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Jungkooks POV
I get to yoongis house and see him waiting... "Sorry I'm late hyung" i say as yoongi replies "ah just let me in or else I'm gonna just sleep here" i laugh as i let him in... When we reach our territory we see namjoon waiting for us

"Where is he?" Namjoon asks... "In the basement" I say as we all get there to see a guy sitting as terror was visible on his face... He looks at us as he widens his eyes "so where you trying to hide huh?" Yoongi asks "I-i didn't m-mean to... Please g-give me a-another change... I'll r-return your m-money" he says

"We gave you 2 chances but you tried to run away and you thought that we wouldn't catch you because a 1 million won is nothing to us, right? As we make more than that, little pest you're an idiot... So what do you want to die with" namjoon asks as he shows a knife and gun

"P-please sir... P-please give me a-another chance" the man says as I and namjoon smirks "you ran away!? And even stole 2 million of our money adding the other 1 million that you borrowed from us!?" I shout as he flinches

"We aren't gonna give you another chance" yoongi says as he gestures us to pull out our gun to shoot him because he isn't believe able... We take out our gun as he smirks and says "you thought you can kill me that easy" he takes out a gun and 3 pictures

He shows us the picture as our gun was slowly going down as shock and terror was on our face... 'I-it was the picture of taehyung, jin and jimin... How does he know them' I think... "Cats got your tongue huh?... I have 3 mens following them everywhere even in their university... Wherever they goes" he says as he pulls out a remote with a blue coloured button inbetween

"If I press this button... They will just use your little boyfriends body and kill them" he says as he was laughing like a psychopath... anger was visible on our face as we just keep quiet

"Jungkook. Jungkook. Namjoon. Namjoon" yoongi slowly whispers... That guy wasn't able to hear that because he was just a filthy human... "What?" I whisper slowly "What?" Namjoon also whispers slowly "who is the blue one and who's the red?" Yoongi slowly whisper asks

"Did you just seriously forget your brothers dragon colour!" Jungkooks looking offended, "I'm sorry! Just tell me!" Yoongi says

"I'm red" I whisper back as namjoon also whispers back "I'm blue"... "Are all the doors locked" yoongi whisper asks... "Yes" I whisper reply... "Is there any of his guy in here" yoongi whisper asks

I and namjoon stays quiet as yoongi says "oh and you only have 3 guy to follow our boyfriends?" Yoongi asks as the guy laughs and says "No!? You idiotic mafias... Who can't even do their job perfectly... One is disabling the CCTV cameras to have no proof!?" The guy says as he starts laughing like a psychopath

"Tsk such a idiot human" I mumble as I smirk... "Now shut up and put your guns down or else your all's little boyfriend's are gonna be in big trouble!?" He shouts as yoongi gestures us to listen to him as we understand why he gestured us to listen to him

We don't utter a word as we put our guns down... "It isn't that hard to control the mOsT dAnGeRoUs mAfIaS that never showed their face but whomever saw their face they were only found dead" the guy says as he starts laughing again

"Psst.. jungkook, namjoon" yoongi calls us as we reply "what?"... "Jungkook. As you control fire" yoongi whispers as i nod "and namjoon you control storm right?" Yoongi whisper asks as namjoon replies "did you just seriously forget that I control lightning and thunder too?" Namjoon asks making a disgusted face, "I'm sorry I'm sorry brother and my brother from another mother now will you please listen to me!!" Yoongi says making a about to whisper cry face as both nods

(A/N: look they we're all whispering, I'm Just too lazy to add whisper whisper whisper again and again)

"So listen to me carefully... First namjoon you'll use your lightning to make him weak as I'll melt the remote with my acid and jungkook you'll burn him mercilessly then we'll take care of the assholes that are keeping eyes on jimin, jin and taehyung" yoongi whispers as we nod

Namjoon snaps his fingers as the man falls on the ground with a high thud.. Yoongi takes the opportunity to use his acid breath to melt the remote as the guy was shocked surprised and scared at the same time

"W-what are you t-two" the man stutters as I reply "your worst nightmares..." I said as I burn him mercilessly... "Now let's take care of the one who's in the control room that is deleting the footages" I say as they both smirks as we walk to the room

The man on the security room gasps "h-how did you?" He says as namjoon smirks and replies "we came out... Right?"... "P-please have mercy... Please have m-mercy" the man begs "DIE" Namjoon shouts as he breaths out thunderbolt and with a thud the man falls and screams in pain then dies

"Now let's take care of our little dragons" I say as yoongi and namjoon smirks... "I'm not gonna leave him... It'll bury him alive!?" Namjoon shouts as we nod.. "Let's go and get ready for our classes" I say as we all get out of our territory and bid goodbyes

Taehyung's POV

I slowly gain my consciousness as I rub my eyes to get a better version... Huh!? It's the same room!? It's jungkook's room!? I think as a red hue forms on my cheeks remembering yesterday's movement

I look around the bed as look at my clothes to see a light blue t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants with the softest fabric I've ever wore... Did Jungkook put these on when I was asleep!? I think as I widen my eyes... I remove the blanket as I look at the lamp that was beside me

I see a note as I pull the note out and start reading it

to: tae
            sorry for last night... btw there is spare
     clothes for you in bathroom and
               breakfast on the kitchen... I've washed  
     your clothes... Hope you'll like the breakfast...
           I lub you ♡... See you in uni ^_^ >.<
                                            from: kook

I chuckle at the note... What a cute nickname he gave to me and him... Aishhh!? How can he be so cute and a horny beast at the same time... This bunny is so cute... I get up as I hiss at the pain at my back... Ah- he was so fucking hard on me but what was the reason? I ask to myself as I tilt my head at the question

I eat my breakfast as I look take my phone that was on the table... 8:30 AM!? Shit!!! Our uni is gonna start at 9:00 AM

I quickly get up with my paining back as I get to the bathroom... There was a pistachio green and black oversized hoodie with a pair of black gray pants

 There was a pistachio green and black oversized hoodie with a pair of black gray pants

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Eh? These aren't that bad I like it.. it's cute... I think as I wear them and get to eat my  breakfast

OH MY GOD!??? THESE ARE MY FAVOURITE!!!!! PANCAKES!!!??? I quickly start eating them as it was a chefs kiss... I quickly eat the tasty pancakes as I get up and get to grab my phone

Thankyou God... I already kept the books for today's classes or else I don't know what would've happened... Actually me, jinnie hyung and jiminie hyung always keep our next days books in our lockers because we're too lazy to bring those XD

I think as I get up and runs to uni locking the doors because It's not my house and this house is quite big and there are many thieves around here

(A/N: hope you liked the chapter)

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