chapter 16: not-so-sweet dreams

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"Oh Y/N~!!" A female voice said.

Y/N, who was currently standing on their tip-toes on a tall chair, trying to dust the top of a bookshelf, turned to the door, to see who was visiting.

"wha- EEE!" Y/N yelped, as they lost their balance on the chair, and fell. They picked themselves up rubbing their head, and walked to the girl. "Yeah, Tessa?"

"Hey... i need to talk to you- RAH!" Tessa yelled in surprise when Cyn appeared in the room out of nowhere.

"Oh. Hey, Tessa. Y/N, i need to talk to you." Cyn said.

"Ugh, J!" Tessa yelled. "I thought you said you were taking care of basement time-out today!"

J stomped into the room rapidly.

"I swear i was on it!" J defended.

"Doesn't really look like it?" Tessa replied.

"I'll just go back to my uh, dusting." Y/N interrupted.

"No, wait!" Tessa and Cyn exclaimed in unison.

Y/N turned to inspect the room's energy. Tense. They looked at Tessa, Cyn, and J, and chuckled awkwardly, slowly rushing out of the room.

"Y/N!" Tessa and Cyn yelled while Y/N rushed away from them in the hallways. They looked back, and saw no one, phew, they were safe-

"GAH!" A male yelped.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry!" Y/N looked down and realized they crashed into a totally cute worker drone. (IKYKYK)

"Nono! I'm the one who was in the way!" He said.

Y/N held out their hand and helped him up. They got lost in his eyes for a few minutes. HE WAS REALLY CUTE GAHH))

"Um..." The drone said.

Y/N snapped back into reality.

"Oh, sorry! What was your name again?"

"...N!" He smiled.

Y/N couldn't help but squeeze a wide smile.

"Hey, uh... behind you?" N pointed behind Y/N.

They turned and saw Tessa, Cyn and J running towards them.

"Shit, gotta go!" Y/N ran. "Sorry!"

Y/N ran and ran ignoring Tessa and Cyn's calls. Until they ran out of energy and had to stop. Y/N pushed herself against the wall in hopes to blend in with it. When Cyn an Tessa passed, they didnt see Y/N.

Y/N let out a sigh of relief, but overheard some voices and noises. So they decided to eavesdrop, and stay hidden.

"...what else have we got to lose?! we need these stupid pieces of junk!"

"remember this is the elliots we are messing with!"

Y/N frowned with confusion, and tried to get their ear closer to the wall.

"...listen, the stupid bots can be reprogrammed to do anything."

"if we get caught, you are so dead."

"how do we get in.."

Y/N's breath hitched and without thinking, they ran at light's speed. Running away with no specific direction whatsoever. Those creeps were definitely gonna try to break inside the mansion.

Y/N's sudden movement was noisy, yes. And the creeps outside noticed.

"what was that."

"should we run?"

"we're already here, and we're not going back. we're going inside."

Y/N reached a bathroom and locked themselves inside to collect their thoughts. Something shady is definitely going on. Tessa and Cyn are acting weird, and Y/N didn't wanna get caught up between their feud. Y/N didn't even want to know what was going on between them. They always sensed some kind of tense air between them every time they saw each other, ever since Cyn was brought in, but this feels like the climax. And what was up with those weird stalker guys? Were they planning to break in and reboot the drones' systems? Maybe they were plotting about some other house to break into?

All this thinking was draining Y/N's battery, and before they knew it...



A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. See, this is just a small piece of memory that Y/N has collected in their dreams. The next chapter will be what ACTUALLY happens after chapter 15 :))

yes I love torturing you all.


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