chapter 13: like a bird of prey

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The campers watched N as he shot an arrow right at the bullseye. Then shot another one right through the first one, then through the second one, until he literally lit up the target at the fifth shot.

"Argh! Sorry!" He said, then stared at the bow in his hands. "Did I... cheat?"

He looked back into the crowd, who were staring at him blankly. Until some kid accidentally shot an arrow into the head of the guy standing beside him. No one even flinched though, as the body collapsed into the snow and squirt some blood out.

"Tsk, you didn't even kill anyone." V, who was currently sitting at the roof of the tiny lodge they were at with Lizzie, jumped off with a flip and started walking towards N after she took the dead body's bow and arrows. "Check this out." She aimed at the target, but suddenly turned, aiming at the crowd of  students, some hollowed their eyes and grabbed y/n's arms tightly, in fear of V.

When V didn't shoot immediately, they figured she wasn't threatening them, and clapped instead. (Just kidding, they just clapped cause if they didn't, V would end them right there.)

Uzi took a step closer to the group, still a few feet away from them, hiding behind a tree.
"PST! Hey!" Uzi whisper-yelled peeking outside of the tree. Catching N's attention. He turned his head to see her waving at him from behind a tree.

'Hello :)' Read the chat bubble above the little robot-insect Uzi held in her hand. She clicked the insect, changing the message on the bubble.

'Don't tell V I'm here.'  She brought her finger to her lips, signaling a 'shhh'.
However, stupid little N didn't take the hint.

"Uzi! Get on out here! This group's a team!" N yelled at Uzi making movements with his hand.

"Hm?" Y/N hummed curiously looking at N and tilting their head in confusion.

':0' Read the chat bubble as Uzi hollowed her eyes in surprise and maybe fear.

N finally understood after he spoke, hollowing his eyes as well.

"Wait no! Inclusive reflexes!" He panicked yelling to himself. Y/N slapped themselves in the face, reading the situation immediately.

V turned her head and lowered her bow, looking at Uzi behind the tree.

'D: !!' Read the chat bubble when Uzi noticed V caught her. She chuckled awkwardly, walking out of her hiding spot with her hands behind her back.

"Hey everyone!" She said trying to play it cool, shooting finger guns at the now startled students.

A guy who aimed his bow and arrow didn't hear her, looking confusedly at the students who covered their mouths, their eyes filled with fear. He looked at the direction they were staring, jumping startled when he saw Uzi, causing him to release the arrow, which shot straight toward Uzi.

Uzi saw it coming, but she managed to stop the arrow right in her face with her absolute solver powers. The arrow stayed still in the air, in front of the absolute solver symbol held on Uzi's trembling hand, commanding it. Her eyes hollowed as she realized she was being seen by her classmates, V, N, and y/n.

Her screen glitched to saying 'HIGH TEMP' again as the absolute solver symbol started glitching orange, and the arrow she was levitating started wobbling and turning into a blood-like horrible-looking slimey liquid, which dropped into the snow and started glowing and coming to life, before they knew it, there was a little creepy orange blob with six eyes and many little arms that flapped and flapped in the bloody puddle it was in.

Everyone stared horrified. Y/N and V shared stunned looks.

"Um, I-ignore- all of this-" Uzi stuttered walking a few steps back and covering her absolute solver eye with one hand, while the other motioned at the disgusting mess in front of her. "U-Uh-!" She panicked breathing heavily as Rebecca and a random guy approached N and held both his arms with hollowed eyes, while Y/N and the pigtail girl held each other close, also in fear. V frowned and stood in a defensive pose, revealing her blades ready to charge at Uzi.

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