Anne st?

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We were still sitting on the sofa when I got another text. I had told jaden that I couldn't right now, because I was talking to my brother, but I didn't want to tell him who I was actually hanging out with. for some reason it didn't feel right. 

I texted em back. 


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Em looks like this by the way:

I was just about to go upstairs and get ready when I felt a hand grip my wrist

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I was just about to go upstairs and get ready when I felt a hand grip my wrist. 

M-where are you going? 

Y/n- I'm just going to get ready for the day and meet a friend

M- is it that guy that was on your instagram?

Y/n- no it's not. She's a girl mase. No need to worry. Okay? 

M- .. okay. Well at least come back down and show me your outfit!

Y/n- of course mr Thames. 

He laughed and I walked up the stairs. 

I got dressed in something casual enough that it was comfy but not too much of the "I've been in bed all week" look. 

This is kind of what I'm talking about: I blanked the face out for privacy reasons since I don't know the girl.

This is kind of what I'm talking about: I blanked the face out for privacy reasons since I don't know the girl

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I walked down the stairs and went up to mase. 

Y/n- okay mase. Is this okay. Up to your standards?

M- hmmmmm. Umm.. yes I guess. 

Y/n- what?

M- of course it is. You look really pretty. 

I blushed at that. 

Y/n- oh well. Thankyou. 

I'm not the best at taking compliments 

I said goodbye then walked out the door after getting the keys off Tristan. 

I drove to the Starbucks em said to meet at, and saw her in the window seat of the cafe, waiting for me. She was on her laptop and had a coffee. She looked like she was out of a movie.

Y/n- hey em, how are you?

Em- I'm good thanks lovely. Well I have to get this out quick since I got a last minute phone call and we have to be somewhere very soon. 

Y/n -okay

Em- so scott wants you to come to the set to do a read with him, and just go over your lines alone, to see if you can get them the way they want, and then he's going to give you your schedule and introduce you to everyone, oh and also here's your food and drink. 

Y/n- uh okay, yeah I'm fine with that should we leave now? 

Em- yeah. Alright let's go.

We got into both our cars and I dropped mine off at home after texting Tristan that I was going with em somewhere and didn't need the car. He replied, saying thanks, and that he needed the car anyways since the group and him are going somewhere soon in about an hour. 

The set was about 20 minutes away and when we got there, all the trailers were set up already too. God I was so excited. 

When we got in the gate, em looked so excited. 

Em- oh y/n, I just know you're going to love this! I can't wait to see it all finished, and you just know I'm posting all of these photos of you here on instagram. 

Y/n- speaking of, I should probably take a photo for instagram now. I'll post later though. 

Em took a photo of me infront of  a trailer, and I decided to post it later. 

For now, we had to find Scott. 

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