chapter 3: meeting uzi

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"Come on N!" Said y/n.
Two months had passed since y/n became a murder drone. They had killed countless drones alongside N now.
"I think we're done here!" Continued y/n.
"If you say so-" answered N, letting go of a worker drone's dead body.
They flew over to the landing pod together and landed on their feet.
"You're getting good at landing." Said N
"Why thank you!" Answered y/n with a small jokeful bow. "So V and J aren't back yet, Huh?"
"I guess not. Wanna go explore and see if we can spot them?" Proposed N.
"Sounds like a plan." Said y/n.
They started walking around the snow and making jokes until y/n threw a snowball at N and started a snowball fight. They ended up fighting playfully until y/n yeeted N into the sky. They sent N flying towards the landing pod, but luckily he landed on his feet, as always, he saw some worker drone's head on the roof and started feasting on some leftover oil, he was about to fly back to y/n, until he noticed a small purple-haired worker drone watching him through a mirror. And he decided to surprise her. The worker drone recharged a railgun, but just then, N hit the ground very violently causing a quake and sent the worker drone flying, and her railgun the other way.
Y/N worried as N didn't come back immediately, so they started flying towards the landing pod. Meanwhile, N started attacking the drone, and stuck his syringe in her hand, y/n landed just to see their friend sending a worker drone flying with his syringe, his eyescreen with a big X on it. They were amused. The worker drone reached her railgun as N aimed at her, but before he could shoot, the worker drone fired her railgun, causing a blinding green "explosion", y/n covered their eyes immediately, a few seconds later uncovered them to see their headless friend fall to the ground.
"Holy shit, suck on that dad!" Gasped the purple haired girl, then turned to see y/n giggling at the sight. "Oh, uh sorry about your friend by the way"
"He's fine." Answered y/n putting their hands on their waist, as N dramatically rised from the ground, regenerating his head.
The worker drone gasped and picked up a body less arm, ran over to N and slapped him across the face. His eyescreen went from "ERROR" to normal.
"Did you just slap me with that arm?" Said N cluelessly.
"Holy shit, it talks." Said the worker drone.
"Yeah, sorry, it's just uh, my... head kinda hurts." Said N scratching the back of his neck. "So, are you new to our squad? You're a little uh... short, for a disassembly drone." His face turned suspicious for a moment, then turned to its cheerful and friendly way. Y/N just stared at him like he was stupid. While the worker drone stared at him with a stupid smile.
"I'm serial designation N! Nice to meet you!-" said N.
"And I'm serial designation y/n!" Y/N interrupted.
"Yeah uh my name's uzi..." the worker drone said slowly
"Im kind of the leader of the squad in this city..." chuckled N proudly as y/n rolled their eyes. "That's not true everyone says im useless and terrible...wait, I'm not supposed to tell you that part!" His tail straightened like a startled cat, which y/n thought was adorable. "Biscuits..!Well, honesty is the best policy!" N chuckled "...i also can't seem to remember the past three hours of my life.." he said in a lower tone. Well that explains it, thought y/n. "Well, Im sure that will sort itself out!" and then he just stared with a wide smile.
Uzi and y/n looked at each other with visible confusion in their eyes, and looked back at N.
"Uhhuh... I uh, have to.. go." Said Uzi, with the arm still in her hand. But as she walked away, she stopped, dropped the arm she was holding, and held her wrist tight in pain. Y/N noticed her hand had a melting hole in the middle of it. They approached her and inspected her hand. Then walked towards N.
"Stuck yourself?" Asked N stupidly a few feet away. "Just plop it in your mouth. Our saliva neutralized the nanites, otherwise I'd be constantly disassembling myself, heh-" He said as y/n caught his syringe, which was about to sting his head.
"Mhm." Y/N rolled their eyes playfully.
"...and by our saliva you mean.." asked uzi. "Disassembly drone?" Finished N and Uzi in unison.
"..great..." said uzi slowly "hey, let's go to that landing pod over there!"
"Sure! I love doing anything!" Answered N
Y/N shrugged and followed behind.

"We are never talking about this." Said Uzi seriously as she removed her hand from N's mouth. Y/N stared uncomfortably and tried to ignore it.
"Talking about what?" Chuckled N glancing at y/n a few times quickly. "Consider it.. repressed." Said N trying to be a cool boy. This made y/n chuckle silently.
"Uh you mentioned other members of your squad?" Asked Uzi.
"Oh yeah! Well first, there's V." Said N as he got a flashback of watching her awkwardly murdering worker drones and feeding them their own entrails, exploding stuff, using chainsaw hands, and laughing manically. "heh..." stared N blankly at the floor as he thought of it. "Uh, then there's J, our leader!" Said N changing his tone. N got flashbacks of J calling N worthless and terrible and telling him she would kill him if she was allowed, as her foot choked him on the ground. "J's awesome!" Said N smiling as Uzi was looking around the landing pod.
"..this isn't just a landing pod. This is a spaceship! This could get us off the planet!" Said Uzi
Y/N got a small flashback of themselves boarding a spaceship like this before, and flying up towards the atmosphere. Y/N was very confused by this memory, so they decided to ignore it, but kept it in mind.
"...more of a one-use missile." Contradicted N. "They never taught me how to land."
"How about you, y/n?" Asked Uzi.
"I-I.. can't remember.." Y/N said, trying to think, staring blankly at the window.
"Well... anyway, we could ask the worker drones for help fixing this thing! Instead of all the murder!" Said Uzi, pointing at N, in an accusational way, then stopped immediately. "which.. why are we doing that again?!"
"hm, other than investing their warm sweet-" said N going violent mode for a second. "-oil to avoid overheat and dying, I guess I just wanna be useful. I'm given a job, and I always try to do my best!"
Y/N thought this was cute and smiled at N. N took a glance at y/n and blushed looking away.
"-And look at all the respect it's gotten you N!" Said Uzi, standing on her chair. "You really think the company isn't going to dispose of you once all the workers are dead?!"
Y/N thought about this and realized they didn't really know what will happen to them.
Just that moment they heard noises on the roof of the landing pod and supposed that was V and J back from hunting.
"Oh! They're back! You'll-" said N turning to Uzi, but stopped at the realization she was no longer there.
"Idiots! Get out here!" Said J from outside.

"Yo, we got a worker out there I kinda wanna practice balloon animal shapes with!" Said V, falling from the ceiling. "Uh what happened here?"
"Synergistic liability here must have tripped and knocked himself offline." Said J, rolling her eyes and slapping N across the face which made his system reboot, and y/n got startled. "Moron bot? Hello?" Said J snapping her fingers attempting to wake N. He woke, and remembered Uzi and realized she wasn't actually a murder drone, and she blasted his head off with a railgun.
"Oh.." said N in realization. He saw Uzi's footprints and also realized she ran away so that V and J wouldn't attack her. "OHHHH! Yo, i-i left an e-extremely dangerous weapon- e-excuse! o-outside!" And with that he ran off.
Did he really just leave me with V and J?! Thought y/n. He didn't even tell them what the hell had happened. J, V, and y/n all stared suspiciously at N as he flew off. V even held out a 'Literally so insanely suspicious' sign out.
Over where Uzi was still running for her life, N caught up, a big X on his eyescreen and a wide grin as he looked at Uzi. This meant he wasn't behaving friendly anymore. Uzi ran inside the door where the rest of the worker drones lived safely. As she opened the door, the cold breeze and snowflakes came flying inside, so did Uzi, and N catching up to her.
"Ugh. Bite me. Close it, close it!" Yelled Uzi as she desperately tried to close the huge door with her keycard.
But right when it was about to close, something held the door a tiny bit open. Uzi looked back and immediately panicked when she saw N's knife-fingers holding the door open. The lights flickered as N pushed the door open with both his hands, emmiting a horrible creepy metal sound. As he did, the other workers at the door, who were currently playing Gin Rummy, stared at him in shock and fear.

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