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Jungkooks POV

"So I actually thought... How about we propose our fated one's tomorrow" yoongi says "will they accept us?" Namjoon says as he looks down

"Hyung. They're our fated one's. That's why they came in our life again" I say as I pat namjoon hyungs back... "Yea you're right. They are out fated one's that's why they came in our life again" yoongi replies

"Keep your hopes up hyung... There's 90% chance they'll accept us" I says as namjoon smiles at us... "So how are we gonna start?" I ask

"Hmm. Let's get their contact number and text them as unknown to the places we'll propose them" yoongi says as we nod

I was thinking that as I hear foot steps... I turn back as I see a shocked taehyung... "I didn't expect you were gonna come... I thought you wouldn't" I said as I smiled

I get to him as I hug him. He hugs me backs as when we break the hug he kisses my cheek. I smiled as I point at the chair "Have a seat bear" I say as we both take our seats

Authors POV

"So what do you want to order" jungkook asks as taehyung replies "anything"... "Okay then I'll order for you" jungkook says in a calm voice

His calm voice makes taehyung feel a little comfortable with him... He had never heard jungkooks calm voice... 'i-i think I heard this c-calm voice of jungkook s-somewhere... But h-how?' taehyung thinks as the waiter brings the food

"Enjoy" the girl softly says as she smiles... Taehyung get's a little confused by the girls behaviour like they aren't in a normal dinner but like a date

Taehyung shrugs off his thoughts as he slowly starts eating the food "mmm~... So nice~" taehyung slowly mumbles as jungkook chuckles

Taehyung was about to take another bite when he heard firecrackers bursting... He looks up as he sees so many fire crackers bursting together...

Taehyung's eyes were attached to them as he gets up and walks to the Balcony to get a better view but when the last fire cracker bursts as his eyes widens

The fire cracker had it written 'Taehyung I love you'... He turns his head around jungkook was was smiling at him holding a rose bouquet

"Kim Taehyung will you be my boyfriend" jungkook says as he looks as taehyung... Taehyung wasn't able to process anything as he stays quiet for a second

Jungkook looks down as he knew what 'silence after confessing' means... "I-it's okay if you don't wanna be my boyfriend" jungkook says as sadness embraces him

Taehyung looks at jungkook that was lowering his head in sadness... Taehyung pulls his head up as he kisses jungkook passionately but love filled with it

Jungkook was totally surprised by the sudden move as he slowly starts kissing back to taehyung...

Jungkook felt like he got his love back after 100+ years... It felt like losing something and getting it back after so long. He still remembers when he first felt this feeling after meeting taehyung... But taehyung was the only one who didn't remember him afterall

When taehyung feels jungkook slowly kissing back but not with hunger like the last time but with love... He feels like he knew this feeling but he dosen't remember when and where... He shrugs off the think as he slowly breaks the kiss

"S-so do you love me back?" Jungkook asks a little hesitant as taehyung looks at him and smiles "y-yes" taehyung replies... Jungkook looks up at him as he says "let's have the food now"

Taehyung nods as they both sits down

Jimins POV
should I go or not?... Aish I'm so confused... I look at the time as I see it's already 6:30!!!! Aishhh I need to get ready and run there... I'm curious who's the stranger that invited me there. I'm just going there in order to see who's that. If somethings wrong I have my goddamn phone and 911!

I quickly get ready as I lock the door and get on my car and start driving... I get there as I get out of my car.... My eyes widens as I look at the big luxurious hotel... Wow so beautiful... I think as I get in the hotel

I get on the room where I was called to... I see someone sitting on the chair as I see... yoongi? I'm confused now... What is he doing here? Was he the one who messaged me!! I get to him as I see him peacefully sleeping "he sleeps whenever he gets a chance gosh!" I chuckle

His smooth white skin is so beautiful, I slowly start patting this head as I slowly hear him purring.... Wow he seems like a cat now...

I think as I was about to remove my hand when I felt another hand grabbing me and pulling me towards his chair.... I look at him with wide eyes as I notice

He was angry but when he looks at me the anger changes into surprise... "O-oh Jimin" he says as he let's go of my wrists

"Did you think I was someone else?" I ask as he nods "actually whenever someone touches me while sleeping I think it's someone trying to attack me"

"O-oh" I say "take a seat" yoongi says as we both take our seats

Yoongis POV

I was waiting for my cute fluff ball... I checked the time as it was 6:45.... 15 minutes left. Eh I guess as I'll take a nap.... I think as I rest my head on the table


I suddenly feel someones hand caressing my head... Ah- it f-feels good. I slowly start purring as I frown a little when he/she removes the hand

Wait!? Is it any of the spy from that guys clan!!! I think

I open my eyes as I quickly grab that person's hand and pin him to the wall... I look at him as I see... Wait j-jimin... "o-oh Jimin" I say as I slowly unpin him wow such a good impression I gave before I will propose

"Did you think I was someone else" jimin asks I nod as I reply "actually whenever touches me while sleeping I think it's someone trying to attack me"

"O-oh" he says "take a seat" I say as he takes his respective seat

Authors POV

Jimin was sitting as he saw a note beside his plate... 'stand up and go to the balcony and look at your right' It said... Jimin was a little confused but he still did what the note said

He saw various types of firecrackers bursting as when he turned right he saw yoongi holding a beautiful bouquet of his favourite flowers and a few chocolate of his favourite as he was kneeling down... "Park jimin will you be my boyfriend" yoongi says as jimin was very surprised by yoongis sudden confess

"Y-yes" jimin says as he wasn't able to process how happy he was... Yoongi gave him the bouquet as he kissed jimins cheek softly

It wasn't lust nor it was fake... It was filled with love and sweetness as jimin kisses back to him... 'ahh not this feeling again' he (jimin) thoughy as they finally broke the kiss

Yoongi smiles at jimin as he smiles back... They both take their seats again and start eating their food

There might be some grammatical error or spelling mistakes. I hope you'll not mind it. See you in next chapter bie!

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