Chapter 10

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After a few hours, Naruto woke up and Sasuke was leaning against a tree, still reading the book and studying it carefully. Naruto looked down to see what he used as a pillow, it was Sasuke's bag and Sasuke's blanket was draped over his body.

"Does Fuinjutsu need special paper or will any paper do?" Sasuke asked Naruto, noticing he was awake

"That depends. For beginners, you need special chakra paper and ink with blood in it. With enough experience, you can do fuinjutsu with just your chakra." Naruto explained

"Why blood?"

"So if someone else comes across your seal and try to modify it, it won't work and the seal will try to protect itself. Only another Fuinjutsu can modify another seal without backfiring." Naruto explained again

"Very interesting." Sasuke said

"I'm sorry I'm late!" Hinata came in running

Sasuke and Naruto turned around to see Hinata, their hearts beated faster. Hinata's hair was longer and messier but in a cute way. Her outfit was different than the one they were both used too. It complimented her slim arms and legs nicely.

Hinata blushed at the attention she was receiving and put her hood on again, which both of they boys thought was cute

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Hinata blushed at the attention she was receiving and put her hood on again, which both of they boys thought was cute.

"Good morning everyone- not again!" Kakashi tried to greet but Hinata’s reflexes kicked in and punched Kakashi in the stomach

I gotta stop doing what with her... Kakashi thought as he laid on the ground

"Ah! I'm sorry sensei! You snuck up on me!" Hinata tried to apologize but Kakashi waved her off

Kakashi finally stood up. "Now I bet what you all are wondering, 'Why did I ask you all to met here?'."

"Yeah and why are you late?" Sasuke asked

"A black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way here." Kakashi said

"Bullshit." Naruto said

"A ninja never late or early, a ninja arrives precisely when they mean to. Take a page out of Hinata's book, follow her example." Kakashi patted Hinata on the shoulder

"Sure let's go with that..." Hinata said quietly

"Can we go back to why we're here again?" Sasuke asked

"Oh we're here to see if you three go back to the academy or not." Kakashi said


"You're kidding!"

"But we already passed the graduation ceremony!" Hinata yelled

"Of the 27 students who graduated, who just came here, only 9 will actually be accepted as genin. The other 18 will be weeded oit and sent back to the academy. In other words, this is a make it it or break it test and the change of you failing is at the very least 66%." Kakashi explained

"S-So what do we have to do to pass Kakashi-sensei?" Hinata asked nervously

Kakashi just laughed. "A survival exercise."

"Huh?" Naruto questioned at Kakashi brought out 2 bells

"If two of you get these bells from me: you'll pass and you get to eat your lunch." The trio's stomachs growled

So that’s why he told us not to eat. It'll make it harder for us. Hinata thought

"Hey why are there only 2 bells?" Naruto asked

"Well that way at least one of you will be tied to a post and be disqualified for failing to complete the test and ultimately be sent back to the academy. Then again, all three of you could flunk out as well." Kakashi answered

Kakashi then went to a stump and pulled a timer from out of nowhere. "Where did he get that from?" Hinata asked Naruto

"No idea. Storage seal, maybe?" Naruto answered, confused himself

Kakashi set the timer until noon. "You're test is simple. Get one of these bells by noon, if you can't: no lunch. I'll then tie you to the post and you'll have to watch me eat my lunch in front of you." Kakashi pointed to one of the three post

"You're test begins... now." Kakashi started the timer

The trio ran towards him and then jumped back, into the forest.

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