Chapter 5: sneaking into the colony

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"We've got to curb her trips to the dump." Said a male human figure. "And where's she getting the hair to play dress up with them? Creepy."
He said as he threw an empty wine glass at N's tray, which was full of them. N flipped the tray professionally as he bowed to the man, and walked away. Worker drone N looked out the window of a huge, creepy, mansion in the middle of the forest. Turning at the corner, he accidentally bumped into another worker drone.
"Ah! I'm so sorry!" He said startled, picking up the fallen glass.
"I-it's okay, I wasn't looking!" Said the female worker drone who appeared to be V.
N was about to speak another word, right when he was kicked to the ground by none other than, worker drone J.
"Ugh. Move it moron- hiii Tessa!" Said J, realizing another human had walked in the room. "Oh no. Another one?" She continued, and a another small worker drone peeked from behind Tessa's legs, and smiled. N stared at her as his surroundings glitched, and woke from his memory.

N woke up, and fell from the ceiling head first, he was sleeping like a vampire.
"N! Found something in here!" Shouted Uzi from inside the landing pod. N ran inside.
Uzi stared into a mirror in the landing pod for a bit, lifted her hair, which was covering one of her eyes, and that eye glitched into some kind of weird symbol for a second, shattering the glass, y/n picked up the glass pieces and held it in their arms.
"That's weird and concerning." Smirked V turning to Uzi on a chair she was sitting on.
"Bite me! This is probably you weirdo's fault!" Uzi snapped back.
"I've never seen that symbol before." Said V, then turning creepy mode. "Wanna do an autopsy to find out?" She smiled with wide eyes. And y/n reacted with a startled expression.
"What'd you find?" Said N casually as he climbed inside the landing pod.
"Did you know this was a pilot hat?!" Said y/n as they placed N's pilot hat on his head.
"I was the pilot?!" Answered N surprised. "That's aweso-" he continued. "I crashed and ruined everything." He then murmured to himself in fear. "Spaceship pilot. Origin Story." He said changing his tone and being cool.
V hissed at him deeply and then proceeded to blow some bubbles innocently.
"..speaking of piloting to earth, uh, you sure murdering all humans is... 'morality'?" Asked N.
"The humans sent you without a communication relay, and reformatted your memories to soup." Answered Uzi. "Covering their tracks means their past negotiating... not that they tried negotiating with my mom."
"OR, you missed the negotiations." Said V in a loud tone and got closer to Uzi's face, which made the chains y/n and N tied her to straighten. "The humans programmed us to solve a problem. Where's proof of your backstory? The one where your'e kind's so conveniently innocent." And then she chuckled.
N took Uzi by her shoulders and moved her away from V.
"J was getting orders from someone. If not the company through that relay, then uh, who? And, how?" Said y/n.
"Quit complicating my murder plan." Said Uzi leaning on N, so he patted her head slowly, and Uzi slapped his hand away.

"Ugh I'm sweaty! Who programmed that!?" Said Uzi as she sweat outside in the cold air.
"You good Uzi?" Asked y/n as they sat next to N on a rock.
"I'm good. I'm better than good! I am GOD!" She answered standing up and moving her arms up in the air, then stopped and laughed immediately when she saw the male worker drone she had called attractive before. "H-hi Thad. Thank you." She said, taking her railgun from his hands.
"Of course 'zi!" He said. "N and y/n" he said giving them gun hands. "You saved my life! I-I don't think the colony is even serious about all this banishment stuff. We're just confused, especially with-"
"The fact that I'm too rogue to re-enter society now?" Interrupted Uzi. "I can never return." She said mysteriously.
"-..the recent disappearances?" Continued Thad. "A-and your murder friends corpse? When I took your gun, it kind of looked like it... crawled.. away?" Y/N and N looked at each other with hollowed eyes and N stood up in fear.
"...I can return a little?" Said Uzi changing her mind.
"Hop on!" Y/N told Uzi as she crawled onto their back. "N, you take Thad with you!"
"Alright!" Said N as Thad climbed on his back, then N and y/n flew to the colony doors.

They landed, walked over to the doors and knocked.
"Welcome back Thad!" He said waving at Thad, then squinted his eyes when he saw Uzi. "Isn't she grounded or something?"
"Banished! Ugh, has my dad been saying I'm grounded?!" Uzi answered.
"Genocide robots?" He then said taking a look at N and y/n. Y/N scratched the back of their neck and N handed the guy an apology letter with little childish drawings on it and gave him puppy dog eyes.
"Oh, alright! Just don't do it again! Get in here, ya goobs!" He said giving in and y/n and N looked at each other like they had just won the lottery.

Uzi looked around a very large room with a flashlight and revealed a lot of dripping blood on the ceiling and walls.
"You guys do that often?" She said.
"Haha, no." Chuckled N. "I'm very concerned, but also, pretty frightened a little bit."
"Hey 'zi! What's this?" Said Thad as he and y/n looked at a metal writing on the wall that read 'Absolute solver' and had the symbol Uzi had on her eyescreen before when she broke that mirror back at the landing pod.
"Isn't that your special eye?" Said N.
"Don't call it that!" Grumbled Uzi, hitting N's arm with the flashlight. Then, she got closer to the wall and ran her hands on the metal writing. "Absolute Solver? Reboot?" She read aloud. "Hey, does this have something to do with how you guys grow your head back?"
Y/N looked at N and he just giggled.
"Well, I actually avoid unpacking how that works!"
"New material can't be pulled from thin air." Uzi continued. "If the wound is severe enough, this 'solver' might be some sort of auto-run problem to collect more mat-" She stopped, when y/n put their hand over her mouth, indicating to shut up.
Uzi looked at y/n annoyed, but they stood there looking forward with hollowed eyes, the same with N, then she turned to Thad, who also stood frozen shaking. Uzi looked in front of her and hollowed her eyes in fear too as she watched a human hand crawling on the floor. It quickly grabbed Thad's leg, and Uzi pointed the flashlight at the hand's trail, which was an abnormally long wire, and just seemed to keep going all the way to the ceiling. N aimed at the ceiling with his bomb-releasing arm, and shot. The explosion lit the ceiling for a short second, and it revealed a huge centipede-like robotic worm that moved around the entire room's ceiling and walls, surrounding them in the dark. It then suddenly pulled Thad's leg, and Thad let out a frantic shrieking in panic, but N threw a ninja star, cutting off the wire that that the hand was connected to. Thad looked behind him to see N standing in a ninja pose, he was surprised himself.
"I want a freakin' ninja star!" Complained Uzi, trying to reach the ninja star on N's hand.
Y/N, N, and Uzi suddenly got shoved against the wall by a huge claw, and then, the claw grabbed Thad, and pulled him out of sight, though you could still hear his screams.
Uzi, y/n and N grunted as they helped each other up from the ground.
"You good guys?" Asked N.
"Yeah." Answered y/n.
"I'm good, stop asking!" Said Uzi. "Chainsaw hand time?"
Y/N and N fist-bumped and switched their arms for chainsaws.

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