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(Back at home.)

We pulled up in the driveway and we're met by ma at the front door. She grabbed my shirt by the collar and pulled me inside. 


M- what took you so long?!

Y/n- what do you mean ma we told you we were going for 30  minutes?

M- well, you're teachers emailed and said you have work left to do. I told you to get it done before school. 

Y/n- ma I promise I did all of it. 

M- I should have known better 

Y/n- ma I did it all I - 

I was cut of by a painful stinging slap to cheek. 

Dre- ma! Stop!

M- Andre you stay out of this. 

M- see y/n, unlike you, Andre does his work like I ask and doesn't fucking lie to me. 

I looked at Andre with tears in my eyes

No matter how many times this happened it still scared Andre. 

M- go to your fucking rooms. I don't want to see you out again until you go to school 

M- and no food y/n tonight. You look like a fucking fat pig. Stop eating so much. 

I walked off with tears in my eyes. 

I got into my room and got into bed. I may as well sleep now 

- time skip to morning- 

I woke up with a painful feeling in my arms and ribs. Like someone's fingers were aiming to pierce my skin.

I walked into the bathroom and saw that my ribs and arms were bruised from ma grasping me so tight.  I was going to have to wear a jacket today. But what would I do about my face

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