Up above is just a song to listen to if you want, so I'm going to try to do that in every chapter, to maybe help people discover different music. If you have any recommendations please message me or comment it :)
Also, I am so so sorry that I have been away for so long, I have had the worst writing block in history, but I promise ill try to upload as much as I can, but I don't have a schedule, so I can't say it's going to be every Monday or every Sunday, it depends on when I have the time and I have my computer or phone. :)
Also, I'm going to start asking just questions every chapter to try to get to know my readers better, so.. question of the day: are you a cat or dog person?
But seriously, thank you, guys, so much, every time I come to read or write on this website, I see ongoing love and support from all of you, and it really makes me happy. You'll notice that I try to reply to all the comments on this book, and that's because I love talking to you guys, so don't feel like you can't comment. :) Also next chapter I be doing a chapter about me so you guys kind of know who I am in a sense, but feel free to skip that. anyways, ENJOY!!
Also I won't be doing a face reveal because I don't really feel comfortable with that :)
We got into both our cars and I dropped mine off at home after texting Tristan that I was going with em somewhere and didn't need the car. He replied, saying thanks, and that he needed the car anyway since the group and him are going somewhere soon in about an hour.
The set was about 20 minutes away and when we got there, all the trailers were set up already too. God, I was so excited.
When we got in the gate, Em looked so excited.
Em- oh y/n, I just know you're going to love this! I can't wait to see it all finished, and you just know I'm posting all of these photos of you here on Instagram.
Y/n- speaking of, I should probably take a photo for Instagram now. I'll post later though.
Em took a photo of me in front of a trailer, and I decided to post it later.
For now, we had to find Scott.
Y/ns POV: em and I walked around and she said she knew where Scott was, but obviously she didn't, but I didn't mind because I got to see more of the set. This was freakin amazing. As we walked around a woman passed us and then came back
W- are you y/n?
Y/n- yeah I am. Sorry we're just trying to find our way around here
A- oh I'm so sorry I was supposed to meet you at your trailer to let you know what's happening next week for the filming and the schedules but I got held up in a meeting. I'm Amy by the way
Y/n- hi Amy, and that's completely fine, we found the trailer though.
A- ok that's good, just follow me back there and I'll get you all sorted. The rest of the cast should be here soon so I'll just run you through what's going to happen.
We followed her back to the trailer and after she unlocked the trailer door she handed both em and I keys for the trailer. We walked in and amy told us she had a call to make and to just look around. The trailer was really nice. It had a small little toilet and little couch that I could use as a couch, and then a mirror and a closet for my clothes.
Amy got off of the phone and then said
A- okay so basically it depends on the time you get to set and also the schedule that the makeup artists are going off of, but sometimes they will meet you in your trailer and do your hair and makeup, but usually you'll meet them at the main trailer where the rest of the cast will be and get your hair and makeup done there. We will always have your outfit or sometimes outfits ready for the day in your trailer and you just need to get into them and then meet at the main trailer unless you're texted otherwise. I would usually give you more time to let this sink in but I just got off the phone with Scott and apparently the rest of the cast is already here.
Y/n - oh okay
A- it's okay to Be nervous I've met a few of them already and they're really nice. Basically we will just meet them and tell everyone what roles they are here for because she want to make sure that everyone is aware and then the next week will be us getting your schedules out to you and you meeting and getting to know everyone so that it's a bit more comfortable filming this movie.
Y/n- ok that sounds good.
I followed her to the area where we were meeting the cast, and when I looked up from texting Andre to let him know that I was meeting the cast and would probably be home soon, I saw...

Mason Thames
FanfictionA girl who doesn't trust many, is met by a boy who comforts everyone and is always supportive. Not knowing who eachother are, they start talking, and discover they have more than one thing in common. WILL NOT BE SMUT AS HE IS 15