chapter 11: the nightclub

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(Again, remember, in this story drones can drink or eat or whatever)

"Wooo! Tonight!" V yelled, she was pretty excited.
"Shhh!" Y/N hushed her. V was pretty much the only one awake there.
V clicked her tongue and walked towards the sleeping drones. She morphed her arm into a... megaphone?! And took a deep breath before...
"WAKE UP LOSERS" She yelled (very) loudly into the megaphone. N jumped and sat up startled, Uzi just turned around and covered her head in pillows, but y/n fell off whatever they were sleeping on, causing a thump.
"Ow! V, the hell?!" Y/N exclaimed getting up from the floor holding their head from the pain.
"Oops!" Giggled V innocently.
"V, I swear to god.." hissed y/n going up to V with sword-arms.
"WOAH, hey!" N stopped them.
"..I will tear you to pieces if you ever give me a concussion by waking me like that again-!" Y/N whispered. V gasped very dramatically, almost sarcastically, and then leaned closer to y/n.
"I'd like to see you try."  She chuckled in their face. Y/N turned into violent mode suddenly, and just lost their humanity as they tried hopelessly getting past N, who blocked V and Y/N from starting a cat fight. V just smiled from the other side watching Y/N in amusement, which made them more violent by the second.
"CAN YOU ALL JUST FUCKING SHUT IT!?" Uzi suddenly lost it and yelled from her bed. Everyone looked at her and blinked with blank expressions on their faces.
"It was V!" "It was Y/N!" Y/N and V pointed at each other in unison and rolled their eyes.
"...aaanywho, let's just uh, get ready for the party?" N suggested.
"Sure!" Y/N answered, changing their mood all of a sudden, heading to grab their clothes and find somewhere to dress up.
"okay..?" V did the same after looking at y/n with confusion.
Uzi purposely rolled out of bed and dragged herself to change a few minutes later.

"Are you sure about this uh..." Uzi said walking out of wherever she was changing and inspecting her clothes. "..outfit..?"
"Wow, you look better than before, surprisingly" V muttered.
"Are we ready? 'Cause we were supposed to be there an hour ago.." Y/N scratched the back of their neck.
"Shit! We better hurry" V said flying off.
"..does she even know where the nightclub is?" N asked concerned.
"haha, no." Uzi answered.
"Hop on my back Uzi" Y/N offered. Uzi groaned loudly as she climbed onto y/n's back. Then they flew off with N towards the colony.

"Right this way..." Uzi mumbled leading N, V, and Y/N through the long halls of the colony.
N fidgeted his fingers nervously, Y/N was internally panicking, and V and Uzi seemed calm and collected. The drones were nervous because they didn't know how the others would react.
"We're here." Uzi announced.

" Uzi announced

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