chapter 2: welcome to the team

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"Ugh..." y/n groaned as they woke with a bad headache. They were sitting on a chair inside a small landing pod. They weren't alone though. In front of y/n stood 3 strangely familiar figures. Tall, yellow eyes, wings...all that.
"H-huh?! Who're you?! And why am I here?!"
"Relax idiot. You're one of us now." Said the one with pigtails with her hands in her waist.
Y/N looked at themselves and realized they weren't a normal worker drone anymore. They were exactly like the 3 figures in front of you.
"A-and what exactly are you?" Asked y/n in confusion.
"I'm serial designation J, I'm the leader of the team. We're murder drones, which means we're different than the rest, and-" explained J, the pigtail girl.
"We're programmed to murder, it's so fun!" The short haired girl interrupted, like a psycho while she giggled.
"Don't worry. V's a psycho. Basically, we drink the worker drones' oil, so we survive. Simple." Said J.
"A-and what if I don't-" stuttered y/n
"Then you overheat and die." Stated J.
Y/N stared in shock. This was happening too fast. Wait. How did this even happen? Why didn't they murder them? They got flashbacks from an explosion, and falling off a spacecraft when letting go of someone's hand, then barely conscious, they were taken by these murder drones.
"But I'm not a murder drone. Or at least I wasn't." Said y/n.
"Hm. Well look at yourself. You are now." Smiled J.
"But... how?" Tried to ask y/n.
"No questions yet freak. Anyways, let me explain your duty." Interrupted J. " must follow my instructions, murder worker drones, destroy everything, attempt to get past those doors over there...etc."
Y/N listened to J while they realized there was no going back. They had no idea how this happened, but this was how your life was gonna be from here on out. Your entire purpose was murdering.
" yeah, any questions?-" finished J.
"Mhm. Were you guys also worker drones before? And why were you programmed to murder everyone?"
The room went silent and everyone stared at y/n.
"Uh n-not that we remember b-but-" Tried to answer the male murder drone who hadn't spoken yet.
"Shut up N. We don't ask those kinds of questions y/n."
Y/N stared at J and then at poor N who had been shut up. And then realized they hadn't said their name yet. How did J know it? Y/N decided to shut their mouth as they didn't want to upset J anymore. Y/N just looked at J in confusion.
"Well anywho, you will now be known as Serial Designation y/n." Said J. "Come on V, let's go find worker drones, we'll leave N here with you y/n, he's useless anyways!"
"Yuppie!" Giggled V as she flew off violently and an X appeared on her eyescreen again.
And they were gone.

"So... I'm serial designation N!" Saluted N cheerfully.
"Well, I'm y/n." Smiled y/n.
"Nice to meet you y/n!" N said as he held his hand out to shake yours. Y/N shakes his hand back.
"Why were those other drones mean to you N?" Y/N asked with worry.
"Oh, they're always like that! But don't mind them, they're awesome, and maybe I am a little useless." Said N with a bright mood.
"Oh really?" Said y/n crossing their arms. "You wanna bet?"
"Huh? What do you mean-?" Said N with a surprised expression.
"Let's go find some worker drones." Giggled y/n flying away. "You can show me your talents!"
N blushed for a second, then shook his head and followed behind y/n.

"Catch y/n!" Said N throwing a worker drone's head at y/n.
Y/N giggled as they caught the head and drank some of its remaining oil. Y/N and N had just murdered a bunch of worker drones together.
"That was great! See, you aren't useless if you ask me!" Y/N told N.
"Oh, no one's ever said that to me before, thanks!" Smiled N.
"And why's that?" Asked y/n. "You're awesome."
Y/N could see N's eyescreen had a heart for a second, then turned to normal. They realized N probably wasn't used to people appreciating him.
"We should get back-!" Said N, flustered.
"Race you to the landing pod?" Y/N asked cheerfully.
"You're on!" Shouted N as he flew into the sky, followed by y/n.

"First!" Yelled N proudly as he landed feet first on the landing pod.
"Woah!" Then Y/N came crashing down into the snow face-first. "Hey, no fair! I'm still getting used to these wings."
"Well you better learn before you crash that pretty- FUNNY! I mean funny face of yours!" Said N holding out his hand to y/n's. (who was still laying on the ground.) They took it and N pulled them up. Y/N giggled as they heard V laughing maniacally in the distance. It took a second for N to realize they were still holding hands, and immediately let go before J landed.
"The hell are you doing outside?" Asked J.
"We were just on the lookout!" Responded y/n immediately.
"That's right!" Followed N.
Then V came landing violently, licking oil off her knife-fingers.
"Well I've had enough murder for one day!" Laughed V, skipping inside the landing pod, followed by J.
"Same!" Said y/n once they left, fist-bumping N, and walking inside.

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