Chapter 1

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"Naruto Uzumaki, it's your turn." Iruka called out into the hallway for the next examine

Most of the kids who were also waiting for their exam snickered, thinking that the deadlast will fail again.

"Why is he trying again? He'll just fail like he did last year and the year before that."

"What a loser."

"Weakling. He can't even make a single clone."

Do your best Naruto. A certain lavenderette thought encouragely.

Naruto tried to avoid the snickers and tried to focus on the exam. Despite his hidden skill in Fuinjutsu, he was the worst at clones. Naruto took a deep breath and entered.

"Alright Naruto, perform a Clone Technique." Iruka said, hoping Naruto would pass

Naruto took a long breath and put his hands together and did the hand seals. Smoke appeared in the room and when it vanished, a sickly Naruto clone was on the floor twitching. Disappointment filled Naruto as he turned to face Iruka, who looked sad.

"I don't get it Naruto, you've been practicing and training hard this year but you clone always looks like that." Iruka gestured the Naruto Clone

Naruto looked down at the ground until Mizuki spoke up."Come on Iruka, let's give him a break. Naruto has tried three times, he's definitely got spirit."

Naruto looked hopeful for a moment before Iruka spoke again. "It doesn't matter, it's the rules. If he can't summon one functional clone, then he can't pass. I'm sorry Naruto." Iruka said sadly

Naruto only nodded sadly and stepped out of the room.

Perfect. Now I can begin my plan. Mizuki thought as he smirked evily


Naruto sat on the swings as he watched the parents congratulate their children for making it into the ninja ranks. His heart clenched as he saw a boy his age being hugged by his mother and father, with warm smiles on their faces.

Hinata Hyuga watched as her crush looked longily at the parents. He looked upset. So she would try to comfort him.

Hinata walked to the swing Naruto was on. She stepped on a twig and it got Naruto's attention. He turned to see Hinata with a somber smile on her face.

"Here to laugh?" Naruto said bitterly

"W-Why would I do that?" Hinata asked, confused on why someone would laugh at Naruto

"I was the only one who didn't pass." Naruto clarified

Hinata frowned. One of the things she loved about Naruto was his determination but Naruto looked so defeated in front of her.

"A-Are you going to try again?" Hinata asked

"Why? So I could screw up again? I need to face it, I'll never be Hokage..." Naruto said

"I-I believe you can do it." Hinata said

Naruto turned to face her at blinding speed, his eyes wide with suprise. "Y-You believe I could do it?"

Hinata nodded. "I-I t-think you'll be a great Hokage."

Naruto got off the swing and rushed at Hinata, hugging her. Hinata's face turn red as she felt strong arms wrap around her.

"Thank you. For believing in me." Naruto said into Hinata's neck

Hinata wrapped her arms around Naruto, returning the hug. "You're welcome Naruto-kun." Hinata was surprised she didn't stutter

"I don't care if I have to try again and again, I will become Hokage! Believe it!" Naruto said

Naruto turned to Hinata. "By the way, what's your name?"

Hinata felt her cheeks heat up. "H-Hinata H-Hyuga."

Naruto's smile only brightened. "Thanks Hinata-chan! I really needed to hear it. It was nice to meet you!" Naruto said before he left

"H-H-Hinata-c-c-chan!..." Hinata's face turned red

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