chapter 7: prom preparation

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(A/N: This chapter contains Russian dialogues. I used google translate, so please excuse me if it's translated wrong. You can use google translate as well, because I'm too lazy to write down the translations. Thanks!)

"Argh!" Grunted y/n in pain, holding their thigh tightly, regenerating their leg, then held their torso's deep scars, trying to stop the bleeding.
"V! Help!" Yelled N rushing to the landing pod with y/n in his arms.
"Ugh. What is it this ti- woah." Said V turning to N and y/n while blowing bubbles on her chair.
"First aid kit! Now!" Demanded N placing y/n on a table, V looked around and spotted one at a corner of the landing pod, reached it and handed it to N. He cleaned y/n's wounds, and then wrapped their torso in bandages.
"Ow ow ow ow ow ow" Said y/n silently.
"There, a-are you alright?!" Said N in concern.
"Yeah. I'm fine." Answered y/n sitting up. The bleeding had finally stopped.
"Well good! You even had me worri-!" Said V in a bitter tone, stopped, frowned, and sat on her chair, blowing bubbles again.
"Anyways! So, I need you guys to find some kind of.. formal attire!" V continued.
"... and, why exactly?" Asked n frowning.
"You'll see! I just love surprises!" She said giggling maniacally.
"Come on, y/n!" N said pulling y/n out of the landing pod by the wrist.

W-what... are you things?
Uzi woke from a memory in guilt, and surrounded by a shitload of research papers, one of them being one of N's cute little childish doodles. 'Thank you for being my friend." It read. Uzi groaned the entire school day in regret of ever leaving her friends when she realized she was back at school.
"Yeah. Meeting Brad in an hour." A short haired girl with blue hair said passing along the hallway with a guy. "Can you imagine going to prom alone?!" She threw a book at Uzi carelessly, which Uzi caught and threw back at her, accidentally hitting another dude.
"Pfft. I'd be all like: 'I don't deserve happiness!'" Answered the guy.
Uzi turned from her locker and saw a board with way too many 'missing person' posters to count. She stared at them with hollowed eyes before looking over at the janitor, who was actually cleaning some blood. Her jaw dropped before cackling maniacally and taking all the missing person posters, running to her room, and got them ready to stick on her ceiling which had tons of investigation. She stopped her cackling when she looked up only to find her investigations weren't there anymore.

Uzi's dad held some confusing and insane drawings of a symbol and more papers, then placed them on a shelf and closed the door of a tiny room with the title 'Nori's Kooky Insane Stuff'. He whistled and walked around his house until..
"Ah!" He jumped, looking at Uzi, who was in a corner, about to explode with fury. Uzi turned around and looked at dad with strongly glowing purple eyes full of anger.
"MY crazed ramblings! STAY OUT OF MY FREAKING ROOM!" She said walking angrily towards her father.
"Personal space for a very alarming coping mechanism isn't covered under a.." said her dad putting his hand on her shoulder, which she slapped off right away. "... non-optional family support structure!" He said pulling out a book, which Uzi also slapped off his hands.
"Ugh I'm sorry for being vulnerable for five seconds, okay?!" She yelled in fury. "You we're never there for me." She said walking away from her dad, and lowering the tone. "If you wanna help now, stay distant."
Her dad looked at her with hollowed eyes and worry.
"I'm going to talk to N and y/n." Uzi said before bumping into a human skeleton wearing a simple black dress. "What is this?"
"Prom dress, child's small!" Answered her father. "You're grounded from seeing those bad influence-ey murder drones.
"Huh..?!" Uzi said.
"..but i talked to your teacher to find you classmates to go with tonight! Meet Doll and Lizzie!" He said loudly with his hands in the air, approaching the door.
"..huh?!" Uzi repeated before her dad opened the door.
"..'sup freak." Smiled a blonde haired girl with a pink bow and pink clothing who stood next to a girl with dark long purple hair, who just waved. "Prepare to be popular." She finished.
"I'm chaperoning!" Uzi's dad grinned.
Uzi let out a loud scream, holding her head like she was in a nightmare.

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