widen... It's y-yoongi

"I-I need to go" I say as I was about to go when I felt a hand pulling me towards him... "I-".... "Shhh~~~" he says 

"Are you forgetting about the project?" He whispers as he bites my earlobe... "A-ah~ y-yoongi" I moan as my cheeks grow redder

"U-uh le-lets g-go if you want t-to do the project" I say as his hot breath was hitting my ear

"Ok" he says as he kisses my neck and looks up at me "your house or my house?" He asks

"My house" I say as he smirks... "Okay let's go then" he says

I start walking as he was walking after me

Yoongis POV

I was walking by the cafeteria when I saw Jimin taking purchasing some drinks from the wending machine

He Gets our of the cafeteria and starts walking by the corridor as he starts walking faster... Guess he found out that someone's following him

I stop as I go by the classes to catch up with him because I can't use any of my powers right now

He stops and turns around to see if anyone was there and huffs as I get to his ear and whisper "Looking for me?"

He suddenly turns around as his eyes widen "I-I need to go" he says as he was about to go when I grab his hand and pull him towards me

"I-" he was about to say something but I whisper "Shhh~" he immediately stops talking

"Are you forgetting about the project?" I whisper as I bite his earlobe "A-ah~ y-yoongi" he moans as his cheeks were redder

I smirk "U-uh le-lets g-go if you want t-to do the project" he says as my breath was hitting his neck

"Ok" I say as I kiss his neck and look up at him "your house or my house?" I ask  "my house" He replies as I smirk

"Okay let's go then" I say

He starts walking as I was walking after him

Jins POV

I was searching for a book that would intrest me... If I like it I'll do the project with it... After sometime of searching I try to take the book that was on the top shelf... I guess it's about rare insects and plants I guess

I try to reach that book but I was a little short... After sometime of trying I was gonna grab a chair but someone's hand came in between of my hands and took out the book

I turned to see who it was...it's n-namjoon he hands me the book as I say "t-thankyou"... He bents down and whispers "mention not"

"Forgot about your partner for the project?" He whispers again... He starts moving his knee onto my crotch area

"N-namjoon ah~" a moan skips my mouth as my eyes widen "yes" he whispers on my ear as he smirks

"Le-lets g-go d-do t-the project" I say as he looks at me and asks "your house or mine?".... "M-my house" I say

(Yes guys they don't believe their soon to be boyfriends that's why they choose their home >•<)

Namjoon's POV

I was going past the library as I see jin struggling to get the book from the upper shelf

I get to him as he didn't realise that I was there but when my hand got inbetween of his two hands he surely noticed

I took out the book as he turns and get a little surprised I hand him the book as he says "t-thankyou".... I bent down and whisper "mention not"

"Forgot about your partner?" I whisper again as I start moving my knee onto his crotch area

"N-namjoon ah~" he moans as his eyes widen... "yes" I whisper as I smirk.

"Le-lets g-go d-do t-the project" he says as I  look at him and ask "your house or mine?".... "M-my house" he says

Taehyungs POV

Shit... Why was I chosen to be his partner at the first sight... *Sigh*... I look at him as I see him staring at me

He smirks as I look back with a crimson red blush formed on my face... My house was a little far so it took about 15 minutes

"This is my house... Come in" I say as I open the door... I see my mom coming to me hearing the door open

"Good Evening Mrs Kim" jungkook says as he bows... "Good evening jung- what's your name?" My mom greets him as she hastily stops saying the further word

"My name's Jeon Jeongguk you can call me jungkook" he says as he gives a soft smile to my mom

My mom smiles back... It's weird they're actually like they've meet eachother before me

"Taehyung go upstairs I'll send jungkook with some snacks" she says as I start going upstairs... Weird I think as I get to my room

Jungkooks POV

Taehyung was walking... His slim waist... I want to kiss and make hickeys on his slim waist... I want to make him mine... No matter what?!

I was staring at him as he looks at me and turns... As he turns back I can see his cheeks getting red from the back

It took about 15 minutes to reach his house "This is my house... Come in" he says as he opens the door... I see his mom coming to him hearing the door open

"Good Evening Mrs Kim" I say as I bow... "Good evening jung- what's your name?" His mom greets me as she hastily stops saying the further word

"My name's Jeon Jeongguk you can call me jungkook" I say as I give a soft smile to him mom

His mom smiles back

"Taehyung go upstairs I'll send jungkook with some snacks" she says as taehyung starts going upstairs

"So did he remember you when he saw you?" Mrs Kim asks... "Unfortunately no ma'am" I say as my head was lowered

"No no no call me mom if you want to" his mom says as I smile at her "don't lose hope so fast" his mom says as she smiles back

"Okay mom... I'll try to make him remember me" I say as I give my bunny smile

"Aww you're so cute when you smile" his mom says as she chuckles and get to the counter

"Here take this snacks upstairs" his mom says as she hands me the snacks... "Thankyou mom" I say "mention not" his mom replies.

"If we can't make you remember us, then atleast we can gain the love with you all held in your hearts for us" Jungkook mutters as he sighs.

(A/N: hope you all will like it guys, bye bye)

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