chapter 1: backstory

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Y/N hears someone call their name in the distance of the dim corridor, and they take a glance over their shoulder.
"Jayden!" y/n calls out, taking some steps towards a male worker drone.
"I've looked for you everywhere! Anyways, boss wants to speak with us." Says Jayden, still catching his breath.
"Great! That must mean another mission! I get bored around here doing nothing." Says y/n with a grin on their face.
"I wonder what kind of mission this will be.." says jayden, with a puzzled expression on his face.
"Wouldn't you like to find out?!" says y/n, grabbing Jayden by the wrist and running off to the office while pulling the dizzied guy, this made him yelp in surprise.

Y/N opens the door in excitement and steps inside the sketchy room, letting go of Jayden's wrist. They took a glance at Jayden and almost cried in laughter at the sight of dizzy-and-still-processing-what-just-happened-Jayden.
"Y/n, reporting for duty!" They state, saluting while speaking.
"Oh uh.. Jayden too.." He weakly saluted.
"Oh hello my fellow worker drones!" Said a tall human standing from his chair. "I have a new mission for you."
Yes! Y/N thought about what kind of professional heist they would do this time.
"You're going to space."
"What?" Y/N's jaw dropped.
"Huh?" Sighed Jayden in even more confusion.
"You guys are going to be needed in a completely different mission. Exploring a distant planet."
"But-!" Stuttered y/n.
"I know you guys got this!" Interrupted boss. "Now go get ready, a team of humans have also been assigned to this mission."
And the human they called "boss" pushed y/n and Jayden out of the room.
They immediately looked at each other.
"Okay what the hell." Said Jayden.
"Uhm, I don't know" said y/n. "We're supposed to leave the planet."

Later that night, y/n and Jayden found themselves putting on some gear with some humans, getting ready to board a spacecraft.
Y/N shivered at the thought of leaving planet Earth. At least they had their best friend with them.
"Initiate boarding, team!"
Y/N stepped inside the spacecraft and immediately felt uneasy.
"Alright get into position guys."
Y/N looked over at Jayden, who was at the other side of the room, but Jayden looked fine. Y/N tries their hardest not to hyperventilate. Over the stress, they didn't even hear the countdown, soon, all y/n heard was "4..3..2..1..!" And so they took off.
Y/N didn't like this at all. The literal pressure, the feeling, they were flying at full speed towards the atmosphere. It felt horrible. Finally, the worst part ended, and they found themselves beside the stars.
"Are y'all good back there?" Asked the co-pilot.
"Yup!" Said most of the crew. But y/n still gripped their armrest in shock.

"Wake up y/n!"
"Eek!" y/n woke startled. "Ugh, what the hell do you want Jayden?"
Jayden pointed at the window, and y/n realized they were flying above the unknown planet.
"Pretty!" Gasped y/n, who had never seen another planet before. They continued gazing at the window in disbelief.

When all of a sudden...

The spacecraft's engine had just exploded. Flashing red lights appeared, and the spacecraft emitted an alarm sound. Everyone shouted and ran in panic.
The spacecraft was hit once again, this time on the side, where y/n was sitting. This sent them flying to the other side and the spacecraft started tilting, y/n was laying on the ground with a beaming headache, all they saw was flashing red lights, humans running in panic, and some weird drone-like creatures attacking the spacecraft. They were tall, had wings, weapons, and a bright yellow "X" on their eyescreen. Y/N's vision started blurring, and they heard a loud ringing in their ears, they weakly lay their head, and realized they were slipping off the spacecraft. Jayden was fighting and then looked over at y/n and yelled their name, then ran towards y/n's slipping body, which was falling off the spacecraft, but then Jayden took their hand, and tried to pull them up with all his strength.
"H-hold- o-on!" Jayden said.
That bomb exploded exactly between the two of them, making Jayden fly, and let y/n go.
Y/N reached their hand out to the exploding spacecraft as they fell from the dark, freckled sky, and closed their eyes.

Y/N hit the snowed ground of a cold, lifeless place, coughed weakly, and realized all they remembered was letting go of someone's hand. Who it was? They didn't know. All they knew was that they were laying on the ground, barely conscious, when some tall creatures picked them up and took them, as y/n went fully unconscious.

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