chapter 12: into the woods

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"ugh..." y/n groaned softly rubbing their eyes as they sat up from the floor. They stared at the door lifelessly for a few seconds
before the door burst open, the freezing winter breeze hitting y/n in the face like a giant ice cube. Y/N opened their eyes wide and blinked a few times clearing their vision to see N in front of them.
"you good?" He asked.
Y/N stared at him for a few seconds without saying anything and then collapsed back down on the floor.
"W-What happened to you guys?" N asked crossing his arms at the two figures at his feet.
"Forget about us, where the hell were you? And where's Uzi?" Responded y/n.
"Oh! About that..." N scratched his head as he spoke. "See, Uzi is supposed to go camping for a school field trip to the woods today, and I kinda volunteered to 'watch over the campers'...I actually volunteered so I could distract the campers so they don't find Uzi doing mystery stuff.." He mumbled that last part.
Y/N blinked at him.
"..I could go with..!" Y/N then said.
"Perfect! What about V?"
"Eh, she'll go too."
"You sure? She seems... um, asleep?"
"I'll make her."
N just smiled and climbed out of the pod.
"Right." Y/N clapped their hands together standing up. "Time for mission wake-up-V-and-convince-her-to-watch-over-worker-drones-and-resist-herself-from-eating-them-like-a-cannibal-just-to-help-a-random-purple-haired-drone-do-god-knows-what... easy enough."
"Hey, y/n? Just thought you might want these!" N peeked inside the landing pod throwing some greenish clothes at y/n.
"Thanks" y/n sighed. "WAKE UP V!" Y/N shook V by her shoulders sitting her up.
"Whaddaya want"
"We're going camping."
"Yeah no"
"We're going with those friends of yours from last night"
"Oh cool."
"Supposedly, we're gonna 'watch over them'."
"Okay? I guess..."
"Which also means we get to wear these cute clothes-!"
That didn't take too much convincing... hm. Easy.


Uzi stepped out of the school bus uneasily after all her classmates. She looked around the forest in front of her and started walking forward. She then stopped to look two collars sitting on her hand with skulls and numbers. Then she looked in front of her to see a sign. 'CAMP 98.7' it read. Sending Uzi into a flashback.
"I... didn't notice the collars.." Uzi's dad said looking at a picture of Uzi's mom at the very same camp. "..only that your mom was a catch!" He did finger guns at Uzi, who stared at him like he was an idiot.
He opened a door that said 'Nori's Kooky Insane Stuff' on it. Yes. The stuff in there was very kooky. Drawings of murder drones. But they were different. Like they came out of a horror movie. X's drawn across their face along with ear-to-ear sinister grins, and they were completely pitch-black. Drawings of the corpse mountain with eyes surrounding it. Graphic drawings of creepy smiling mouths with lots of unnaturally sharp teeth.Basically creepy stuff.
"She was always like 'build doors against the coming sky demons!', 'The singularity awakens...', 'look at this cool S I can draw!'"
Uzi's dad said, then sighed. "Turns out, I'm not who either of you needed. He shut the door in front of them. "Just... be safe, okay?" He said genuinely worried as he handed Uzi the collar that now glimmered in her hand in the dark of the night. She then put it on herself frowning.
"Uh, teacher. What is this field trip?" A student asked. The group of students stood confused in front of a wood cabin, as the professor placed a seat on the roof to relax in.
"Yeah. Uzi's idea. Ask her." He replied in a deep voice.
"Who?" The student scoffed.
"I've sat next to you for years." Uzi said from behind him. Startling the student and everyone else. Who apparently forgot about her existence.
"Bite me! I, asked to go alone! He's mad at your test scores!" Uzi pointed accusingly at the professor who now relaxed with a hat over his face.
"No year end bonus. No learning." He pulled the hat up for a second and pulled it back down.
"So, we're just unsupervised?!" The student asked. Immediately three murder drones, V, N, and Y/N, landed harshly in front of the group, right on cue, making them yell and jump. 'Ah!' 'What the-' 'Woah!' 'Ow!' Were some things heard among the students.
The murder drones kept their heads down and their backs to the group of students, then Y/N turned slowly at them with a wide sinister grin, and an X on their eyescreen. Making them look very creepy and weird. And making the students genuinely scared.
"Welcome campers! Let's sound off!" N exclaimed brightly changing the mood completely as the other two drones also stood up and turned to the group. "One, two, three..!" He said pointing at V, Y/N, himself, and some student, waiting for the student to say 'four'. Everyone went silent staring in fear at the drones in front of them. V shot the student who had ignored N and the poor guy fell to the snow with his bleeding eyescreen. The other classmates stared at the corpse with hollowed eyes for a bit and immediately turned to the murder drones saying a number and saluting. Lots of numbers were heard at once.
"That's everyone!" N checked the list.
"Minus one.." Y/N mumbled to V and N.
"We've got so many distracting activities planned-!" N said spreading his arms to the sky. " no sneaking off to investigate stuff!" He mumbled looking at Uzi behind the checklist. Uzi blushed and looked away.
"To the bunks!" Y/N interrupted pointing at the wooden cabin behind them and walking a bit closer. They then frowned as they looked at V then at the group expectingly.
They all still stared at them with fearful eyes for a second and Uzi opened her mouth to say something but before she could, Thad spoke up.
"Sounds good N!" He said walking to N and standing beside him.
"Anything for my bestie!" Lizzie said moving towards V and fist-bumping her.
The 5 of them looked at the students, who now smiled. They didn't have fear and felt safer knowing Thad and Lizzie trust them.
"I- Yeah! they're like, my friends too, so, heh, it's cool." Uzi blushed a few steps behind her classmates and gave a thumbs up.
Now, her classmates looked at her in horror like she was a destructive killing machine who was about to eat them alive. They yelled startled and ran over to the murder drones.
"You can be our friend little guy!" A pigtailed girl said to N.
"Them too!" Someone pointed at Y/N.
"Poor thing's defective." Some guy said poking V's eyescreen making her flinch and a small anger symbol appeared beside her eye as she growled and grabbed the guy's arm ready to end him. Y/N nudged V's elbow and she glanced at Uzi, who stood with hollowed eyes at the sight of all her classmates making friends with the murder drones. V read her thoughts and smiled.
"Nah, just full of love!" She made a little pose with cute cartoonish eyes and curved her tail into a heart. "This one's a pilot..!" She mumbled as she pointed at N who just frowned.
"Oh! Heh-heh, wow, a pilot.." A short haired female drone said giggling and tucking her hair behind her ear as if to flirt with N.
Y/N looked her up and down with a 'tf is wrong with you' frown. And N looked at the girl weirdly before glancing at Uzi. She did some hand signals saying she's off to investigate a bit, N frowned worriedly as he nodded at her and she walked into the woods confidently.

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