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I was sleeping when my phone went off. 

Y/n - hello?

?- hi, holy shit you answered. 

y/n - who the fuck calls someone at 1 in the morning?

?- oh sorry we just had a few questions.

Y/n- we?

? - don't mind that. We wanted to ask are you and Tristan a thing? 

Y/n - what no. We met today. 

? - okay that's all I ne-

T- I'm so sorry y/n that was Brady, he thinks he fucking hilarious. Go back to sleep. I'm sorry they bothered you. 

Y/n - it's all good. I couldn't sleep anyways. 

T- hey I'm gonna drop by tomorrow is that okay? I promised Andre I'd help with the rest of his room and I thought we could all hang out? 

Y/n- yeah, just wait till 9 cause my ma will be gone by then. What about your friends?

T- oh they're going to charlotte to catch up with some old friends, they'll be back at 7pm. 

Y/n- all good, see you tomorrow 

T- bye

What a wierd day. 

Mason ThamesWhere stories live. Discover now