chapter 6: reality or not?

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Y/N, N, and Uzi ran through the dark halls with weapons in hand, in search for Thad and the mysterious monster.
They ran inside a room where they met a hologram of Thad.
"Yes, hello, it's me, Ted.. Can I get a location?" He said awkwardly. N, Uzi and y/n looked at each other like something was not right. Uzi aimed her railgun at the Thad hologram.
"Predictably terrible work, J." Said Uzi. "And why do you look so-"
"Great! You look great J!" Interrupted N, scared to offend J.
"Wait! Oh no, guys, it's really me!" Tried to say Thad's hologram. "I-is that a f-freaking ninja star?" It glitched.
N threw the ninja star at the hologram, which y/n ran, did a spin, and kicked the ninja star in the air, going through the hologram, then to the ceiling. Which made the real Thad fall from the ceiling, along with a security camera connected to the huge centipede-like creature, acting like it's eyes.
"Phew, lifesavers again!" He said, standing up. "Super invited to my shindig next month! Cool kids only!" He said, pointing at the security camera thing, and he ran off.
Y/N, N, and Uzi, looked at each other and squealed in excitement.
"We're busy then, anyways." Said the monster in a computer voice, when tons of more security-camera eyes fell from the dark ceiling. "So whatever, so lame."
"What's with the voice, J?" Asked Uzi.
"Oh, J's not here, we are trying to repair that host as per our directive." It responded, revealing a hologram of J's headless body.
"So you are a program!" Said Uzi, still aiming with her railgun, and N noticed the same human hand from before crawling behind them.
"More like you're our cute puppets. It hurts that you don't remember us." Said the monster, turning the J hologram into a hologram of another purple-haired lady, holding a baby, it glitched away after the baby and woman's eyes turned into Uzi's symbol.
"Uhh guys..." Said Uzi uneasily. "W-what's with the mom hologram...?" She turned back, and realized N wasn't where he used to be, and a human hand, and the claw from before, approached her from behind.
"Not happening." Uzi turned back to the monster, and J's incomplete head also approached her from the ceiling, connected to the monster.
"Fair, but poor choice." The hologram said. "Now we will have to do something shocking." Next, the monster revealed Uzi's father as a claw held his head, and left his body hanging.
"Woah. Hey!" Uzi and y/n approached the monster and his dad, but the monster pulled him apart, ripping him in two.
"Goodbye, dad." The monster said, and J's incomplete head bit into his body, making blood fall on the floor.
"Wait.. what?" Uzi stood there in shock at the scene. Y/N glanced at her in worry and was also shocked.
Then a bomb exploded out of nowhere, blinding the monster for a second, and N appeared behind them.
"Uzi, shoot! Or give it to me!" N told her as he shot another bomb at the monster, who dodged it. "Uzi! You good?"
"No." Uzi trembled, handing N her railgun. When he reached for it, he smiled, glitched, and revealed one of the monster's security camera eyes and a claw taking her railgun from her, and pushing her violently to the other side of the room.
"Pranked, idiot." The monster said as it broke Uzi's railgun. Y/N charged at it, but unexpectedly, they were taken by a claw behind them. The monster clenched the claw it was grabbing y/n in, causing big scars in their torso, the monster grabbed y/n by their leg, making them hang upside down, blood dripping from their body, finally, the monster snapped y/n's leg, dropping them to the floor, y/n yelped in pain.
The monster now prepared to attack Uzi. It lifted her off the ground.
"Time to go into my mouth now." The monster said, getting closer to Uzi.
Suddenly, the monster shut off, letting go of Uzi, the security camera eyes and the claws all fell to the ground, followed by N with his chainsaw hand. Uzi's railgun was about to blow up, some of the monster's claws continued attacking N, but he dodged all the attacks. N picked up Uzi and y/n, and flew away quickly, leaving Uzi's railgun to explode near the monster.
N protected Uzi and y/n with his wings, when the explosion was over, they looked back at the empty room.
"W-which parts of that were real?" Said Uzi still trembling.
The "heart" of the monster started crawling on the floor.
"Sneaky, sneaky, sneaking away. Get snuck up on-" it said in its computer voice before N stabbed it with his syringe multiple times. N glanced at Uzi, who stared at y/n, and N realized they were badly hurt. He picked them up gently, looking at them with worry, and heard voices around the room. He touched Uzi's shoulder, in which she jumped in surprise.
"W-what.. are you things?" She looked at N in fear.
N blinked with hollowed eyes, as Uzi backed up. N took some steps away, and ran before Uzi's dad and some other workers entered the room.
"Uzi..?" He asked in confusion at the sight of his daughter. "What are you-?!" He stopped when Uzi unexpectedly hugged him tight, he returned the hug, and signaled for his workers to search the area. Uzi's dad managed to take a glimpse at N and y/n before N left. Uzi's dad frowned, and took his daughter away.

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