chapter 9: the fair

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It's been a few days since prom. V, N, Uzi, and y/n are still trying to figure out what the hell Doll meant by helping Uzi, and what was she looking for? And what about the absolute solver? They can't seem to find anything at all, and have gotten very bored and tired of investigating and ending up with no leads.
"Im bored." Said V blowing bubbles in her swivel chair.
"She called it." Mumbled y/n, laying down face first into a shitload of missing person posters on the floor pointing weakly at V.
"Ugh, there's gotta be something!" Uzi groaned as she rummaged through a ton of documents (for investigation purposes) desperately and throwing a few of them to the side. Uzi had eyebags and her hair was a mess. She had almost gone insane from searching for answers, and had turned grumpy.
"I think we need a break..?" N said. He was also very tired and messy, but kept his positive attitude.
"No one asked you N! And anyways, this is more important!" Uzi turned at N with fury and grumpiness at the same time.
"Uzi!" Y/N gasped dramatically and sat up with their hair messed up. "I agree with N, you need a break right now. We all do."
"Is it just me or is it getting warm in here..?" V said all of a sudden.
"Me too!" N answered.
"I think we're overheating-" Said y/n.
"I sure hope you all overheat and die.." Mumbled Uzi. The hell was wrong with her?! Her eyescreen glitched and read 'Low battery".
"Yeah, she definitely needs to rest." V said in a careless tone.

"Argh, where is everyone?!" Said y/n looking around desperately.
".. we've come all this way and still no worker drone in sight." V sighed.
"We need something, anything, right now!" Panicked N breathing heavily.
N, V, and y/n were out looking for worker drones so they wouldn't overheat.
"Do you... hear that?" Y/N suddenly stopped and asked the rest. There was a weak distant cheerful music, like fair music.
"Hm?" V said looking at y/n. "Oh, yeah!"
They flew up into the sky, to get a clear view from above.
"Pretty!" Gasped y/n at the sight of a very colorful and bright view of what seemed to be a fair.
"Oh god wow!" N yelled.
"Woah, bet that'll be loaded with victims!" Exclaimed V with a big smile. "Race ya?"
"Yup! 3 2 1 go!" Y/N said quickly before the three drones took off to the fair.

Uzi groaned as she woke in her bed, she was probably left here charging. Wait..
"Those three idiots must have left me behind.." hissed Uzi.
"Uzi?!" Khan, her father, was waiting for her to wake. "What happened? Some workers found you outside the doors with no battery!"
"Im fine, dad. Now I have to go-!" Uzi walked to the door of her room before her dad stopped her.
"Go where?!" Khan asked worriedly.
"Uh.." Uzi looked around to find some excuse to go outside, she saw some posters about a fair going on outside... "the... fair?"
Khan's expression turned cheerful at her words.
"Yes! My daughter is going to a social event!" He jumped like he had just beat a world record.
"..Mhm..!" Uzi looked at her dad stupidly.
"Well then you better get going! Here's a map so you don't get lost, are you meeting with someone?" Khan said hurriedly pushing her outside and handing her a map.
"Uhm... Thad?" Uzi answered awkwardly.
"Ah, perfect! Now you two go have a nice time, here's the keycard!" Khan said excitedly and shut the door behind Uzi.
"Well, that was easier than I thought.." Uzi whispered to herself looking at the keycard she held and walking to the huge metal doors.

"God, that's sooo many worker drones!" V jumped up and down in excitement, with a big wide smile from ear to ear and big wide eyes staring at the entrance line of the fair.
"Now don't get too excited, we don't want too much attention." Said y/n pulling V by the tail.
"Speaking of, wouldn't the worker drones kinda freak out if they saw us..?" N reasoned.
"Ah, good point." Said y/n as they let go of V, who had stopped jumping.
"So how about we murder a few delicious drones and take their accessories?" V proposed.
"Actually, that's not a bad idea." Y/N said putting their hand under their chin. "Alright guys, let's not cause a ruckus."
"Woohoo!" V cheered about to take off before y/n pulled her tail again.
"What'd I JUST say?" Y/N demanded.
"Ugh, fine." V muttered.
"I think we could find workers wearing things we could use, target them, and kill them secretly." N said.
"Good thinking N!" Y/N smiled at N giving him a thumbs up. "We need to cover our tails, maybe with jackets or coats, and our yellow head thingies with hats?"
"Mhm!" Nodded N.
"Got it, let's go!" V said walking towards a guy wearing a cap sitting in the shadows. That was gonna be an easy target for V.
Y/N spotted a girl with a black leather coat, and a black knit beanie. Perfect. Y/N creeped up on her and stabbed her quietly from behind, then took her coat and beanie and hid their tail and yellow head bubbles in the accessories. Then they went back to meet N and V.
V wore a gray varsity jacket and a black cap, and N wore a dark green denim coat with his pilot hat.
"Aw, we look so gorgeous!!" Exclaimed y/n.
"We're gonna fit in perfectly!" Said N.
"Fit in? Nah, we gonna blow everyone's minds! Literally-" V giggled.
They walked into the fair, and gasped in amazement. So many cool rides, delicious food stands, games where you win stupid stuffed animals, and the huge colorful Ferris wheel!
Y/N squealed and didn't hesitate to pull V and N by their wrists and ran to the candy apples stand.
"Three candy apples please!!" Y/N told the salesman before he handed them each a candy apple.
"Yum!" V said taking a bite out of the candy apple.
They walked together with candy apples in hand looking around the fair, with y/n pointing and jumping at random games and cool stupid stands that V and N had to pull them by the tail so they wouldn't run off and get lost.
"N? V? Y/N?!" Yelled a short purple girl in the distance. Yes, it was Uzi.
"Uzi?!" They all said in unison and ran to her.
"Bite me! What's wrong with y'all, leaving me outside of the FREAKING colony and coming to have fun to the FREAKING fair without me?!" Uzi shouted.
"Ah yes, very well rested." Said V in a sarcastic tone, nudging y/n's elbow.
"Well Uzi, you kinda ran out of battery, so we took you to the colony doors so someone would take you in and let you recharge-!" Explained Y/N.
"-and we went off to find workers so we didn't overheat, but didn't find any, so after looking around for a bit-!" N continued.
"-we found the reason we couldn't find our prey was because of this huge fair going on, so we came, we saw, and we conquered." Finished V.
Uzi blinked at them and gave in.
"Fine, I guess that kinda makes sense." Uzi said. "Hey where'd you get that?!" She pointed at the candy apples.
"Oh, over there! You wanna go get some-?" Offered y/n before being interrupted by Uzi.
"Uh- no! I don't want any sweets!" Uzi answered bitterly.
"Hm. That's okay I guess!" Said y/n.
"We could go to that shooting game! Look at the prize!" N said. It was a huge brown bear plush, the size of Uzi, and it had a little black bow tie.
"So cute!" Squealed y/n running off to the stand, followed by N, Uzi, and V.

"Come on come on.." muttered y/n to themselves aiming at a target with a big plastic gun. N, V, and Uzi watched them with amusement and excitement.
"Bullseye!" Yelled y/n proudly putting their fists in the air.
"Woohoo, after the 34th shot!" Celebrated V. "What? I've been counting!"
"Yay you did it!" Yelled N with a wide smile.
"..finally!" Continued Uzi in a bittersweet tone.
"Here's your prize!" Said the woman managing the game, throwing a huge brown teddy bear the size of Uzi on y/n's back.
"Yes!" Y/N squealed again.
"I wanna go on that roller coaster over there!" Said V pointing at the biggest ride in the fair.
"Oh robo-jesus, hell yes!" Uzi shouted looking at the ride.
"Eh, heh" N said nervously looking at the ride.
"Oh we have to try that!" Said y/n shaking N.
"Mhm, yeah!" N stuttered.
They ran to the roller coaster, (y/n had to pull N by the wrist), and got in line. After waiting for a bit, (and keeping V from attacking random workers), they made it in. Lucky for them, it was for exactly 4 people per capsule. V got in first, so she got a corner, then Uzi, then y/n, and lastly N. He hesitated a bit at first, but then built up the courage to hop on.
"Ready?" The person in charge of the ride asked.
"Born ready!" V and y/n said in unison. Y/N noticed how N was trembling though.
"You good N?" Y/N asked N with a soft voice.
"Huh?!" He looked at y/n startled. "Oh, yeah-! Y-Yeah, fine!" Y/N looked at N with a 'hm..' face and looked in front, as the ride started moving.
It started out slowly and did some twists and stuff, and then, the ride started going uphill slowly (and you know what's gonna happen.) N was pale and squeezed the seat while his face was frozen.
"N, seriously, are you oka-" y/n tried to say before the ride suddenly dropped and everyone yelled and put their hands in the air. N squeezed y/n's hand tightly. He was still shaking. Y/N looked at N with a soft smile, knowing what was going on, and enjoyed the rest of the ride with twists and turns.

"V, are you sure you don't need to throw up-" asked y/n concerned.
"Nope! I'm fine.." V gagged and held onto y/n's arm so she wouldn't stumble. She was very obviously dizzy.
"How about you N?" Y/N turned at N, who stood frozen, still squeezing y/n's other arm.
"Uzi?" Y/N sighed.
"We're probably the only ones that survived that.." Uzi smiled crossing her arms and rolling her eyes playfully and y/n giggled.
"Hey, how about we buy some skewers?" Proposed y/n.
"That'll probably bring the life back to N!" Uzi said. "Come on-! Oh right!" Uzi ran to the skewer stand waiting for y/n to follow behind her when she remembered y/n had V holding one of her arms for dear life and N the other arm.
"eheh, don't worry I'll catch up!" Assured y/n.
"If you say so!" Uzi continued running to the stand.

"... yeah three skewers please-!" Uzi ordered the skewers when y/n arrived with the other two practically tied to her. "Thank you!" She handed two skewers to y/n, who gave one to N. This brought him back to life, apparently.
"N!" Y/N said enthusiastically.
"H-Huh? Is it over yet?!" N said startled.
"Yup." Uzi grinned and rolled her eyes jokingly. "Can we go home now?"
"But we can't go without mounting the Ferris wheel!?" Y/N complained.
"Good point. Okay let's do it!" Uzi ran towards the Ferris wheel with N, and y/n slowly dragged V behind with them.

They waited in line until finally getting to the front.
"Argh, V can't go on." Said Uzi.
"Oh yeah.." realized y/n.
"Hm. I'll take care of V right here and you two go have a nice little ride on the Ferris wheel..!" Uzi said in a teasing voice.
"Okay Uzi, thanks for taking care of her." Said y/n. N was already mounting their capsule and y/n unstuck V from her arm, then ran to sit beside N.
The Ferris wheel started moving, it was slow and colorful.
"So, where you scared on the roller coaster??" Teased y/n nudging N's elbow.
"Huh? N-no!" Tried to lie N. "I mean- yes." Y/N laughed.
"I figured, I mean you were squeezing the life out of me, N!" Y/N joked around.
"O-Oh! I'm so sorry, did it hurt?!" Said N in concern grabbing y/n's hand to inspect it.
"No you dumbass-!" Laughed y/n. "I'm just playing around..!"
N smiled at y/n. They were now on the highest point of the Ferris wheel.
"It looks beautiful, doesn't it?!" Said y/n softly looking at the view of the colorful fair.
"You look prettier- I mean- ARGH! SORRY-" N stared at y/n lovely at first, and then panicked when he realized what he had said. Y/N blinked at N and blushed. They were a bit confused first, but then also realized what N said and gave him a sincere smile with their eyes closed. N stared at y/n and blushed at their smile. Before they knew it, the ride was over. And they shyly jumped off the capsule and walked to Uzi and V, still blushing and smiling uncontrollably.
"Ah, so how was it?" Uzi teased with a really mischievous smile.
"uhh, how's V?" Y/N switched the conversation.
"Hm. Hasn't really moved since you left." Said Uzi. "So are you ready to go now?"
"Yeah," Said y/n looking back at the Ferris wheel and thinking of all the fun things they did. "That was a good break."

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