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Taehyung was watching jungkook lock the door pulling out a small wooden box.... Jungkook pulls out a maroon blindfold as he blindfolds taehyung

"J-jungkook w-what happened?" Taehyung asks... "Shh~" Jungkook whispers in taehyungs ear as he grabs his wrists and cuffs them... Taehyung gasps when he senses that he just got cuffed... "J-jungkook why did y-you cuff m-me?" Taehyung asks

Jungkook places his index finger on taehyung's lips as he says "listen to your daddy babyboy~ or else you're gonna have a double punishment petal" taehyung blushes as he gets quiet

Jungkook starts kissing taehyung as after a few seconds taehyung kisses back... Jungkook bites on taehyung's bottom lips as he grabs his right buttcheek making his(taehyung) mouth skip a soft moan...

Jungkook takes the chance as he shoves his tongue roughly in taehyungs mouth tasting the sweetness in his mouth.. he(jungkook) travels his tongue in taehyungs mouth not even leaving a corner

After 3 minutes heatfull kiss they both breaks the kiss leaving a huffing taehyung with his strawberry pinkish lips now swollen... "Don't be tired right now babyboy you're going to have a long night~" jungkook whispers as he starts taking of taehyung's pants

Jungkook kisses taehyung's bulge as he takes off his boxers... He sees precum was dripping from his d*ck as jungkook smirks and he starts sucking taehyung's tip with his sinfull mouth "ah~ j-jungkook~" taehyung moans as jungkook sucks more harder

"Ahh~" taehyung moans again... Jungkook starts sucking more harder giving off little vibrations as taehyung's moans were getting more louder.... Suddenly taehyung feels a knot inside his stomach as he understands he was in his climax

"J-jungkook I'm coming~" taehyung moans as jungkook sucks more harder .... "Ahhh~" with a moan taehyung cu*s in jungkooks mouth as jungkook sallows all the cu* "you taste so good~" jungkook says as he caresses taehyung's right cheek

Jungkook goes to the box as he grabs a red coloured vibrator... He flips taehyung as he pushes in the vibrator... "Ahh~" taehyung moans as jungkook turns on the vibrator....

It was the lowest level of the vibrator but still taehyung wasn't able to take the vibrations because of his sensitive ass

"Mmm~ ahh~" taehyung was slowly turning into a moaning mess as jungkook was slowly sucking taehyung's pink buds as he was massaging the another bud with his hand

"Ahh~ j-jungkook~" taehyung moans as he feels a sudden knot forming inside his stomach... "Ahh~ babyboy seeing you makes me want to fuck you hard until you can't walk the next day" jungkook says as he undresses himself

Jungkook was now only wearing his boxers

He gives his dick a few pumps as he flips taehyung and makes him kneel down... "So beautiful" jungkook says as he says "suck babyboy~"... Taehyung gives some kitty licks and slowly starts sucking his di*k with his plumpy lips making jungkook groan at every suck

"Ahh~ babyboy you suck so good~" jungkook groans as he grabs a hand full of taehyung's hair and starts deep throating him.... "Mmm~" taehyung moans as jungkook starts moving his hips fucking taehyung's mouth.... "Babyboy I'm coming" he says as he starts thrusting harder in taehyung's mouth... After a few thrusts jungkook comes in taehyungs mouth

"Swallow it all babe" jungkook says as taehyung swallows it... "Ahh~" taehyung moans as he feels the vibrator still inside him

Jungkook smirks as he flips taehyung and removes the vibrator... He pushes in his index finger as taehyung arches his back and tightly grips the sheets....

"Ahh~ j-jungkook~" taehyung moans as jungkook pushes in another finger. Thrusting inside his tight hole.. "Ahhhh~" taehyung moans as jungkook thrusts hard in his tight hole

After sometime of thrusting jungkook says "I guess you're all prepped" he removes his fingers as he opens the blindfold

"I want to see your fucking face when you'll get wrecked" jungkook says as he looks at taehyung's fucked up face

He sees taehyung's beautiful cheeks all red, his forehead covering his hairs, his eyes half closed and he biting his bottom lips... It was a big turn on for jungkook that it already started hurting his d*ck... "Ahh~ babe" jungkook groans

"By the way which flavour is your favourite babe?" Jungkook asks as taehyung replies "chocolate~"... 'i knew you still liked chocolate' jungkook thinks as he pulls out a chocolate flavoured lube

He coats his dick with the lube as he slowly starts pushing his hardened d*ck in taehyungs tight hole... "Ahh~ mmmmnnah~" taehyung moans as jungkook groans

"J-jungkook a-ah~" taehyung moans as jungkook slowly uncuffs him... "You've been good babyboy so no need of this... Let your daddy know when you're adjusted~" jungkook says

After a few minutes taehyung says "y-you can move now~" jungkook slowly starts thrusting in taehyung.... "Ahh~ mmmn~" taehyung moans sinfully as jungkook groans feeling the tightness in taehyungs hole

Jungkook smacks one of his ass cheek. "Do you like your ass getting wrecked by me petal?" Taehyung nods as jungkook whispers "words babyboy"

"Ahh~ I-i like it~"

Taehyung moans out as Jungkook was slowly thrusting more, "ahh~" Taehyung moans out as jungkook smirks "does babyboy like it?~" Jungkook says as he slaps his ass making it red "ahh~ y-yes d-daddy~" Taehyung says while moaning, jungkook groans as he feels the velvet walls clench around him "ahh~ why are you so tight?~" Jungkook says as he thrusts harder making taehyung turn into a moaning mess

"Ahh~ fast-faster" Taehyung moans while saying as jungkook slowly thrusts faster "patience babyboy~" Jungkook says as he spanks taehyungs right buttcheek, "ahh~" Taehyung was moaning as jungkook was thrusting harder and harder

A tear slowly rolls out from taehyungs cheeks as he was still loving the pleasure he was getting, his mind was telling him to stop but his body was wanting more and more

Jungkook notices taehyungs tears as he kisses his cheeks and forehead "the pain will get away soon babyboy" Jungkook says as he trusts harder "ahh~ kookie~ I'm close" Taehyung moans out

"I'm also babyboy, let's cum together babyboy~" Jungkook says as he feels taehyungs velvet walls clenching harder again, he thrusts a few more as he comes inside taehyung with a groan and taehyung comes on their stomach with a high pitched moan

Jungkook pulls out from taehyung as he picks up the tired boy on the bed, after a few minutes he comes out from the bathroom with the small boy already asleep. He puts him on some pajamas and wears a pair sweat pant for himself.

"Goodnight taetae" He says as he kisses the small boys forehead and snuggles beside him

(A/N: please ignore if there's any grammatical error I'm sorry if the English is not up to the mark since this is the first book I've wrote and I'm trying to improve too)

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