chapter 15: past dwellers

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A/N: This chapter is unnecessary, as Y/N does not appear in N's past memories. I thought of not writing it at all, but then I thought it would seem kind of incomplete, so if you want, you can read it, but Y/N isn't in it, and it's 4677 words long. But there IS and important bit. I'll label it for y'all.



Lightning struck outside a victorian-style mansion. Outside, a thunderstorm unveiled. Inside, there were tons of worker drones dressed in maid/butler clothing. But they were all frozen in place, not moving a single hair. Their eyescreens all displayed these words: "ERROR: 606"

But, ONE drone, who sat in the library floor, wasn't frozen. This was N! He was reading a book about dog breeds.

"Commonly kept, this breed is known for its friendly, intelligent temperament, and soft golden coat!" He giggled as he turned the page. "Golden retrievers are alsoo- heh. Us as lizards. J drew herself." He held up a paper with some doodles. Two weird stickmen, and one very detailed chibi-like drawing of J. Next to these doodles, there was a writing: "Kill yourself"

N joyfully threw the paper away from him, cleared his throat, and went back to reading.

"-are also known for having gentle mouths.." Then he stopped to talk to himself. "Aw, that's why they're good with kids!" N shed a tear from adorable-ness.

Apparently though, he wasn't reading to himself. He was actually reading for V, who was one of the frozen drones with Error 606. But V was actually standing in front of a trapdoor which led to some weird creepy basement.

N heard a loud thump.

He looked for the source, and as he heard more thumps, he realized it was coming from the basement trapdoor behind V. Someone was pounding on it.

He stood up and stared at V and this weird trapdoor skeptically, but then he heard another thump. But not from the basement.

He turned around and saw a book on the floor. The book was titled "Danger"

Some more books fell. These were titled "Enter" and "The spooky basement". What a weird coincidence. More pounding came from the basement trapdoor and N stared at it afraid and tense.

After a second of horror, he decided it's not worth it. He shook his head and walked out sticking up a peace sign.


A little bug crawled around the kitchen island. It crawled onto a cup of tea, not realizing the cup was filled with blood. He slurped a bit of blood gently, until a dead bug corpse floated above the blood. Traumatized, it turned away from the cup and stared in terror at the person who owned the cup.

"Stab." A robotic voice said. The bug was... well, stabbed. By a claw.

N walked inside the kitchen holding a tray with wine glasses.

"You seem upset, big brother N." The voice said. That voice... oh! The same voice of that absolute solver robot machine thingy with lots of eyes who tried to kill Uzi! (In chapter 6: reality or not..?)

N looked up to see the silhouette of that same creature for a split second, then some lightning struck and the silhouette of the monster disappeared. In its place, stood a young worker drone with yellow eyes. Cyn!

"Perhaps you'd like to attend the gala with me?" Cyn says in the same weird voice. "Light sip." She took a sip of the "tea".

"Oh, I'm not sure we're invited little buddy. Why not just hang with me?" N said walking to the kitchen island, placing his tray on the counter, and doing tricks with the glasses as he cleaned them.

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