chapter 4: murder behind the doors

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"Hey fellas! ..Ooh deal me in I love Rummy!" Said N in a friendly tone. "Oh wait I'm going to murder everyone.." he murmured to himself. "Raincheck!"
And he stuck his syringe in the door-opening mechanism, making all the doors in the building open instantly. N stood there, getting ready to attack, and the workers ran deeper into the building in panic. N decapitated the nearest worker drone he saw, and shot bombs out of his arms at the other workers. Uzi ran for her life with her railgun in hand, as N attacked every worker in sight, and then crawled up a vent. Uzi recharged her railgun again, and turned to face N, who was no longer in sight.
"Pretty nice hydraulics huh-" Uzi's dad, the builder of the doors, stood behind her. "What have you done?!" He screamed in shock. Before Uzi could react, N fell from the ceiling right in the middle of the two, violently again, sending Uzi and her dad flying.

Meanwhile, J, V, and y/n were flying in search for N.
"What has this moron gotten into now.." said J.
"Hope he doesn't do anything stupid!" Laughed V.
"I mean he is a dumbass, so pathetic." Said J. Y/N rolled their eyes and ignored them.
"I've never seen him try to murder." Said V, giggling.
"Of course you haven't! You guys don't even give him a chance, you've never went out hunting with him so you wouldn't notice his amazing talent!" Defended y/n. "And by the way, the doors are open." Said y/n as they headed in to land at the building. J and V stared at them in surprise and then followed.
"Let's get up a vent." Suggested J.
"Fun! Then we can surprise all the workers and yeet them into the sky!" Laughed V.
Then the three of them climbed a vent and crawled until they stopped when they saw N, so they began watching through a vent opening in the ceiling.
"Let's watch what this idiot does." Smiled J, looking down at the vent opening.
"Do we have to?" Moaned V.
"Yes, now shut up" answered J.
The three of you watched as N sent two workers flying, one of them seemed familiar. Y/N recognized that was Uzi, and N probably realized she was actually a worker drone when he left in a hurry. Uzi picked herself up and aimed at N with her railgun.
"This time I won't miss." Said Uzi. N just chuckled as he turned to her.
"I'm sorry, I really enjoyed our time together. But I can't have you shooting y/n with that thing." Stated N.
Y/N blushed when they heard their name, and it didn't help that V nudged her elbow.
"Gross." Murmured J.
"Bite me. Dad get down!" Said Uzi.
"Uzi, you led a murder drone in here?!" Said Uzi's dad in disbelief.
"I messed up. In the same way I'm about to fix it!" Said Uzi. "Move dad!"
But her dad just stood there and didn't move, so N took the chance to stab Uzi's torso with his wing, causing Uzi to choke on her blood, and drop her railgun, which landed at her dad's feet.
J watched in amusement as she held V's tail so she wouldn't run off to murder, and y/n watched the fight in worry.
"Dad... point and shoot.. trust me!" Said Uzi with struggling with her remaining strength.
But her dad still stared at her in shock, he looked at the railgun, and trembled as he saw the drooling N with an X across his eyescreen. He hesitantly took a few steps back.
"" Said Uzi as she watched her dad, who glanced at a door remote in his hand, looked at his daughter, and closed the door with guilt on his face, leaving N and Uzi alone. The lights turned red, and Uzi stared at the closed door in disbelief. Her father had just left her to die. Y/N looked at Uzi in shock, and instantly felt horrible. The poor girl had been betrayed by her own father. N looked at Uzi, and soon, the X on his eyescreen turned to an expression of guilt. J, V and y/n got out of the vent, crawling on the ceiling.
"Woah, N" said J as she, V, and y/n fell from the ceiling and walked towards him, N immediately yeeted Uzi behind some boxes so the others wouldn't see her. "Am I dreaming or did you do something not useless for once?"
"I've been trying to get past these doors for months! Nice work N!" Said V, winking. N glanced at y/n, who just fidgeted their fingers and looked at the ground.
"These ventilation shafts can easily get us through this last door." Continued V. "Lowest body count eats a missile!" And flew through the ceiling with an X on her eyescreen. Of course she couldn't wait that long to begin her murdering spree.
Y/N walked over to the boxes Uzi was laying behind, and sat on them.
"Nice job stud, the company's gonna love this." Said J walking closer towards N and patted his shoulder. "With this colony wiped, we'll make top team this quarter for sure! You know what that means?" Said J walking away from N. "Branded pens!!" She took out a pen and handed it to N.
"Oooh" Said N as he took the pen and stared at it for a while. J walked away and was about to fly off, N looked at Y/N and Uzi, and turned back to J. "Uh.. J? Just outta curiosity, d-do we actually know what the company plans do to with us afterwards?"
Uzi and y/n glanced at each other in surprise, and looked back at N.
"Excuse me?" Said J, turning to face N and put her hands in her waist.
"Okay, so a worker earlier might have suggested that they could fix up our landing pod and use it to uh... you know, escape the planet and stuff.." Said N in the most reasonable way to not upset J. "..which got me thinking, why our pods were only one-way in the first place? Cause y'know, I get the feeling the company doesn't actually love robots, and well, we might be robots?"
Y/N knew N should not have brought that up. N glanced at y/n and they looked at him with a 'you might regret that' look.
"I made a terrible mistake." Said N, looking back at J.
"Hm, no way buddy. Questioning the company? You just finally gave me the excuse I needed." Said J approaching N with a smile, then she stuck a virus into N, making him fall on the ground. Y/N stood up immediately, crouched on their knees, and held N bridal style. "Worker drones are corrupted N, that's why the company sent us." Said J, walking away again. "Tsk. I hate to see you corrupted as well"
"T-thanks J. Always looking out for me." Said N, glitching. Y/N bit their tongue, because they knew they would regret what they wanted to say to J.
J chuckled, and flew off. The room went silent as y/n inspected N with a worried expression. Uzi came out of the boxes she hid behind, picked up her railgun, and looked at N with a worried face too.
"Ah biscuits, i-im sorry i ruined your card game, and made you have an awkward moment with your dad." Said N, still glitching.
"And i made you rebel like an angsty teen, which got you killed, though, you also tried to kill me, so morality calls this a draw." Said Uzi as she pulled a box, stood on it, and reached for a vent, which she was far from reaching.
"Ugh. For the record, that was the lamest heel face-turn in history. Was that supposed to be you switching sides?" Said Uzi turning at N.
Y/N frowned at Uzi and turned to N.
"You did great" They whispered to N. His eyescreen malfunctioned, but y/n saw as he blushed for a split second.
Y/N looked around the room and saw a wrench, reached for it, inspected it, and turned to Uzi.
"You know how to fix things?" Y/N asked Uzi. Uzi looked at the wrench, got off the box she was standing on, and took it.
"Surgery time?" Uzi said looking at y/n. They turned to N and frowned.
"This'll hurt a bit." Y/N told N.
"Heh. I love doing anything!" Said N, y/n smiled a bit as they looked at N, then dropped him carefully on the floor, and left Uzi in charge.

J and V had found the worker drone's evacuation spot, and surrounded then. They backed up in fear, and V stabbed one of them with her wing, and brought him close to her laughing maniacally.
"Hey!" Shouted Uzi from afar to get V's attention. "Put that conventionally attractive male down!" She commanded. And y/n nudged her elbow teasing her. Fortunately, V let go of the boy, and y/n, Uzi, and N, had their entire attention.
"J, y-you're sometimes kind of mean to me, and I w-wish you weren't, just some constructive criticism!" Said N trying to confront J. He and y/n fist-bumped each other.
"Noted. Traitors." Answered J.
"I'll go for J. N, you go for V." Said Uzi.
"I'll back you both up!" Said y/n, flying into the sky.
Uzi took N's pen and threw it at J, it poked one of the yellow balls on her head, making the yellow liquid shoot right out, making J scream in panic. Meanwhile, N was nervous to fight V as she went full sinister mode and ran at full speed towards him. Y/N watched from the sky, making sure no one got hurt. Before they knew it, Uzi had broken another one of J's yellow capsules, and V shot huge lasers that made everyone duck, almost shot y/n, and soon enough V had N on the floor. A worker drone got too close to the battle.
"No! Stay away!" Shouted y/n from afar.
Unexpectedly, V charged at the worker while N was still in the floor. V jumped into the air to land stabbing the worker, but y/n stopped her with their wing right when she was about to stab the worker. V fell to the ground and pulled out her knife-arm, so did y/n. They charged at each other and ended up pushing each other back with their knife-arm, face to face, y/n pushed with all their strength, while V laughed. Finally, y/n pushed V away and put down her knife-arm weakly. V fell on her feet, and giggled as she approached y/n once again, but N intervened and attacked V to defend y/n. Y/N caught their breath, and stood up weakly.
"T-thanks N." Y/N blushed smiling softly at him. N, who was still fighting V, turned back to y/n, and smiled back. N aimed at V with his gun-arm, but instead of a bomb, came out cute little pink hearts.
"Ah!" Said N, startled, looking at y/n, who was confused at first. "My mind's in a weird place! D-don't read into this y/n!"
Y/N just giggled and sat on a crate, laying their head on their hand in amusement.
"cute!" squealed a random worker drone who watched the whole thing.
"H-Huh?!" Said y/n as they turned to the crowd startled and blushing.
Then everything went dark, and blue lighting appeared out of nowhere. Y/N and the worker drones looked at the source immediately, it was J. She held her hand in the air, summoning blue lightning, the disassembly drones had never seen anything like it. The lightning turned into a glowing blue ball of energy at J's hand, which made a big blue heavy substance release into the air, making Uzi malfunction and fall into the ground with an empty eyescreen. J started approaching her and pushed her railgun away from her.
"Uzi!" Yelled y/n flying off towards her.
Meanwhile, N had caught V off guard and kicked her in the air, sending her to the ground, defeated.
"You've got a lot of guts for a barely sentient toaster.." began J. "I've had prey fight back before, but your edgy spirit's just so... painful?" J stopped when she realized  she had stuck her own syringe in her foot. She started talking gibberish as she hopped on one foot backwards and fell. Y/N had taken Uzi's railgun and pointed it at J's face once she was on the ground.
"One more word and I will!" Said y/n. J looked around in surprise.
"E-equity partnership-" Stammered J before y/n blasted her with a big green glowing explosion from Uzi's railgun.
"Bitch!" Giggled y/n putting down the railgun. Then they ran towards Uzi and helped her up, handing her railgun back.
The worker drones got out of their hiding places and cheered. Uzi almost fell again from her weakness after J's blue blast, luckily N caught her and placed her on his shoulders, while V sat cross-armed and curled up on the floor. Y/N approached V and bent down to her giggling in her face. V just hissed at them.
"Holy shit Uzi that was insane!" Said the male worker drone who Uzi called 'conventionally attractive' earlier. "You too, uhh.."
"Huh? Oh, uh N!" Said N.
"And y/n!" Said y/n.
"Ahem." Said a male voice in the background.
The crowd moved to the side to reveal Uzi's father at the back of it.
"I brought the murder drones here accidentally." Said Uzi and she threw a wrench to the floor. "You chose to leave me for dead, instead of just freaking believing in me! And that's not even an edgy teen hyperbole like when I said it last week!" Uzi paused for a minute, it sounded like she was sobbing, but she slapped herself quickly. "I'll save you the trouble dad, I banish myself!"
Everyone turned to Uzi's dad, who wanted to say something, but couldn't find the words.
"Let's go N and y/n. Everyone here can bite me." Said Uzi.
Y/N pulled V by her collar and them and N started walking away.
"Nice to meet you Mr. Uzi-" Tried to say N before being interrupted.
"Shut it." Interrupted Uzi hitting N's head.
And they flew off into the sky.

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