I'm done with this fucking family.

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I walked over to the fridge and grabbed out some chocolate. I was walking off when Andre talked

A- why the fuck do you need chocolate 

Y/n- um because I'm craving chocolate right now?

A- yeah and while you're at it you should grab some ice cream too.

Y/n - you know what I will 

A- what, no. I was joking. I was going to eat that. 

Y/n- stfu you have a whole ass drawer of candy in your room


y/n- your welcome

I walked off. 

I heard the group of kids walk down to andres room and heard them obsessing over the candy drawer. I chuckled knowing that tomorrow he wouldn't have any food down there

I sat in my room and turned on the tv. I started watching the last episode of Ginny and Georgia but Ginny was pissing me off so I turned on the ugly truth. It was pretty good but I felt like a sad movie so I looked for some. I found perks of being a wallflower but that wouldn't make me cry as much as hatchi. 

I turned it on and the screen went Black. What the fuck. 

 I called Andre. 

Y/n- has your tv gone black

A- no. We are watching movie. 

Y/n- okay never mind

I hung up and looked at the PowerPoints to see if any of them had come loose.


I spent about 30 minutes and then called Andre for help but he didn't answer. 

I walked down to his room and sawn that hatchi was on their screen. 


They all turned around. They were all crying. Except for my brother. He was laughing. Fucking weirdo

A- what?

Y/n- I call you and ask if your tv has gone black and you say no but you didn't happen to mention the fact that it might have ACCIDENTALLY mirrored to your screen?

A- no?

Y/n- I'm so fucking done with this family

A- okay 

He said laughing. He thought I wasn't serious. 

⚠️tw please skip if the topic of sh bothers you 💜 I will put this "👍🏽" symbol when the topic is finished 

I walked back up to my room 

I walked into the bathroom and sat in my bathtub. If I was going to get blood anywhere it may as well be somewhere easy to clean. 

I grabbed my disassembled sharpeners blade and held it to my arm. I wasn't going to start at my wrist. I was going to start up the top of my arm. That way I could focus on the pain and not the bleeding until I got to my wrist. 

As I started to cut the thoughts that filled my head started to get over crowded. It felt like my head was going to explode and I needed a way to deal with the pain. I needed to feel pain worse than that. So I cut deeper. I could feel the coolness of the blade in my skin but the prickling heat as the blood trickled out. As I got towards the middle of my arm I heard a sound. It sounded like someone was at my door. 


Masons pov 

I walked to the kitchen so I could grab some water for everyone since andres water jug in his room had run out. I heard crying from upstairs. Was that y/n?

I tiptoed up stairs and the crying got louder. It was definitely her. I felt a strong urge to go comfort her that I opened her door. The crying  stopped. Shit. She heard me. I decided to knock on her door. I heard shuffling and movement form the other side of the door. 

M- y/n?

I didn't get an answer.

M- y/n please answer me. 


M- please.

Y/n- what is it?

M- are you okay?

Y/n - yeah why would you think I'm not?

M- y/n I heard you crying. Why?

Y/n- what? a girl can't cry once in a while?

M- no. I know that crying. You are in pain.  What happened?

Y/n- nothing.

M- please don't lie y/n.

Y/n - look I need some alone time please 

M-.. okay. 

I walked over to the door and looked back at the locked bathroom door. No. Something was wrong. 

I opened the door and closed it pretending to have walked down stairs. 

The bathroom door opened and I heard y/n mumbling to herself. 

Y - shit shit shit. Y/n he nearly caught you 

I stayed silent. 

She was wiping her arms with a rag. Why? As she placed the rags back on her desk they were dark red. 

I walked over to her silently. I looked at her arm from behind her and saw it. Blood. 

I felt sick. Why would she do that? 

I don't care about my feeling right now. I have to help her. 

I rushed over. 

M- what the hell is this 

I said grabbing her arm gently 

She looked at me with shock. 

Y/n- i- I don't know what to s- 

M- it's okay I'm not going to force it. Okay? Just come sit down. 

I led her to the bed and grabbed  the first aid kit from her bathroom. The same bathroom I was in when she helped me. 

I put some plasters on her arm and bandaged it up. I cleared the rags up and put them in the bin. I grabbed a sweater and gave it to her before sitting down. 

M- alright. Do you want to talk

She nods. 


This chapter in no way is glorifying the idea of self harm. I really do not mean for this chapter to affect you in any way shape or form which is why I will always put warnings before and after the topic of discussion that could be of concern. I love you all and would never wish that for you. 

Again if you ever need someone to talk to please feel free to talk to me. I am pretty active on watt pad, as I love written these books. 

I also have a new book coming! In no way am I going to stop writing this book, as I have only just started it. But I will be publishing a new book. It will be about y/n who is a fan of the black phone cast and gets to meet them. I will post a screen shot of the description in the next chapter. 

Ily all  🫶🏽

Mason ThamesWhere stories live. Discover now