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Jins POV
I was sitting and scrolling on tik tok as I suddenly look at the time... Shitt!!! It's already 6;00!!... Wait?... Am I going or not? Aish i don't have time to think that

I Just wanna know who the anonymous human is... I quickly get up as I get ready and book a Uber to drive me there... Yeah yeah... I'm learning how to drive

I get down the car as I see a hotel... Wait should I go in or not??? I was gonna turn when I saw a waitres coming to me and saying "here sir... Should I guide you to the room where you were called sir?" She hands me a bouquet of red Roses and asks that

"No... It's okay" I say politely as I get in... Wow.. expensive much huh.... I think as I slowly open the door.... Wow such nice place... I love it... When I get to the balcony I see a familiar person standing beside the balcony

I get more closer as the figures turns to me... W-wait namjoon... What is he doing here?? I think... He smiles at me as he says "Nice to know you came... Have a seat"

Namjoon's POV
I slowly get up from the seat as I get to the balcony... I'm a little nervous as jungkook and yoongi including me thought about proposing our fated one's but...

Will he accept me or reject me... I slowly pat my chest 'it'll be okay namjoon he'll accept you' I think as I make myself a little calm

I slowly hear little footsteps coming forward... I turn around as I see it's 'jin?'... He came. I was in shock and happiness

I smile at him as I say "nice to know you came... Have a seat" he takes his seat "so what're we gonna order" he asks

"Well... Your choice... Order whatever you like" I say as he smiles at me and nods.... He orders his favorite food as after 10 minutes the waiter serves it

Authors POV
Jin was about to eat when he saw a sticky note on his glass... He picks it as it was written 'look at the right of the sky'.... He gives a confused look as he look at the right

"Wow" jin says as he gets up and gets to the balcony... Many firecrackers were bursting as when the last one bursted... It left him(jin) leaving a prominent blush on his face

Then he feels a sticky note on the railing too as he picks it up reading 'seokjin, I love a lot, will you be my boyfriend?' He then turns at namjoon who was holding a rose bouquet and a ring on his another hand

He gets to jin as he hands him the bouquet of red roses as he asks "kim seokjin will you be my boyfriend"... Jin was surprised as hell... Tears were streaming down his eyes.... He wasn't able to explain how happy he was

He shyly nods as namjoon smiles at him and puts on the ring in his(jins) finger as he slowly leans in to him

Jin slowly closes his eyes as their lips attach together.... The kiss was filled with love... The true love that namjoon waited for

They slowly pulls away as jin stares at namjoon... Namjoon smiles at him as he says "the food is gonna turn cold... Shall we have it?" Jin nod as they both take their seats

         /////The Next Day/////

Authors POV

Jin and jimin was waiting for taehyung... After sometime taehyung came... "let's go" jin says as they all start walking

Taehyung's POV

We were walking by as we saw a familiar person standing by the window... "Who's that?" Jimin asks with a questioned face as I reply "he seems familiar"... "Well let's go see who it is" jin says as we start walking to him

We get to him as I tap his shoulder.... He turns around as our eyes widens... H-hoseuk... "H-hoseuk is that you?" Jimin asks with wide eyes as he nods while smiling

"I missed you all" he says as we hug him
(A/N: it's more like a group hug) we slowly break the hug as jimin asks "where were you all the time... You were like vanished after I passed high school"

"Wait wait wait... We knew him from childhood!?" Jin says as jimin questions "then why didn't we know each other?" Hoseok smiles as he clears his throat drawing our attention to him as he says

"Well actually I knew you all but you weren't in the same classes... Like taehyung was in section - C as jimin was in section - A and not to mention jin was my neighbour (˘⌣˘)" we reply with an "OOO"

"Oh damn we're gonna late for our classes... We gotta run" hoseuk says as I mumble "shit... Aishh"

Then you know we gotta use our man power to reach our classes⊂((・▽・))⊃

//////////LUNCH TIME/////////

finally it's lunch time... I think as i strech my arms.... Suddenly I feel someone pulling me to the restroom as I get pinned to the wall... I look at him as it was j-jungkook

"J-jungkook w-what are you doing?" I ask as he smirks "baby, I'm sorry, but I'm a bit jealous right now, so I just want this jealousy to ease down you know" Junglook says as he puts his hand on my eyes, He removes his hand as I get stunned seeing his room suddenly appearing....

Hope you all liked it, I'm sorry if this chapter disappointed you all a bit

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