Crook of my neck

700 17 5

I waited for Andre in the car for another 30 minutes before he came out. 

A- hey. How'd school go?

Y/n- interesting. 

A- and what do you mean by that exactly?

Y/n- well you know the office lady? Basically when she called me in, it wasn't to talk about the fight. She noticed the bruising on my fa-


Y/n- no Andre. She knew

A- well did she call ma and pa?

Y/n- no, the opposite actually. 

A- what?

Y/n- she told me about her life and how she got abused too. She literally said that she's here for me, and I'm sure she'd be there for you too, and that if I could come to her maybe weekly with any gossip she'd be happy. 

A- you're joking right?

I just shook my head. 

Andre laughed and the rest of the drive was silent until we were at the door. 

A- hey you told Tristan what time to come didn't you?

I froze. SHIT. I forgot. 

A- I'm going to take that as a no. Right we'll call him and tell him now. No need to stress. Okay?

I nodded. 

Andre called him and let him know not to come until 8, when ma left. 

We walked inside and ma was screaming at Lani. 

I turned to Andre, shocked. Ma was never this bad. This was a new level of bad. 

M- ¡Oh, cállate, pedazo de mierda, niña, o te juro por Dios que voy a cerrarte la boca con cinta adhesiva!

 (oh shut up you piece of shit child, or i swear to god im going to tape your mouth shut!)

What. The. Fuck. 

Andre ran over to ma, 

A- ma, let me do this, you go get ready for work. 

M- ah gracias mi hijo, you're wonderful. 

She turned to me after kissing Andrés cheek. 

Mumbling she said, 

M- en cuanto a ti, cerdo gordo, ni siquiera sé lo que eres. ve a hacer algo de ejercicio.

(as for you, you fat pig, i don't even know what you are. go do some exercise)

My face dropped. I knew she didn't try to hide it. 

After she left, Tristan showed up with his friends. I was crying in my room so I didn't see them enter.

Masons pov 

Ma- hey Andre? Where's y/n?

A- she's in her room. I wouldn't go up there. She's not in the best mood. 

I still went up there 

I opened her door and saw her on the bed

I sat down next to her and pushed her hair behind her ear, to reveal her face. 

she had been crying and she had fallen asleep. I went to get up but heard her talk

Y/n- please don't go. You're the only person I can stand right now, 

I chuckled. I laid down next to her 

M- what happened?

She explained just told me that the office lady called her parents and they weren't happy. 

M- do you want me to stay here? 

Y/n- if you could? Just until I fall asleep? 

I nodded 

I hopped under the blankets and drew shapes on her back until she turned around and dug her face into the crook of my neck. I hugged her back and we both fell asleep. 

Next thing I know I woke up and it was morning. Shit. I'd slept here. 

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