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(P.S I can't stop binging the 13 reasons why series at the moment) 


I fell asleep in jadens bed. 

I woke up and ran out the door, I had to get home. Ma was going to beat my ass. 

A girl caught me at the door. She stood in front of me.

?- what are you doing? Wait are you the person who stole all that shit last week?

Y/n- what?

Jay-never mind. What's got you in such a rush? Aren't you the girl jaden bought over? He's never bought a girl over.

Y/n- really? Oh and yeah I am, I just slept here. I forgot I actually have a home. 

Jay- ok. Well I'll probably see you soon. 

Y/n- bye!

She was pretty and nice. Must be his sister. Damn his whole family looking fine as fuck so far. I might steal them all. 

As I was walking home I thought about ma. I don't really want to have to cover bruises again today. I just walked to school. If I got hit I would have to cover it up, cause it'd be the weekend. I can just stay home. I'm not really in the mood for anything this week. 

Sorry for the super short chapter 😬

It'll make sense why I split it up from the next chapter though. 

Mason ThamesWhere stories live. Discover now